You did it in translate French
2,435 parallel translation
That was great. You did it in unison.
C'était génial comme ça à l'unisson, Miami.
- You did it in a shearing shed?
Vous l'avez fait dans le hangar?
A team of engineers couldn't crack that, but you, Topher Brink, you did it in ten minutes.
Une équipe d'ingénieurs bloquait là-dessus, mais toi, Topher Brink, tu as réglé ça en dix minutes.
He wanted a quote from me about working for Patty in my first year. - Did you read it?
Il voulait que je lui parle de ma première année chez Patty.
Daddy, did you know that if a spacesuit got a hole in it, it'd explode?
- Encore? Papa, tu savais... que si la combinaison d'un astronaute est trouée, elle explose?
I can't tell you how much this means to me... what you did, and.. and I want you to know that I'm gonna'get my shit together... from now on, I keeping it in my pants.
Ça me touche énormément, ce que t'as fait. Je promets de changer. Dorénavant,
Yeah, well it's about time you guys in Washington finally did something good for Indian people.
Il serait temps que vous fassiez quelque chose pour les Indiens.
It seems as if on your last album you kind of went in the studio and just did whatever the producer asked you to do.
On dirait que sur ton dernier album, tu es allé en studio et tu as fait tout ce que le producteur t'a demandé.
It was awarded to me for a little job I did in Prague - You oversaw, sir - a job you oversaw. - a couple of decades back.
J'ai eu ça pour un boulot à Prague, il y a quelques années.
Did you enjoy less than a midget woman whoom you locked up in an oven in Stuttgart and pierced a hole in it so she could suck you up for hours?
Avez-vous aimé moins de une femme midget whoom vous enfermé dans un four Stuttgart et percé un trou en elle afin qu'elle puisse vous sucer pendant des heures?
So when you got in your machine, did it make you feel like a cow?
Quand vous étiez dans votre machine, vous preniez-vous pour une vache?
After expressing misgivings about Mr. Zuckerberg taking the company and moving it to California for the summer, why did you put $ 18,000 in an account for his use?
Après avoir dit à M. Zuckerberg vos craintes quant au départ de la société en Californie, pourquoi lui avoir donné 18 000 $?
Well, did you try the goodwill on hudson? There's a goodwill over there? Cam, it's the best in the city, man.
Vous savez... l'espèce de truc avec une poire qu'on trouve... dans la cuisine.
Hey, did you boys know that today in Vostok Station, Antarctica, it was the coldest day recorded on Earth?
Est-ce que vous saviez qu'aujourd'hui à la station de Vostok en Antartique ça a été le jour le plus froid au monde?
- Did you see the state it's in?
T'as vu dans quel état elle est?
You're in this hospital room and there's all the sounds and the smells and just the prior experience is being in the hospital. You know, all these negative things come back so there was the whole environment to be overcomed because little did I know that it didn't matter where I was,
Vous êtes dans une chambre d'hôpital avec tous les sons et les odeurs la première expérience été d'être dans un hôpital avec toutes ces choses négatives qui remontait puis il y avait tout l'environnement qui devait être surmontés
Did you find the jar with the $ 120 in it?
Avez-vous trouvé le bocal avec les 120 $?
What did you say you put in it, again?
Qu'est-ce que tu as mis dedans?
It's just that we're trapped in a hanger, we're plugged into some sort of simulation or... maybe it's drugs, you know, like those LSD tests they did back in the'60s.
On doit être pris dans une boucle, à moins que ce soit un simulateur. Qui sait, on nous a drogués comme dans les années 60 avec le LSD.
How in the world did you do it?
Comment avez-vous fait?
I'm sure you keep it just as interesting as you did in high school, right?
Votre vie doit être aussi intéressante que celle que vous meniez au collège.
Can you at least find it in your heart to forgive me for what I did?
Ton coeur va trouver la force de pardonner mes actes.
When you spent a TV, it was in black and white belong to you in the twentieth century You did your time
Quand tu passais a la TV, c'était en noir et blanc T'appartiens au XXe siécle T'as fait ton temps
You have it in you just like he did.
Vous l'avez en vous tout comme lui.
Then what in blazes was it you did mean?
tu voulais dire quoi?
Did you put it in here?
C'est toi?
I watched him struggle for years to overcome the damage you did, and there's no way I'm just gonna let you reel him back in so you can do it all over again.
Je l'ai vu mettre des années à s'en remettre. Je vous laisserai pas l'alpaguer pour le briser une 2e fois.
