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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ D ] / Do you understand what that means

Do you understand what that means translate Portuguese

69 parallel translation
Do you understand what that means, Sandor?
Compreendes o que isto significa, Sandor?
Do you understand what that means?
Entendes o que isto significa?
Do you understand what that means?
Você entende o que isso significa?
Do you understand what that means?
Do you understand what that means?
Do you understand what that means?
Entende o que isso significa?
Do you understand what that means?
Entendem o que isto significa?
Do you understand what that means?
Percebes o que isso significa?
Do you understand what that means?
Compreendem o que isto quer dizer?
Do you understand what that means, on a very personal level here to know the companies that make these products want me to be their spokesperson?
Percebes o que isso significa, a um nível muito pessoal aqui... saber que as empresas que fazem estes produtos... querem que eu seja o seu porta-voz?
Do you understand what that means?
Sabe o que isso significa?
Do you understand what that means?
Sabes o que isso quer dizer? !
- Do you understand what that means?
Sabes o que quer dizer isso?
Do you understand what that means?
Compreendes o que isso significa?
I love you. Do you understand what that means?
Eu amo.te. Percebes o que isso significa?
Do you understand what that means?
Percebes o que isto significa?
Do you understand what that means?
Entendes o que isso significa?
Do you understand what that means for my family?
Sabe o que isso representa para a minha família?
Do you understand what that means?
Compreende o que isso significa?
Now, do you understand what that means?
Sabes o que isso significa?
You would entice me to battle... but do you understand what that means?
Quereis convencer-me a começar uma guerra... Mas será que compreendeis o que isso significa?
Do you understand what that means?
Percebe o que isso significa?
It's going to come down to, who's more smart. Do you understand what that means?
É o momento da verdade, percebes o que quero dizer?
Do you understand what that means?
Percebe o que significa isso?
Do you understand what that means?
I mean, do you understand what that means for you?
Quer dizer, entendes o que isto significa para ti?
Do you understand what that means?
Compreendem o significado disto?
We're in a code red, do you understand what that means?
Estamos em código vermelho, percebes o que isso quer dizer?
Do you understand what that means, Doris?
Compreende isso, Doris? Sim.
Do you understand what that means?
Entendes o que é que isso significa?
Do you understand what that means?
Sabes o que isso significa?
Do you understand what that means?
Percebes o que isso significa? O Fitz perdeu a base partidária.
Do you understand what that means?
Sabe o que é que isso significa?
- Do you understand what that means?
Entendem o que isto significa.
Do you understand what that means?
Entendes o que isso quer dizer?
The secret's blown, do you understand what that means?
O segredo será descoberto, entendes o que isso significa?
Do you understand what that means?
Percebes o que isso quer dizer?
But if she really is Q, she must understand what that means. Very well, I will introduce you.
Essa pessoa que lhe comentei, Q, do Continuum, quer conhecê-la.
Do you even understand what that means?
Consegues compreender o que isso significa?
Do you really understand what that means?
Sabes mesmo o que aquilo significa?
Do you gentlemen... and I use that term loosely... understand what this means?
Os cavalheiros, uso o termo sem grande exactidão, entendem o que isto significa?
We tried to be your friends, but you don't even understand what that word means, so now we're gonna be something you do understand.
Tentámos ser tuas amigas, mas tu nem percebes o significado dessa palavra. Por isso, agora, vamos ser algo que tu percebes.
All right. You do understand what that means?
- Compreende o que isso significa?
You're not a silly girl, and I do believe you understand what that means.
Não és uma tonta e acredito que compreendes o que significa.
Trace, you're almost too young to understand what it means to have your daddy go to the moon. But someday, you'll have the feeling of excitement and pride that mommy and daddy do.
Trace, tu és quase demasiado novinha para entenderes o que significa o teu pai ir à lua, mas um dia terás o sentimento de emoção e orgulho que o Papá e a Mamã têm.
Well, you do understand what that means, right?
- Compreendes o que isso significa?
I said you do understand what that means, right? Yeah.
Perguntei se compreendias o que isso significa.
You don't understand what that means, but... I have more in common with a dog than I have with you.
Não... percebeis o significado disso, mas tenho mais em comum com um cão, do que tenho convosco.
You got to understand, audiences are staring at screens all day, but if I can show a glimpse into the soul of the artist, of what it means for a man like you and I to be an artist, then I've taken the viewer to a place that we don't normally see in a rock doc.
O público passa o dia a olhar para ecrãs, mas, se eu revelar um pouco da alma do artista, do que significa para nós sermos artistas, mostro ao espetador algo invulgar num documentário de música.
Do you understand what it means that he's not sought the same arrangement with you?
Percebem o que significa ele não ter tentado o mesmo convosco?
Do you understand what that means?
Compreendes isso?

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