You just said that translate French
2,001 parallel translation
The way you just said that, that sounds like he doesn't know he's gonna meet me.
La façon dont vous en parlez, on dirait qu'il ignore qu'il va me rencontrer.
Wait, but you just said that... no, I know.
- Mais tu viens de me dire... - Je sais.
You just said that you already knew about that.
Tu viens de dire que tu le savais déjà.
- I can't believe you just said that.
Extra sexe, mon ami! - J'arrive pas à croire que t'aies dit ça.
You know you just said that out loud.
Tu viens de dire ça à voix haute.
Although if you think about it, and I never did till you just said that... we're all on kind of an assembly line, just... you know, going through each other's lives.
Remarque, maintenant que tu le dis, on est tous sur une chaîne de montage, à passer d'une vie à une autre.
Yeah, you just said that, but why?
Ouais, tu viens de dire, mais pourquoi?
You just said that she and Rachel went to school together?
Vous venez de dire que Rachel et elle sont parties à la fac?
You realize that you just said that to me without a hint of irony?
Et vous me dites ça sans la moindre ironie?
Oh, you just said that aliens are nice.
Vous venez de dire que les aliens sont gentils.
The way you said that, that did feel a little personal, and I would just appreciate it...
La manière dont tu l'as dit sonnait plutôt personnelle.
He just said that you two really bonded at a conference in St. Louis.
Il a dit que vous étiez proches à la conférence à St. Louis.
Ron said that he would call and tell me how to diffuse it if I just stalled you guys long enough.
Ron a dit qu'il appellerait pour dire comment le déclencher Si vous mettiez trop de temps.
That whole thing you just said.
Elle vient quand elle est fauchée. Elle deale.
Oh, that is so funny, that thing you just said, Yasir!
Oh, c'est si drôle, ce truc que tu viens de dire, Yasir!
That's what you just said, two at a time, right?
Tu as dit deux à la fois.
That means I didn't understand what you just said.
Cela je veux dire que je n'ai pas compris ce que tu viens de dire.
So I told him what a nice, hardworking guy you are... and that opening a restaurant is this huge big change in your life... and he said when you're ready for a review, you just call the paper, okay?
Je lui ai dit que tu étais motivé et que ce restaurant était un grand changement. Quand tu voudras une critique, appelle le journal.
You just said, "That's what I just said."
Tu as dit : "C'est ce que je viens de dire".
Personnel said that they gave you the forms to fill out, - but they just never got them back.
Les RH disent t'avoir déjà donné ces formulaires.
I might have just said that to get you to like me.
J'ai deja dit cela pour que tu m'apprecies.
I just wanted to tell you that I really liked what you said today about driving the bus.
Il faut que je te dise que ce que tu m'as dit sur ton travail m'a beaucoup plu.
I didn't sleep with Vince, I just said that to hurt you.
J'ai pas couché avec Vince, c'était pour te blesser.
My mother just said that you were our babysitter.
Maman dit que vous étiez la baby-sitter.
- That's what you just said.
- C'est ce que tu crois? - C'est ce que tu viens de dire.
I just want you to remember that you said he'd be a natural.
Avant de commencer, je vous rappelle que vous avez dit vous-même qu'il avait un talent naturel.
It's just that you said you didn't have a sister.
C'est juste que tu m'avais dit que t'avais pas de sœur.
That was a lot. You could have just said "John's coming over."
Tu n'avais qu'à dire :
When you said that, I thought that was the strangest thing, but lately all I do is hear myself being so weak and whiny and needy that I just wish I could delete every -
J'avais trouvé ça bizarre, mais en ce moment, je suis faible, je me plains, je quémande. J'aimerais effacer...
How do you get that from anything I just said?
D'où tu tires ça?
It's just, it's so awkward to come to these things alone, and you said that you and Tim were never serious, so I figured that it wouldn't be a big deal.
C'est nul de venir seule à ces soirées et tu nous as dit que Tim et toi, ça n'avait pas été sérieux, j'ai pensé que ça ne gênerait personne.
Max, that... That kid just said hello to you.
Max, il vient de te dire bonjour.
I'm just saying the exact same thing that you said.
Je dirai juste la même chose que toi.
I saw Hilary Swank on television once... and she said that basically you just get your head shot and your reel... in front of as many people as possible and as cheaply as possible, and that's what I'm doing.
J'ai vu Hilary Swank dire à la télé qu'on fait voir son gros plan et son reel au plus de monde possible pour le moins cher possible, et... je fais ça.
Maybe, but what you just said about the girls were supposed to be gone... doesn't that strike you?
Peut-être, mais ce que tu viens de dire, les filles censées être ailleurs... y a rien qui te frappe?
You said that when I... you know, get shaky, I should just do something and just calm down.
Tu as dit que quand... je tremble, je dois faire un truc et me calmer.
'Cause in your e-mail you said that you were just coming to town. Not that you had moved back with my kid.
Car dans ton mail, tu as dit que tu venais en ville, pas que tu revenais y vivre...
Okay, that right there? I have no idea what you just said.
Ça là, je sais pas du tout ce que ça voulait dire.
I'm just looking for J.P. His co-workers at the auto shop said that you stopped by a couple of times.
Ses copains de l'atelier t'y ont vu une ou deux fois.
I would prefer if you just said I had some court work to take care of that I remembered
J'apprécierais si vous dites que je me suis souvenue d'un rendez-vous
Okay, I was fine until you just said that.
Bon, j'étais bien jusqu'à ce que tu dises ça.
You just basically said that aliens are nice anthropologists.
Vous avez dit en gros qu'ils sont de gentils anthropologues.
OK, that sounded cocky, but you just said my wire won't work.
Ça faisait vantard, mais t'as dit que mon câble marcherait pas.
The woman said this Mord-Sith had just left and that she had killed you too.
La femme m'a dit que la Mord-Sith venait de partir et qu'elle t'avait tuée.
I was just... Don't tell me that you were trying to make me feel better { \ about that, too, } cause then I'll have to reevaluate everything you've ever said { \ to me }.
Ne me dis pas que tu essayais de me rassurer, sinon je devrais réévaluer tout ce que tu m'as dit.
- You're wrestling. - I just said that.
- Tu fais de la lutte.
So, I just want to tell you that the stuff that my mom said to you, it's not true.
Je voulais te dire que ce que ma mère t'a dit, c'est pas vrai.
I just said that because you're the first one I saw.
J'ai dit ça parce que tu es la première que j'ai croisé.
You just have to stand there, that's what Coach said.
Bouge pas. C'est ce qu'a dit le coach.
It's just- - he said "you do this and I'll do that."
C'est juste qu'il a dit "Tu fais ça et je ferai ça."
Actually, we were just talking about how you told Cole that I said he couldn't get back into study group, but you never asked me that.
En fait, on parlait du fait que tu aies dit à Cole que je refusais qu'il réintègre notre groupe, sauf que tu ne me l'as jamais demandé.
you just got home 17
you just wait 46
you just don't get it 121
you just do it 28
you just don't know it yet 34
you just let me know 45
you just left 30
you just watch 30
you just don't 25
you just don't understand 39
you just wait 46
you just don't get it 121
you just do it 28
you just don't know it yet 34
you just let me know 45
you just left 30
you just watch 30
you just don't 25
you just don't understand 39