Who's that translate French
27,417 parallel translation
- Francis, who's that burger for?
- Francis, pour qui est ce hamburger?
'Cause that's who you try to bag. She's the goods.
- Elle, c'est le must.
- -Oh, now who's that?
C'est qui, encore?
- That's a totally different outfit. - Hmm? Um, if I worked here, you'd be getting the person who wrote the New Yorker article you liked.
Si j'étais engagée, vous auriez la personne qui a écrit l'article du New Yorker.
I'll open up a franchise if that's who you want me to be,
J'ouvrirai une franchise si c'est ce que tu veux.
Hey! She's the one who quit therapy and drove that poor woman into show business.
C'est elle qui a abandonné la thérapie, obligeant la psy à se lancer dans le monde du spectacle.
That's how two people who are partners are supposed to be?
C'est ça, une relation de couple?
That person you knew in your youth, who was smart and together, she's been chewed up and spit out. You'll never see her again- -What is going on?
Celle que tu connaissais dans ta jeunesse, posée et maligne, a été mâchouillée par la vie, et tu ne la reverras jamais.
Or a really hot guy's gonna turn up who we all wanna have sex with, who maybe we will all have sex with, cos it's just that kind of vibe.
Ou un mec canon va arriver et on voudra toutes coucher avec, et on le fera peut-être, si l'ambiance s'y prête.
So... who's paying for that, then?
Et qui paie pour ça? Merkel?
It's just that... there's this thing that's confusing me and I don't know who to turn to.
Il y a un truc qui me perturbe et je sais pas vers qui me tourner.
Um, well, might of, by accident, told the drug dealer who's doing security and drugs for my event, that I've got 60 grand cash in the house. What the fuck, Vod?
Il se peut que, par accident, j'aie dit au dealer qui s'occupe de la sécurité et de la drogue pour mon événement que j'ai 60 000 livres planquées ici.
It's often that understanding, decent person who's susceptible to these kinds of manipulations.
C'est souvent cette personne normale, compréhensive qui est réceptive à ce genre de manipulations.
Who knows what happened, but if there's any chance, you should let her know that we're doing everything we can.
Qui sait ce qui est arrivé, mais s'il y a une chance, tu devrais lui faire savoir qu'on fait tout ce qu'on peut.
Dude, who's that stone-cold hottie private investigator?
Mec, c'est qui cette enquêtrice sexy - glaciale?
They're not supposed to know who Wright's military advisor is, so they accept that they can't.
Ils ne sont pas supposés savoir qui a supervisé Wright à l'armée, et donc l'acceptent.
Let's just say though that they've made all the right calls and turns out nobody's looking for that money, but it's clear that the dead guy wanted to leave it to somebody who really needed it.
Disons qu'ils ont effectué toutes les démarches, que personne ne réclame cet argent, mais qu'il est évident que le mec mort voulait le laisser à quelqu'un qui en avait vraiment besoin.
- Who's that?
- C'est qui ça?
Well, yeah, it's easy to say that now because you know who Joy turned out to be.
C'est facile à dire maintenant en sachant ce qu'est devenue Joy.
I expect to be screwed over by an asshat that I don't know, but not from one who's supposed to be my friend.
Je m'attendais à me faire avoir par un inconnu stupide, mais pas par une personne supposée être mon amie.
- Who's that boy who was here? - Luis?
- Qui est ce garçon qui était là?
And anyone who's not that person is holding us back.
Celui qui n'est pas cette personne nous freine.
But don't you think that it's possible that I might make even more progress if I'm near the person who makes me feel complete and whole and safe?
Mais n'est-il pas possible que je progresse encore davantage auprès de la personne qui me complète et me rassure?
- DEA. I don't want to lose you, Dr. Edwards, but don't you think that it's possible that I might make even more progress if I'm near the person who makes me feel complete?
Je ne veux pas vous perdre, Dr Edwards, mais ne pensez-vous pas qu'il serait possible que je fasse encore plus de progrès si je suis près de la personne qui me fait me sentir entier?
- That's nice that that's how you frame it in your head, but how it looks from here is that you are an incredibly presumptuous and arrogant man who thinks he knows what's best for me and my son.
- Sympa comment tu l'imagines, mais de mon côté on dirait plutôt que tu es incroyablement présomptueux et arrogant qui pense à notre place.
Well, I'm not sure that a woman who's truly demure would insist on being dominated.
Je ne suis pas sûre qu'une femme qui soit réservée insisterait pour se faire dominer.
Who do you think she is with that guy that she's not with you?
Vous pensez qu'elle est qui avec ce type qui n'est pas vous?
I just gave you the Clavermore case because your husband, who loves you, came in and fought for it so that I could give it to him so that he could give it to you.
