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Asked and answered translate Portuguese

108 parallel translation
Asked and answered!
A testemunha já respondeu a isso.
- Asked and answered.
- Foi perguntado e respondido.
- Asked and answered.
- Aqui está a resposta.
Asked and answered.
Perguntado e respondido.
Asked and answered.
- Tratamento para quê?
Asked and answered.
Já foi perguntado e respondido.
Asked and answered, Counselor.
Perguntado e respondido, Sr. Advogado.
Asked and answered in prior testimony.
Perguntado e respondido em testemunho anterior.
Asked and answered.
A pergunta e a resposta.
Asked and answered, counsel.
Perguntado e respondido, Sr. advogado.
These questions have been asked and answered.
As perguntas foram feitas e respondidas.
Asked and answered.
Perguntei e já sei a resposta.
Asked and answered, right?
Perguntámos e respondemos.
- Asked and answered, Becca.
- Já te respondi, Becca.
Both questions... asked and answered.
Ambas as perguntas... perguntadas e respondidas.
Objection, asked and answered.
Já perguntou e já respondeu.
You've both asked and answered that question.
Fizeste a pergunta e respondeste-a.
And as they say in legalese, asked and answered.
E como dizem os juristas, inquirido e respondido.
- Objection. Previously asked and answered.
Protesto, essa pergunta já foi respondida.
The prescription drug- - - asked and answered.
Perguntado e respondido.
- Asked and answered.
- Algum problema, Sr. Collins?
- All questions related to drugs have been asked and answered.
Todas as questões sobre drogas já foram respondidas.
Asked and answered.
Pergunta respondida.
That question has been answered in practice and the answer has been YES because since he asked, hundreds and thousands of little children in the third world have given their lives to pay their country's debts. And millions more are still paying interest with their malnourished minds and bodies.
Tal pergunta foi respondida na prática, e a resposta foi "sim"... porque, desde então, milhares de crianças do Terceiro Mundo... deram a vida delas para pagar a dívida de seus países... e outros milhões pagam os juros com corpos e mentes subnutridos.
Today, I asked you who was more important, a general or a corporal, and you answered, "general." Of course, I agreed with you.
Hoje, eu perguntei a você quem era mais importante, um general ou um cabo, E você respondeu "um general". Claro, eu concordei com você.
You know, I've asked you a dozen times to marry me, and you've never answered.
Já lhe pedi uma dúzia de vezes pra casar comigo e você não responde.
Tell me what was asked and what youse answered.
Diz-me o que te foi perguntado e que respostas deste.
THIS IS THE LIFE, PASSION AND DEATH OF... And asked if she recognizes in the exhumed body... who had in life been her husband, Juan Moreira, killed... by the police three days ago, in the county of Lobos... she answered yes.
ESTA É A VID A, PAIXÃO E MORTE DE... e foi perguntado se reconhecem o cadáver exumado... e exposto, de quem em vida fora seu esposo, Juan Moreira, morto... pelas forças públicas três dias ante a esta data, nesta jurisdição de Lobos,
When I had called you this morning.. .. Kumar answered the phone.. .. and asked me to meet him here at 8'O Clock.
Quabdo te liguei esta manhã, o Kumar atendeu o telefone e pediu-me para me encontrar com ele aqui às 20h.
When Sigmund Freud lay dying, his students all gathered about him and they asked if there was one question his work had not answered.
Quando o Sigmund Freud estava a morrer, os seus alunos reuniram-se à volta dele e perguntaram-lhe se existia alguma pergunta para a qual ele ainda não tivesse resposta.
In seven years I asked her to marry me 8 times, and she always answered "no".
Em sete anos... Pedi-lhe para se casar comigo 8 vezes, e sempre me respondeu, "não".
You have asked the East and the West, and they have answered "yes"!
Espíritos das encruzilhadas! Deixe que o lugar sagrado o favoreça.
He asked if I had any questions, and I asked a few, which he answered very cleverly, meaning that when he couldn't answer, he'd say something vague.
Questionou se tinha alguma pergunta, e eu fiz-lhe algumas que respondeu astutamente, significando isso que, quando não tinha resposta, dizia algo de vago.
- It's been asked and has not been answered.
- Ela foi feita mas não foi respondida.
I've asked you the same question a thousand times and you ain't never answered me?
Eu te tenha perguntado a mesma questão milhares de vezes, E tu nunca me respondeste?
Asked and answered.
Já respondeu à pergunta.
Asked and answered.
- Protesto!
I asked him what he was doing and he answered with a question :
Perguntei-lhe o que é que estava a fazer e ele respondeu-me com uma pergunta :
I asked him which God he worshipped, and he answered with a Tok'ra password.
Perguntei-lhe que deus ele venerava e ele respondeu a senha Tok'ra.
An old woman answered and he asked her for directions.
Uma velhota abriu a porta e ele pediu-lhe indicações.
He put people above all. Make sure they know he's a patriot and when the president asked him to serve, Senator Gillette answered the call.
E que saibam que ele é um patriota e quando o Presidente o convidou, o Senador Gillette aceitou.
You asked if I thought she was trying to contact me, and I never answered.
Tu perguntaste-me se eu acredito que ela esta a tentar entrar em contacto comigo e eu não respondi.
I asked, a stranger everywhere, both at home and abroad, to himself and to others, he answered and then he was gone.
Perguntei, um estranho em todo o lado, quer em casa quer fora, para ele e para os outros, respondeu e desapareceu.
I asked him many things and he answered'Yes, no, yes, no'.
Eu perguntava muitas coisas e ele respondia : "Sim, não, sim, não".
And it's eating me up You asked me a stupid question once and I could have answered it and I didn't because I was...
E dói bastante. Fazes uma pergunta estúpida E não cheguei a responder porque...
I asked a question back at my house and you never answered me.
Fiz-lhe uma pergunta em minha casa e o senhor nunca me respondeu.
I asked a question back at my house and you never answered me.
Lhe fiz uma pergunta em minha casa, e não me respondeu.
You asked me a question, I answered it, and we didn't have an argument about it.
Me fez uma pergunta, eu a respondi. E não discutimos sobre o assunto.
They asked me questions, and I answered.
- Fizeram-me perguntas e eu respondi.
"When asked whether they were Christians and had been baptised, " they answered that until now they had heard nothing of Christ and knew nothing about him. "
"Quando se lhes perguntaram se eram cristãos e se eram batizados, responderam que não tinham ouvido falar de Cristo e não sabiam nada dele."
When high schoolers were asked what living American they would want to be, the majority of girls answered Kim Kardashian, and the majority of boys answered any male cast member on the "Jersey Shore".
Quando no ensino médio perguntaram o que eles queriam ser, a maioria das meninas respondeu "Kim Kardashian", e a maioria dos meninos respondeu "qualquer homem que more na praia"

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