You really don't know translate French
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You know, I-I really don't want to talk about my sister.
Je n'ai vraiment pas envie de parler de ma soeur.
I am pissed off because you're doing that, and now I want a sloppy joe and I know you don't really have one.
Je suis énervé à cause de ce que tu fais. et maintenant je veux un hamburger et je sais que tu n'en as pas vraiment.
Sorry. I don't really know how to talk to, you know...
Je ne sais pas vraiment comment parler, tu sais... aux flics.
It would be really, really nice if you could, I don't know, pitch in a little.
Ce serait vraiment gentil si tu pouvais, je ne sais pas, participer un peu.
You really don't know shame.
Quelle arrogance!
You'd really go out with some guy you don't know?
Tu sortirais vraiment avec un mec que tu connais pas?
You're right... With all due respect, I really don't know what your real intention was this time.
Tu as raison... Je ne comprends vraiment pas quelle était votre véritable intention cette fois-ci.
If it's someone I don't know, he can't have done that much for you to be really grateful.
il ne peut pas avoir fait tant que ça pour que tu sois aussi reconnaissante.
I don't know, you just, like... Took off really fast.
Je ne sais pas, t'es partie rapidement.
Tell me. I don't really know, to be honest with you.
Je ne sais pas vraiment, pour être honnête.
You know, for the first time in my life, I don't really have a plan.
Pour la première fois de ma vie, je n'ai pas vraiment de plan.
Boy, you really don't know how to talk to a woman you're not trying to screw.
Eh bien, t'as aucune idée de comment parler à une femme que t'as pas l'intention de baiser, toi.
Yeah, well, I don't know what kind of superhero Night Whore is, but if you really think I'd ever break my word, you obviously have no idea who I am.
Je sais pas si Night Pute est un super-héros, mais trahir ma parole? Tu me connais pas.
I don't know, I guess I just felt like it was silly, it wasn't really that important, you know?
J'en sais rien. Je crois que... ça me paraissait assez... futile.
I really don't know what you want me to say.
Je ne vois pas ce que je pourrais vous dire d'autre.
I'm sorry to wake you, but, I don't know the tide turned or something. I don't really know much about tides. But the point is, we need to find another way out.
Je suis désolé de te réveiller, mais là... je sais pas, la marée remonte ou... je connais pas grand-chose aux marées, mais il faut qu'on trouve un autre chemin.
You know, I really don't appreciate all the swearing.
Tu sais, je n'apprécie vraiment pas toutes ces injures.
I really don't know what I'm going to do with you.
Je ne sais vraiment pas ce que je vaisfaire de toi.
You know, I don't - - I don't really smoke that much, but what the hell?
Eh bien, tu vois, je fume pas vraiment, normalement, mais...
But you know something, Frank? They really do throw us away. Don't they, old sport?
Mais vous voulez que je vous dise, Frank, ils vous jettent vraiment comme des vieilles chaussettes quand on ne leur sert plus à rien, comme si on leur avait pas donné les meilleures années de notre vie.
Look, I don't know why you're here, but I really think you're over your head.
J'ignore pourquoi tu es ici, mais tu ne sais pas dans quoi tu t'embarques.
They wouldn't have left this to some random guy, so don't play the innocent man! You just sit back, all right? I don't know what the hell you're talkin'about and I don't really care.
On ne me laisse pas avec un gars au hazard, je ne vous crois pas innocent asseyez-vous, Je ne sais pas de quoi vous parlez, et je m'en moque
I mean, I never really trusted her, and I don't know why you let yourself...
Je ne lui ai jamais fait confiance. J'ignore pourquoi tu t'es laissé...
Explaining that you really were the best student in the class but you almost fail because... I don't know what?
Devant expliquer que tu étais le meilleur étudiant de la classe mais tu as presque échoué parcque... je ne sais quoi?
Wow, you really know how to serve your revenge cold, don't you?
La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid, hein?
I know it's important, but you know what I really don't like about weights?
Je sais que c'est important, mais tu sais ce que je déteste des poids?
You know, I don't know the specifics, but they must have really been underwater, because they practically gave me the house.
