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Translate.vc / English → French / [ W ] / Where have you been hiding

Where have you been hiding translate French

110 parallel translation
Where have you been hiding all this time?
Où vous cachiez-vous?
Where have you been hiding?
- Vous me cherchiez?
Where have you been hiding? It's a wonder you wouldn't come see a guy.
Tu te fais plutôt rare, non?
But where have you been hiding to show up only now?
Mais où étais-tu tout ce temps pour n'appara ^ itre que maintenant?
Here's your cigar, and where have you been hiding?
Ton cigare! Où étais-tu caché?
Tell me, where have you been hiding?
Dites, où étiez vous caché?
Where have you been hiding?
Où tu t'es caché?
Where have you been hiding her?
Où la cachais-tu?
Well, now, where have you been hiding that dress?
D'où sortez-vous cette robe?
Where have you been hiding?
Où tu te caches?
Samantha, where have you been hiding him?
Samantha, tu nous l'avais caché.
Where have you been hiding your classically chiseled features?
Où t'étais-tu caché, mon mignon?
Where have you been hiding?
Tu n'as pas donné de nouvelles.
Where have you been hiding yourself?
Où étais-tu passée?
Where have you been hiding?
Où te caches-tu?
Where have you been hiding?
Où te cachais-tu?
Where have you been hiding?
Où vous cachiez-vous?
So where have you been hiding?
Où étais-tu tous ces jours?
Where have you been hiding?
Alors tu n'es pas mort?
Will, where have you been hiding yourself?
Alors, Will, où est-ce que tu étais encore caché?
Vincenzo, where have you been hiding?
Vincenzo, où étais-tu passé?
Where have you been hiding?
Où étais-tu fourré?
Hey Poomina, where have you been hiding, huh?
Où t'étais passée?
- Where have you been hiding? - Where have you been?
Où te cachais-tu?
For Pete's sakes, Norville! Where have you been hiding?
Amy, où vous cachiez-vous?
Commander, where have you been hiding since I seized the ship?
Capitaine, où vous cachiez-vous pendant tout ce temps?
So where have you been hiding her, if not at home?
Où la cachez-vous, Vince, sinon chez vous?
Where have you been hiding yourself?
Où étiez-vous caché?
Where have you been hiding yourself? I've been busy.
J'étais très occupé.
Crewman Biddle, where have you been hiding yourself?
Officier Biddle. Où étiez-vous passé?
Where have you been hiding?
Où étiez-vous caché?
Where have you been hiding? .
Où te cachais-tu?
For those of you just joining us, all I can say is where have you been hiding?
Si vous venez de nous rejoindre, qu'est-ce que vous fabriquiez?
Charlie, where have you been hiding this girl?
Charlie. Depuis quand me caches-tu cette fille?
Where have you been hiding him?
Où est-ce que tu l'as caché?
- Where have you been hiding?
- Où étais-tu? - Avec mes amis.
Where have you been hiding, hmm?
Où tu te cachais, mmm?
- Oh, where have you been hiding her?
- Tu me l'avais cachée celle-là!
- Tristan, where have you been hiding?
- Tristan, où te cachais-tu?
Where have you been hiding?
Où t'étais-tu étais caché, toi?
Yeah, henry, where have you been hiding that?
Ouais, Henry, où cachais-tu ça?
Yeah, where have you been hiding?
Où est-ce que tu te cachais?
Where have you all been hiding yourselves?
Où vous cachiez-vous?
Where have you been hiding yourself?
Où étiez-vous donc?
Where have they been hiding you from me?
Je ne vous ai jamais vu ici!
She's enchanting. Where have you been hiding her?
Vous la cachiez?
- Now, where have you been hi-diddly-hiding?
Mais, où est-ce que vous vous cachiez donc?
Christine Where in the world Have you been hiding?
D'où te vient ce talent enchanteur?
Where the fuck have you been hiding?
Où te cachais-tu, putain?
Where the hell have you been hiding?
Où tu te planquais?
Hi, Zhao! Where have you been hiding all these years?
Acte de vie et de mort où étais-tu depuis tout ce temps?

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