You'd like him translate French
1,610 parallel translation
It doesn't make sense... you falling in love with a guy like him.
C'est pas normal que tu tombes amoureuse d'un type comme lui.
He's one of those kids, you know, trying to act all bad. But 10 seconds into a routine, I catch a glimpse of him. It's like I can just see this light shining out of him.
C'est un de ces enfants, tu sais, qui essaye d'agir comme un voyou... mais 10 secondes après qu'il commence à danser, je l'aperçois... et je vois cette lumière qui émane de lui.
I'd like you to step in for him, Chuck. I'd like you to become editor.
J'aimerais que tu le remplaces, comme directeur.
You'd like him.
Tu l'aimerais.
Dr. Wiley is on call if you'd like me to page him.
Je peux vous passer le Dr Wiley.
If it's all right with you, we'd like this buried with him.
Si tu es d'accord... on aimerait enterrer ça avec lui.
I can try him on his cell phone if you'd like.
Je vais essayer sur son portable.
I'd like to watch you fuck with him.
J'aimerai le regarder te baiser.
No, we're just starting a rescue operation of an outstanding citizen like you, so that you don't fall into the circle threatening every human being to crush him.
Non, on débute une opération de sauvetage d'un citoyen brillant comme toi, pour éviter que tu tombes dans le cercle, qui guette chaque humain, pour l'aplatir.
You found a baby looks just like him, thought you'd bring her home out of the goodness of your heart?
Tu as trouvé un bébé qui lui ressemble, et tu as pensé que tu pourrais lui amener pour qu'elle s'en occupe par charité?
Because you tried to stop Mr. Freely... but you knew you couldn't...'cause men like him never stop.
Parce que vous essayiez d'arrêter Mr. Freely... mais vous saviez que vous ne pouviez pas... car les types comme ça, ne s'arrêtent jamais.
Pitch him Citizen Kane, and unless there is at least three nude scenes he'd give you a look like he just smelled a fart.
Wow, Junior. N'allons pas trop vite. Marchez avant de courir.
You don't want him to get upset at a time like this,
Peut-on se mettre d'accord sur un point? Restons courtois.
You'd like to see him?
Vous voulez le voir?
He said you can call him tonight if you'd like.
Il a dit que vous pouviez l'appeler chez lui.
You guys can really use a visionary like him.
C'est bien d'avoir un visionnaire comme lui.
I could talk to him if you ´ d like.
Je peux lui parler si tu veux.
I'd really like him to do the follow-up, if you don't mind.
Je préfère que ce soit lui qui me suive, si ça ne vous gêne pas.
Well, when you see your father please remind him again how much we'd like to talk.
Quand vous verrez votre père veuillez lui rappelez, combien il est important que nous lui parlions.
Mr. Cohen, I told Ryan that if he ever pulls a stunt like that again, he's going to need a much better lawyer than you to get him out of it.
Monsieur Cohen, j'ai dis à Ryan que s'il refait un coup comme ça, il aura besoin d'un avocat bien meilleur que vous pour le sortir du pétrin.
If you weren't off helping your little friend Karen and her café, you might've been there for him like I was.
Si tu n'avais pas été entrain d'aider ta petite amie Karen et son café, tu aurais peut-être pu être là pour lui comme je l'étais.
You'd be surprised at how much Turk's eleven-year-old nephew sounds like him... and how worldly he is.
C'est dingue comme son neveu lui ressemble au téléphone... et il en connait un rayon à 11 ans.
Because, between me and you, Schmitty's been trying to hit that for like a minute, and I had to hook him up!
Schmitty a essayé de trouver une solution pendant presque une minute, et j'ai dû le tirer d'affaire!
You gave that faggot a blanket party, knowing you'd like to be under the blanket with him.
Tu as tabassé cette tapette, mais tu voulais être sous la couverture avec lui.
What other things would you like to tell him that you don't like about him?
Quoi d'autre, sur ce qui vous déplaît chez lui?
You'd like him. Girls do.
Il te plaira.
- Okay, would you tell him that I'd like very much to use my family's Bible which my family has bought at least twice now.
