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What's his deal translate French

108 parallel translation
I suppose what you want from me, Dr. Finley... is permission to deal as drastically with Harvey... as his future conduct might deserve.
Vous voulez sans doute que je vous autorise à sévir s'il continue à mal se comporter.
In the sense that one may learn a good deal about a man by his clothing I am, in fact, advertising myself in the same sense that you, by your appearance, proclaim what you are.
S'il est vrai que sa façon de se vêtir nous en apprend sur l'individu, je fais, en effet, ma promotion. De même pour vous qui par votre apparence, affirmez ce que vous êtes.
Any chance he'll tell Kostas what to do with his money and walk away from the whole deal?
Et s'il dit à Kostas de garder son argent et l'affaire tombe à l'eau?
He's been bragging lately about what a big deal he's gonna be after his next voyage to Mexico.
Il se vantait récemment de l'importance qu'il aurait après son prochain voyage au Mexique.
It's what Chains needs all his money for. It's why he pushed his luck with the Mob. It's why he went for your deal.
C'est pour ça que Chains a besoin d'argent, qu'il a fait le coup avec la mafia et qu'il est en affaires avec toi.
If he sees us, can you imagine what he'll do? If he thinks I ruined his NBC deal and stole his girl!
Que fera-t-il s'il pense que je l'ai descendu aux yeux de NBC et que, en plus, j'ai piqué sa petite amie?
What's his deal? Tell me you're not slightly wigged.
Ca ne te travaille pas un peu?
What's his deal?
Qu'est-ce qu'on lui veut?
Everybody and his sister's got a million credit card numbers. What's the big deal?
Tout le monde et sa soeur avait un million de numéros de cartes de crédit.
- What's his deal?
- Que fait-il?
What's his deal?
Il a fait quoi?
Now what's his deal?
Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
What's his deal?
Quel est son problème?
What is his deal?
De quoi s'agit-il?
So what's his deal?
Que se passse t'il?
So what's his deal anyway?
C'est quoi son histoire de toute façon?
What's his deal?
Comment est-il?
What's the big deal about, what's his name, Bubblicious?
C'est comment déjà, Bubblicious? Gangstalicious.
- What's his deal?
- Le relancer?
But will, how am I supposed to handle this case and deal with this captain West and the bug that's up his you know what?
Mais, Will, comment suis-je censée m'occuper de cette affaire, du capitaine West et du balai qu'il a tu-sais-où?
He's making me deal with his patients while they focus on what's important : You.
Il m'oblige à m'occuper de ses patients pendant qu'ils se concentrent sur le plus important :
What's his deal?
C'est quoi son truc?
Apparently, he was able to hold on to his cell phone until a few moments ago and has given her a great deal of information about what's going on inside.
Apparament, il a été capable de l'appeler il y a quelques instants et lui a donné quelques informations sur ce qui se passe à l'intérieur.
OK, so what's his deal?
D'accord, c'est quoi son histoire?
I know, I get it, but what's his deal?
J'ai bien compris mais c'est quoi son truc?
- What is the big deal? He's top of his class.
- Il est le premier de sa classe.
When he comes through the Boundary, he will deal harshly with anyone who has come between him and what is rightfully his.
Quand il traversera la Frontière, il s'occupera de tous ceux qui seront entre lui, et ce qui lui appartient de droit.
- You know, like what's his deal?
Oui, c'est quoi, son trip?
Still, officially, I'm his intern, so what's his deal?
Mais officiellement, je suis son interne, donc parle-moi de lui.
what's his deal. max's deal?
Quel est son affaire. max de traiter?
So one of these wiseguys gets pinched for some drug thing in Jersey and to save his own ass he rats on Bobby for guess what?
Un de ces mafieux se fait choper dans un deal de dope et pour s'en sortir, il cafte sur Bobby pour... devinez?
What's his deal?
Qu'est-ce qu'il a?
What's the big deal if we take his key?
Ça fait quoi si on prend sa clé?
- What's his deal? What are his hobbies?
- C'est quoi, son truc, ses hobbies?
What's the big deal? His dad is the coffee.
Le café, c'est son père.
( SIGHING ) What's Gino's deal with his secretary?
Qu'est-ce que Gino fabrique avec son secrétaire?
What's his deal?
- Il a un problème?
What's his deal? Is he testing me?
Il cherche à me tester, ou quoi?
Once we meet with the A.U.S.A. and you tell them what you have, a deal gets worked out, and his life becomes about making yours happy.
Dès que vous aurez rencontré le procureur fédéral, et que vous lui aurez raconté ce que vous savez, un accord sera passé, et son unique but sera de vous satisfaire.
I don't know what your deal is, but Grandpa Huntington's name hasn't been mentioned around here much since he cut off his son for marring my sister.
Je ne sais pas ce que c'est votre problème, Mais le nom de Grand-Père Huntington n'a pas été beaucoup prononcé par ici depuis qu'il a renié son fils pour avoir épousé ma soeur.
Dude, what's his deal?
Qu'est-ce qui lui prend?
- What's his deal?
Qu'est-ce que vous me racontez là?
- What's his deal?
- C'est quoi, son problème?
So, big deal. What's the juiciest thing on his status update?
Et quel est le ragot le plus juteux de sa page?
So, what's his deal?
Quand vous travaillez en pédiatrie, il y a toujours des patients dont vous vous souciez réellement. Et d'autres non.
Gerald Tate's here. He wants to know what's happening to his deal.
Gerald Tate est là pour l'accord.
Seriously, man. What's his deal?
Sérieusement, c'est quoi?
What's his deal anyway?
son problème?
What do you mean, what's his deal? Oh, I don't know.
Comment ça?
Little cream puff over here. What's his deal?
La tarlouse, elle nous veut quoi?
- Yeah? What's his deal?
- Il fait quoi?

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