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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ B ] / By myself

By myself translate Portuguese

4,031 parallel translation
I was there. I can't take it by myself.
Já lá estive e não consigo atacá-la sozinho.
I can't conduct an effective search by myself.
Não posso conduzir uma busca eficiente sozinho.
I went to see her earlier, by myself.
Fui vê-la esta manhã, sozinha.
I'm in a tent. By myself.
Estou numa tenda, sozinha.
I'm quite happy to leave by myself, actually.
- Na verdade, terei prazer em sair.
You know, I'm always by myself anyway.
Sabe, estou sempre sozinha de qualquer forma.
I need to get used to working by myself again.
Preciso de habituar-me a trabalhar novamente sozinho. - Tem a certeza?
I was by myself, I was canvassing witnesses on another case.
Eu estava sozinha a entrevistar testemunhas para outro caso.
Well, I got good at being by myself.
Bem, tornei-me bom a desenrascar-me sozinho.
I'm rattling around in that big house all by myself.
Estou muito solitário naquela casa.
This is my first time out by myself.
É a primeira vez que saio sozinho.
I ate all the beans and watermelon all by myself.
Comi os feijões e a melancia toda sozinho.
Well, three's a crowd, so I'm going to go get drunk by myself at Bobby's Bar.
Bem, três é demais, vou sair para beber sozinho no bar do Bobby.
And, seriously, I am not doing this by myself again.
- vá. - A sério, não vou sozinha - outra vez.
Daddy, Daddy, I planted six trees all by myself.
Papá, papá, plantei seis árvores sozinha.
I'll just plan the whole thing by myself.
Eu mesmo planeio tudo.
This is something I have to by myself.
Isso é algo que eu tenho que fazer sozinho.
I'm going to the doctor by myself.
Eu vou sozinha ao médico.
I'm not about to attend a high society wedding by myself.
Não vou a um casamento de alta sociedade sozinha.
That's my target when I'm by myself and now my target at the new shop.
Max, eles vendem roupas a quilo.
Will you call my husband and tell him you found me by myself?
Liguem ao meu marido e digam que me encontraram sozinha.
Later on, I think I wanted to win you by myself, alone.
Depois, acho que a quis conquistar por mim, sozinho.
I think I should probably go by myself.
- Não, acho melhor ir sozinha.
And I'm getting nothing. So I'm going to go down there by myself, and talk to them in person.
Por isso vou lá eu mesma, falar com eles pessoalmente.
Then I understood that from now on I would be by myself
Compreendi então que ia ficar sozinho.
Okay. Well, I guess I'm just gonna have to go out there and count all the guys that Kelly Nicole slept with all by myself.
Vou ter de contar sozinha todos os homens com quem a Kelly Nicole dormiu.
I went by myself.
Fui sozinha.
Don't leave me by myself.
Não me deixes sozinha.
I can't do this by myself.
Não consigo fazer isto sozinho.
I just want to have a quiet dinner by myself.
Só quero ter um jantar sossegado, sozinha.
What mess have I got myself into by becoming a painter?
I have to remove myself from those whose lives were affected by my decisions.
Eu próprio tenho que remover aqueles, cuja as vidas foram afetadas pelas minhas decisões...
if I were to immediately be arrested or even killed myself by some Johnny-on-the-spot Johnny Laws, well, you and your friends might see that as two problems solved.
e se for logo preso ou até morto por algum zé-da-lei que lá estivesse, o Sr. e os seus amigos podem encará-lo como dois problemas resolvidos.
I've never allowed myself to be shot by one of those.
Nunca me permiti ser atingida por uma dessas.
So that I may prove myself worthy of the praise bestowed upon me by our Imperator... and his boy.
Para que me possa provar digno do louvor que me foi concedido pelo Imperador... e pelo seu rapaz.
I've got two kids at home, and I'm putting myself in danger by being out here.
Tenho dois filhos. Estou em risco ao estar aqui.
By the time I composed myself, they were married.
Quando me consegui recompor, já estavam casados.
Only by sacrificing myself to the Serpent - can the Earth be saved.
Somente sacrificando-me para a Serpente... a Terra pode ser salva.
But if you'll excuse me, right now, I have to go bring great shame to myself by using the restroom.
Mas, se me dão licença, agora tenho ir ficar envergonhado comigo mesmo usando a casa de banho.
I'll just go and get Frank to divorce me by being myself.
Vou então fazer com que o Frank se divorcie de mim por ser como sou.
And by office bitches, I might mean myself.
Por putas do escritório, quero dizer eu mesmo.
I'm gonna run in by myself.
Vou entrar sozinho.
I was thinking to myself, "Self if Cass got away from her by touching the tablet why would he ever stop touching the tablet?"
Pensava para mim : "Mim, " se o Cass escapou dela por tocar na placa, " porque deixaria de tocar na placa?
If by "progress" " you mean have I proven that Moriarty was wrong and Wallace Rourke killed Daren Sutter's sister, as Daren and myself had come to believe, then, no, I have made the opposite of progress.
Se por "progresso" refere-se a provar que o Moriarty está errado sobre o Wallace Rourke ter morto a irmã do Daren Sutter, como o Daren e eu próprio quisemos acreditar, então... não, fiz o contrário de progresso.
No, I want to know that I'm not kidding myself by staying with you.
- Quer o perigo? - Não, quero saber que não estou a enganar-me ao ficar consigo.
Unfortunately for him, by that time, I was myself wrestling with my own far less metaphorical addictions.
Infelizmente para ele, naquela época, eu estava lutando com os meus, muito menos metafóricos, vícios.
I was set upon by ruffians, and imprisoned for the crime of defending myself.
Fui agredido por rufias, e preso pelo crime de me defender.
Well, I decided I'd stop by the mall to see if I could find myself something a little special for the wedding on Saturday, and I think I may have found something for you, too.
Bem, decidi ir ao centro comercial para ver se encontrava algo especial para usar no Sábado, e acho que talvez encontrei algo para ti também.
I bought myself some time by asking them to at least post the position.
Consegui um tempo pedindo-lhes para ao menos divulgar a vaga em aberto.
I got myself out by agreeing to help you track down those Korean supernotes.
"Eu" tirei-me de lá ao concordar em te ajudar a localizar aquelas super notas coreanas.
* Please allow me to introduce myself * * I'm a man of wealth and taste... *

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