So, it does bother you - - What I did... Killing that man in iraq?
Ça te tracasse, ce que j'ai fait...
Did you look in it?
Est-ce que tu as regardé dedans?
Why did you kill him? I didn't do it. You know that, I can see it in your eyes.
Je ne l'ai pas tué, vous le savez, ça se voit.
Did you put sugar in it?
Tu as mis du sucre?
Is it just me, or did you detect a note of excitement in his voice?
Je rêve où il semblait emballé par l'idée?
You know, is it something you dreamed about when you were a kid or did it just fall in your lap, or what?
En rêvais-tu quand tu étais petit, ou est-ce que ça t'est tombé dessus?
What did I do? You're the one who put it in my head that everyone in politics is a slimeball.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } C'est toi qui m'as dit que tous les politiciens sont des ordures.
Well, I'm not going to tell you to put father and son in a room, but if you did, and if a conversation took place, it would be spontaneous utterance.
Je ne dis pas de mettre le père et le fils dans une pièce mais si tu le faisais et qu'ils se parlaient, ce serait spontané.
The doctor's going to come and see you in a moment. - How did he get here? - It's OK.
Comment est-il arrivé ici?
How did you know? How did you know I had it in me?
Comment tu as su que j'avais ça en moi?
Did you write it in calligraphy?
- Tu l'as calligraphié? - Qu'est-ce que ça change?
What did you want to do to me in it?
Qu'est-ce que tu voulais faire de moi là-dedans?
You just did it in a nicer room.
L'endroit est juste plus joli.
Did you realize it takes 108 pounds of rivets to hold the wing of a P-51 Mustang in place?
Tu savais qu'il fallait 49 kg de rivets pour maintenir l'aile d'un P-51 Mustang?
I really did it kind of the way, you know, like, when you have a bucket and you have a lot of numbers and you said... you look in one, and you open, and you said, "This is the number 12."
Je l'ai vraiment fait de façon plus ou moins... Comme quand on a un panier et plein de nombres, et que l'on dit, en en piochant un
So you tell me, Linds- - how the hell did it wind up in a shoeprint in New York City?
Alors dis-moi, comment c'est arrivé dans une empreinte de chaussure à New York?
It's a version of what you did in the elevator.
Un peu comme ce que tu as fait dans l'ascenseur.
All that time when those fucking bills were coming in and you did nothing about it!
Tu ce temps ou ces putains de factures arrivaient Et tu n'as rien fait!
How did you prepare it? Skinned, browned, spread with anchovy butter, rolled in fine bread crumbs, under the grill another ten seconds, and served with olive oil beaten with lemon, mustard and hot pepper.
- Eh ben, dépouillée, rissolée, passée au beurre d'anchois, roulée dans de la chapelure, remise au grill et servie avec une huile battue avec des citrons, de la moutarde et des piments.
It appeals to the writer in me. Did you want a bite of this?
Ça parle à l'écrivain que je suis.
What they said you did it's... It's not in your nature. I should've known that of all the people in the world...
Ce qu'ils ont dit, ce n'est pas toi, et moi plus que les autres, j'aurais dû le savoir.
Wouldn't it be better business if you found out if Orlando was the real killer before you did him in?
Ce ne serait pas mieux de savoir... si Orlando est un vrai tueur avant de le buter?
You pour maple syrup all over your body and ask her if she was in the mood for a short stack? Did you think it would be funny to put on a pair of her panties and jump around, but it wound up just creeping her out?
Tu t'es enduit le corps de miel et tu lui as demandé de te bouffer la tartine? mais ça l'a fait flipper?
So, how long did it take you to get Michelle in the sack, then?
Ça vous a pris longtemps pour prendre Mischa la main dans le sac?
you did 4907
you did it 1578
you didn't know 451
you didn't answer me 17
you didn't answer 45
you didn't get it 40
you didn't have to 199
you didn't 2413
you did well 217
you didn't tell me 114
you did it 1578
you didn't know 451
you didn't answer me 17
you didn't answer 45
you didn't get it 40
you didn't have to 199
you didn't 2413
you did well 217
you didn't tell me 114
you didn't see anything 59
you didn't like it 52
you didn't answer my question 88
you did great 231
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you didn't let me finish 59
you didn't do anything 146
you didn't do it 92
you didn't ask me 19
you didn't call 40
you didn't like it 52
you didn't answer my question 88
you did great 231
you didn't call me 25
you didn't let me finish 59
you didn't do anything 146
you didn't do it 92
you didn't ask me 19
you didn't call 40