Je vous ai donné le cas Clavermore parce que votre mari, qui vous aime, s'est battu pour que je le lui donne pour qu'il puisse vous le donner.
That's who we are.
C'est nous.
- Who's been behind that?
- Qui est derrière tout ça?
If we learn anything about these dramas, it's that people can become who they always wanted to be.
Si ces dramas nous apprennent une chose, c'est que les gens peuvent devenir ce qu'ils ont toujours voulu.
And this girl, who's had so little opportunity, who's no longer allowed to be educated by people like you, she could actually help make that happen.
Et cette fille, qui a eu si peu d'occasion, qui n'est plus autorisée à avoir une éducation par des gens comme vous, elle pourrait aider à ce que cela arrive.
Who's paying for that?
Qui paie pour cela?
That is not the behavior of a woman who's ready to die.
Cela ne veut pas le comportement d'une femme qui est prête à mourir.
I think there is a choice even when there appears to be none, but it's the reaction that determines whether the choice is good or bad, not the person who makes it.
Je crois qu'il y a un choix même quand on croit qu'il y en a pas mais c'est la réaction qui détermine si le choix est bon ou mauvais, pas la personne qui le fait.
Let's see, we have a gardener who saw a moving van parked down the street that morning and an elderly neighbor who thinks that we should go and talk to those young punks down the street.
Voyons voir, nous avons un jardinier disant avoir vu un van de déménagement garé en bas de la rue ce matin-là et un voisin âgé pensant que nous devrions aller parler à ces jeunes voyous en bas de la rue.
So I remember that I know a guy who works as a bathroom butler at a club, and so I asked him if he knew other guys that work as bathroom butlers too, right?
Je ne souviens que je connais un gars qui travaille en tant que maître d'hôtel de salle de bain dans un club, et je lui ai demandé s'il connaissait d'autres gars qui travaillent en tant que maîtres d'hôtels aussi?
You can't just kick that to the curb for a woman who wasn't even a blip on the radar last New Year's.
Tu ne peux pas jetez ça aux oubliettes pour une femme qui n'était même pas un point sur le radar au dernier réveillon.
There's a guy in my pre-law class who always saves a seat for me, so I guess we'll see where that goes.
Il y a un mec, dans mes cours de droit qui me garde toujours une place, donc on verra où ça mène.
We don't know who that is.
On ne sait pas de qui il s'agit.
Well, that depends on who's asking.
Eh bien, cela dépend de qui pose.
We don't know what kind of op that robbery is meant to finance or who she's really working for.
Nous ne savons pas quelle opération ce braquage va financer ou pour qui elle bosse vraiment.
We have a highly placed source who's confident that she's a double agent.
Une source haut placée affirme que c'est un agent double.
Why would the person who wanted Pena put away three years ago be the same person that helped bust him out this morning?
Pourquoi celui qui voulait mettre Pena à l'écart il y a trois ans serait la même personne qui l'a aidé à s'échapper ce matin?
Your ex-boyfriend, who you spoke to right before he died, stole that laptop from Jared Zorn's house.
Votre ex-petit ami, à qui vous avez parlé avant qu'il meure, a volé l'ordinateur chez Jared Zorn.
My sister, who is heartbroken, admitted that she and Lola traded information using coded letters.
Ma sœur a admis, le cœur brisé, qu'elle et Lola échangeaient des informations en utilisant des lettres codées.
We want this to work, Stevie, because we want you to be with someone who deserves you, that's all.
On veut que cela fonctionne, Stevie, car on veut que tu sois avec quelqu'un qui te mérites, c'est tout.
Well, that's convenient because, for a while there, you were the one who we needed protection from.
Voilà qui est pratique, parce que, pendant un long moment ici, c'est de toi qu'il fallait nous protéger.
Well, if he was, that would be a major crime, but Jared's suspicions aside, the question we need to ask is, was there anyone who wanted this young man dead?
S'il l'a été, c'est un crime majeur, mais, en dehors des doutes de Jared, nous devons nous demander si quelqu'un voulait voir ce jeune homme mort?
Look, doing what you wanted here is important, but it's also important that this little girl doesn't grow up with any confusion about who her real family is.
Faire ce que tu souhaites est important, mais c'est aussi important que cette petite fille grandisse sans confusion sur qui est sa véritable famille.
So, um... consulting producer, who's like a technical expert, um... what's the going rate for something like that?
Alors... un assistant producteur, qui travaille comme technicien, il gagnerait combien?
who's that guy 128
who's that man 35
who's that girl 108
who's that woman 20
who's that lady 20
who's that from 19
who's that for 26
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
who's that man 35
who's that girl 108
who's that woman 20
who's that lady 20
who's that from 19
who's that for 26
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's me 2273
that's my baby 48
that is 2872
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20
that's me 2273
that's my baby 48
that is 2872
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20