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Translate.vc / English → French / [ Y ] / You heard what he said

You heard what he said translate French

212 parallel translation
You heard what he said.
T'as entendu ce qu'il a dit.
- You heard what he said to me.
- tu as entendu ce qu'il m'a dit.
You heard what he said.
Tu as entendu.
But you heard what he said, didn't you?
Mais vous l'avez entendu.
You heard what he said. Hurry, doctor. It's time for the patient's nap.
Pas avant que j'aie découvert le pot aux roses!
You heard what he said. You gotta have a kid.
Il faut avoir un enfant.
You heard what he said.
Vous l'avez entendu.
You heard what he said, didn't you, about the temple of God?
Vous avez entendu ce qu'il a dit sur le temple de Dieu?
You heard what he said.
Vous avez entendu ce qu'il a dit.
- You heard what he said.
- Tu l'as entendu.
You heard what he said.
- Oui, mais vous devriez l'écouter.
- You heard what he said?
T'as entendu ce qu'il disait, là?
You heard what he said.
Tu as entendu ce qu'il a dit.
You heard what he said, boys.
Vous avez entendu? Vous êtes toujours avec moi?
You heard what he said!
Tu as entendu ce qu'il a dit :
You heard what he said, it's a fix all the way.
Tu l'as entendu? Tout est faux depuis le début.
You heard what he said.
Vous avez entendu ce qu'il a dit?
You heard what he said?
Tu as entendu ce qu'il a dit?
- You heard what he said.
- Tu as compris ce qu'il a dit.
- You heard what he said?
- T'as entendu?
Jeanine, you heard what he said,
Jeanine, t'as entendu ce qu'il a dit,
You heard what he said, the pair of you.
Tu l'as entendu?
You heard what he said, Whit!
Tu as entendu, Whit!
You heard what he said, and he's lucky he's standing on his feet.
Après ce qu'il vient de dire, il est chanceux d'être encore debout.
It's absolute madness! You heard what he said.
C'est de la folie.
But sir, you heard what he said. He won't go to Bundi.
Mais il vient de dire qu'il ne voulait pas aller à Bundy.
Well, you heard what he said. Any advance on 11?
Vous avez entendu ce qu'il a dit, quelqu'un après 11 heures?
You heard what he said?
Vous entendez?
All right, you heard what he said.
Très bien, vous l'avez entendu.
You heard what he said.
Tu l'as entendu.
You heard what he said?
You heard what he said, Major.
Vous l'avez entendu, major.
You heard what he said, Charles.
Vous avez entendu ce qu'il a dit, Charles.
I heard what Jerry said about taking money from you, Father, and I feel just as he does.
J'ai entendu ce que Jerry a dit à propos de ton argent, papa, et je partage ses sentiments.
You heard what he said.
Tu as entendu :
You heard what he said.
Vous avez entendu?
Comment t'as pu l'entendre?
When the cat inside me heard what you said this morning, he began to get so worked up inside.
Quand le chat t'a entendu ce matin, croyant comprendre, il a commencé à se démener.
You see, it's like I said when Wyatt told me if he was Dutch and going to Tascosa, he'd come by here, but that was only what somebody heard Dutch say where he was going to.
- C'est ce que je dis toujours. Wyatt a dit que s'il était Dutch, en allant à Tascosa, il s'arrêterait ici. Mais c'est juste quelqu'un qui a entendu Dutch dire où il allait.
- I heard what he said, - you peroxide kissing bug!
Je suis pas sourde, l'embrasseuse décolorée!
If you had heard what he's said about you, you'd be embarressed.
À sa façon de parler à votre sujet, on en deviendrait jaloux.
I heard what he said to you.
J'ai entendu ce qu'il vous a dit.
- You should've heard what he said.
Si vous l'aviez entendu parler de vous!
But I heard what Ravidge said to my father. He's out to get you.
Ravidge veut votre peau.
You heard what he said.
Il l'a dit.
Well, if I was the murderer, I'd be very worried in case you heard what Old Enderby said to Cora when he called.
Si j'étais le meurtrier, je penserais que vous avez entendu Cora et Enderby.
You heard what he said.
You heard what Barclay said, I think he's scared, so work on him, get him on our side.
Tu as entendu Barclay. Il a peur. Amadoue-le.
You heard what the doctor said about sodium pentothal, he has to be telling the truth.
Vous avez entendu ce qu'a dit le médecin sur le Penthotal de sodium. Il dit forcément la vérité.
- You heard what he said.
Vous l'avez entendu.
Please, everybody, you heard what the reverend said he's taking us up to the engine room.
Vous avez entendu le Révérend... Il nous emmène à la salle des machines.

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