Je ne connais pas les détails, mais ils devaient avoir des ennuis, car ils m'ont presque donné la maison.
I don't really know you
Je ne te connais pas vraiment.
I mean, it's pathetic really, but, looking back, but you know, yeah, you don't want to make enemies of your main allies in the environmental movement by tackling something which is difficult, contoversial.
C'est pathétique quand j'y repense. On ne veut pas se mettre à dis ses alliés écologistes principaux en s'attaquant à un sujet qui porte à controverse.
I don't know that we'll ever be friends, but I want you to know that I am really happy for you and Harper.
J'ignore si on sera amies. Mais sache que je suis heureuse pour toi et Harper.
But I really don't know the reason you're waiting.
Mais j'avoue que je ne sais pas pourquoi tu ne l'as pas fait.
Well, you know, I'm a married man, so I don't really keep a directory of attractive young actresses around.
Et bien tu sais, je suis un homme marié, donc je ne garde pas vraiment de liste des jeunes et jolies actrices du coin.
You really don't know what its like to have a girlfriend, do you?
Tu ne sais vraiment pas ce que c'est que d'avoir une copine?
You know, because I don't really have a choice if I want to score.
J'ai pas vraiment le choix si je veux me la faire.
But, you know, I can imagine who that was, and they ain't gonna beat me anyway, so... they don't really matter.
Mais, vous savez, je ne peux imaginer de qui il s'agissait, et ils ne sont pas va me battre de toute façon, alors... ils n'ont pas vraiment d'importance.
You really know how to clarify a situation, don't you?
Vous aimez que les choses soient claires, pas vrai?
Look, Karen, you're a really nice person, and it's great that you're trying to help us and stuff, but there's a lot you don't know, okay?
Ecoute, Karen, tu es vraiment quelqu'un de bien, Et c'est génial que tu essaies de nous aider et tout, mais il y a beaucoup de choses que tu ignores, okay?
- You don't know? - We haven't really talked...
Tu lui as pas posé la question?
I went like... You know, you really don't have to try to be anything that you're not.
J'étais genre... tu sais,
Ok, so I don't really know what you're talking about.
OK, je ne sais pas trop de quoi tu parle.
You don't know who she really is.
Tu ne sais pas vraiment qui elle est.
Really, I don't know. You have to believe me.
Je ne sais vraiment pas Tu dois me croire
Please! I really don't know what you're talking about!
Je t'en prie... je ne vois vraiment pas de quoi tu parles.
I really don't know what you're talking about right now. - The movie's not - - the movie's happening.
J'ignore de quoi tu parles.
Wow, you really don't know anything about love, do you?
Tu ne sais vraiment rien de l'amour, pas vrai?
So, you know, I don't really have any, like, proof or anything.
Donc, vous savez, je ne ai pas vraiment tout, comme, la preuve ou quoi que ce soit.
If you think I would do anything to harm my son, you really don't know the man you're dealing with.
Si vous pensez que j'aurais pu faire le moindre mal à mon fils, c'est que vous ne savez vraiment pas à quel homme vous avez affaire.
You really don't know what a pioneer is, do you?
Tu ne sais vraiment pas ce qu'est un pionnier, hein?
You know, when you are always with people who don't know who you really are, who do not know that secret part of you, it makes you feel, in a way, above them.
Vous savez, quand vous côtoyez des gens qui ignorent qui vous êtes vraiment, qui ne connaissent pas votre face cachée, vous vous sentez pour ainsi dire supérieur à eux.
Really don't know what you're talking about.
J'ai vraiment aucune idée de quoi tu parles.
I don't know why you don't see what I see. I mean, I really don't.
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi vous niez l'evidence.
you really shouldn't have 29
you really do 96
you really think so 206
you really 167
you really hurt me 29
you really mean it 21
you really want to know 115
you really think 43
you really don't get it 45
you really shouldn't 18
you really do 96
you really think so 206
you really 167
you really hurt me 29
you really mean it 21
you really want to know 115
you really think 43
you really don't get it 45
you really shouldn't 18