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You know what you should do translate French

746 parallel translation
You know what you should do? You should get married.
Vous savez, vous devriez vous marier.
I don't know anything for sure, but you know what you should do?
Je sais rien de positif, mais tu sais ce que tu dois faire?
You know what you should do tomorrow?
Tu sais ce que tu devrais faire demain?
Do you know what you should do?
Tu sais ce que tu devrais faire?
How can you live here? You know what you should do?
Comment tu peux vivre ici?
- You know what you should do?
- Tu sais quoi faire? - Oui.
Do you know what you should do, to make sure this never happens to me again?
Tu sais ce que tu devrais faire... pour éviter que ça ne recommence? Partir d'ici
You know what I should do?
Tu sais ce que je devrais faire?
But I don't know what I should do without you.
Mais sans vous, je serais perdu.
I don't wish to alarm you, Mrs. Waverton, but I don't quite know what we should do.
Je ne veux pas vous alarmer, Mme Waverton mais je ne sais pas trop quoi faire.
I do not know what power you have over Kurt... but I should think of my own happiness if I were you.
Je ne sais pas quel pouvoir vous avez sur Kurt... mais je songerais à mon propre bonheur à votre place.
- What do you think's in it? - How should I know?
Qu'est-ce qu'y a là-dedans?
Do you know what'll happen if I should see a ghost there tonight? No.
Vous savez ce qui va arriver, si je vois un fantôme là-bas ce soir?
Now, if anything should happen to me... read this letter and you'll know what to do.
S'il m'arrive quelque chose... lis cette lettre.
Do you know that if it hadn't been for that postal address you so thoughtfully wrote down... I don't know what I should have done.
Vous savez, sans cette adresse que vous avez gentiment écrite... je ne sais pas ce que j'aurais fait.
I don't know what I should do without you.
Que deviendrais-je sans vous?
If I may suggest, perhaps you should all know what Dedic wants you to do.
On parle maintenant "d'assassin", et non plus "d'homme de main".
What do you think we're here for? How should I know?
Pourquoi on serait là?
How should I know? What do you think I am, a dictionary?
Je ne suis pas un dictionnaire.
─ No, not now I haven't. But you should know what private investigators can do once they start.
C'est fou ce dont sont capables les détectives privés.
You know what this is all about. It has little to do with whether you should play Cora.
Tout ça n'a rien à voir avec l'âge du personnage de Cora.
I don't know what's wrong with you, but if you're ill, and if it's what Mrs. Alsop thinks, you should do something about it.
Je ne sais pas ce que vous avez, mais si c'est ce que pense Mme Alsop, ça peut s'arranger.
- Do you know what I'd like to do after? - What? I should like to go to a Chinese fortune-teller and listen to his gorgeous lies.
Tu sais... j'aimerais aller écouter les beaux mensonges d'une voyante.
You should call it, What Every Young Witch Should Know and include a do-it-yourself kit with every sale.
Appelez-le Manuel du parfait sorcier... et joignez un mode d'emploi.
You know, what I should do is take you across my knee and paddle you.
Vous mériteriez une bonne fessée.
- So stop complaining about it! - You know what I should do? I should kick some sense into you.
Tu sais, je t'en collerais bien une.
You know what we should do?
Vous savez ce qu'on devrait faire, mon Commandant?
I loved you, and I wanted to help you, but I didn't know what to do. I suppose I should've gone to the police at once.
Je ne voulais pas y croire, je voulais t'aider.
So how do you get to know all about a boxer, then? By managing them. That's what you should do, Mr. Steed.
Il y a plus que l'apparence chez un boxeur.
- Of what we should do, you and I now that we know each other so well...
- À ce que nous devrions faire, vous et moi maintenant que nous nous connaissons si bien...
You do with it what you want. I just thought that you should know that I knew about the young man.
Faites ce que vous voulez, mais méfiez-vous des jeunes hommes...
I don't know what Shimazo may have asked this Ichi fellow to do... but you never should have let him get away.
Je ne sais pas ce que Shimazo a demandé à cet Ichi de faire, mais vous n'auriez jamais dû le laisser partir.
What do you mean by saying that the lady of the house should know?
Que vouliez-vous dire, tout à l'heure?
You know what you really should do?
Tu sais ce que tu devrais faire?
You know what I should do? Tell your parents.
Tu mériterais que je le dise à tes parents!
- You know what I think we should do? - What? Have a look at your brother.
Ce qu'il faudrait, c'est... examiner votre frère.
Still, I must say... if I should see too many beauties in one place or in one day... do you know what happens to me?
Tout de même, je dois dire que... si je rencontre trop de belles filles dans un endroit ou la même journée... ça a quelque chose de démoralisant.
Do you know what I should like for Christmas?
Savez-vous ce que j'aimerais pour Noël?
You know what else we should do?
Et tu sais quoi?
- You know what we should do?
- Vous savez ce qu'on devrait faire?
What do you like, I should know by now, Coke or Pepsi?
Tu préfères quoi, déjà, le coca ou le Pepsi?
What do you want? It's one of those things which should never happen... but you know, it did happen.
Une chose qui n'arrive jamais, et qui pourtant a eu lieu
Philip, you know I think what you should do?
Ce que tu devrais faire...
You know what Meadows should do? Get his mom to write to her congressman.
Ce que Meadows devrait faire... c'est dire à sa mère d'écrire à son sénateur.
Know what you should do?
Tu sais ce que tu devrais faire?
You know what we should do? Call your wife.
On devrait appeler ta femme.
What do you mean, how should you know?
Comment ça?
You know, I think what you should do, since you have so much money - - No : - Is buy a wedding dress :
Je pense que vu que tu as autant d'argent, tu devrais... acheter une robe de mariage.
Well, you know, at least we would know order, and discipline - and who should do what!
Bah, vous savez, au moins on connaîtra l'ordre, la discipline et qui ferait quoi!
I know things must look pretty rough up there. If you do what I tell you when I tell you, there's no reason you should lack confidence in your chances of coming out alive and in one piece.
Je sais que cela a l'air dur là-haut, mais si vous faites ce que je vous dis au bon moment, vous pouvez avoir entière confiance dans vos chances de vous en sortir.
Do you know what we should invest in?
Tu sais dans quoi on devrait investir?

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