- Dites-lui que j'aimerais me servir de la Bible de ma famille que ma famille a achetée deux fois!
C'mon, d-do you even like him?
Est-ce que tu l'apprécies, au moins?
You might get him but there's plenty more like him out there.
Vous l'attraperez peut-être, mais y en a plein d'autres.
If you thought she was still alive, you'd be talking to him like you were standing on a window ledge, begging him not to jump.
Si vous la croyiez en vie, vous lui parleriez, comme s'il était sur le point de sauter d'un toit.
I'd like you to show him some respect.
Je voudrais que tu lui montres un certain respect.
You'd like him.
- Il vous plairait.
You'd really like him.
Tu l'apprécierais.
Well, for starters, I'd like you to bring him in again.
J'aimerais que vous me l'ameniez.
Amazing. - D'you like him?
But I can't wait for him because waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this drought.
Mais je ne peux pas l'attendre. Ce serait comme d'attendre la pluie pendant cette sécheresse.
I'd like to dedicate this crown and this entire night... to a guy who stole my heart and took it with him to heaven. Bobby Johnson, we miss you.
Je voudrais dédier cette couronne ainsi que cette soirée à celui qui a volé mon coeur et l'a emporté au paradis avec lui.
And you'd like me to kill him, wouldn't you?
Tu voudrais que je le tue?
Well, it's about a son you never had and this is like you are speaking to him
Ça parle d'un fils que tu n'as jamais eu, et c'est comme si tu lui parlais.
- Yeah. First see if you even like him.
- Vois d'abord s'il te plaîtï.
- Yeah, you should read him I think you'd like him -
- Oui. Tu devrais le lire. Je crois que tu aimerais.
and, you know, he said something like, you know, I'd be better off dead if I didn't stop lying all over the place and, you know, I told him I wasn't lying'cause, you know, I wasn't...
et, vous savez, il a dit quelque chose comme, vous savez qu'il vaudrait mieux que je sois mort si je n'arrêtais pas de mentir partout et, vous savez, je lui ai dit que je ne mentais pas, parce que,
I suppose you'd like me to climb up and push him down.
Vous voudriez que je grimpe pour le pousser.
You read novels about men like him.
Tes livres sont pleins d'hommes comme lui.
But it has to be like back then... kill before you get killed... you shoot down a cop, fucking bad luck for him.
Tuer avant d'être tué. Si tu tues un flic, ma foi, tant pis. On a tout quitté pour retrouver cette merde?
You can find him here I'd like to see his fireworks, too
Vous pourrez le trouver ici. J'aimerais bien revoir ses feux d'artifice, moi aussi.
You like him because he wrote the Declaration of Independence and that shit.
Vous l'aimez parce qu'il a écrit la Déclaration d'indépendance.
Not that I don't trust you, but... I'd like to hear it from him.
Ne le prenez pas mal, mais j'aimerais l'entendre de sa part.
You know that, Tom? Look, I don't know him very well... but Gob seems like he'd be a really smart boss.
Je ne le connais pas très bien, mais je crois que Gob fera vraiment un bon patron.
I know how much you like my little fetal pig, so I'm giving him to you as an office-warming gift.
Je sais combien vous aimez mon petit foetus de cochon, alors je vous l'offre en tant que cadeau d'installation pour votre bureau.
I knew you'd need Scott to hang around for statements and all that... but I'd really like to see him.
Je sais que vous avez besoin de Scott pour les dépositions et tout... Mais j'aimerais vraiment le voir.
you'd like it 22
you'd like that 138
you'd like her 33
like him 125
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
you'd like that 138
you'd like her 33
like him 125
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
you'd 62
you'd better watch out 24
you'd better 93
you'd better come in 34
you'd better believe it 24
you'd better be careful 19
you'd better be 34
you'd do the same for me 34
you'd be surprised 231
you'd 62
you'd better watch out 24
you'd better 93
you'd better come in 34
you'd better believe it 24
you'd better be careful 19
you'd better be 34
you'd do the same for me 34
you'd be surprised 231