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Granger translate Portuguese

759 parallel translation
It could be Suzanne Granger.
Pode ser Suzanne Granger.
It could have been Miss Granger.
Pode ser Miss Granger.
Suzanne Granger is a pretty well-known artist here in town- - that is, if it's the same girl that I've seen pictures of in the paper.
Suzanne Granger é um artista bem conhecido na cidade. Isto, se for a mesma pessoa que vi fotografias no jornal.
Eleanor, Doug, and Suzanne Granger- -
Eleanor, Doug e Suzanne Granger...
Suzanne Granger, please.
Suzanne Granger, por favor.
Your business with Miss Granger, please?
Que deseja de Miss Granger, por favor?
Miss Granger isn't in at present.
Miss Granger não está no momento.
What is Miss Granger's apartment number, please?
Qual é o número do apartamento da Miss Granger, por favor?
Suzanne Granger lives in 208, and she isn't in.
Suzanne Granger vive em 208, e não está lá.
Suzanne Granger.
Suzanne Granger.
To visit Miss Suzanne Granger in apartment 208.
Visitar Miss Suzanne Granger no apartamento 208.
Miss Granger, what day was that call made?
Miss Granger, em que dia foi essa chamada?
That under this motivation, she made arrangements to share an apartment with a woman named Ethel Belan for the sole purpose of spying on another woman named Suzanne Granger, whom she suspected of stealing the affection of the man she claimed was her husband- - the decedent, Douglas Hepner.
Que sob essa motivação conseguiu partilhar um apartamento de quem ela suspeitava de estragar o afecto do homem que alegava ser seu marido o falecido, Douglas Hepner.
We mean to prove that it was the defendant's intention to catch Mr. Hepner and Miss Granger in some sort of a compromising situation because she actually threatened that if she couldn't have Hepner for herself, no one else would ever have him.
Queremos provar que era intenção da ré apanhar Mr. Hepner e Miss Granger nalgum tipo de situação comprometedora. Sabemos que ela ameaçou que se não pudesse ter Hepner para si então ninguém o teria.
Miss Suzanne Granger has apartment 208.
Miss Suzanne Granger mora no apartamento 208.
Well, she said she was interested in Suzanne Granger in the adjoining apartment and, uh, that Miss Granger had stolen her boyfriend, Doug Hepner.
Bem, ela disse-me que estava interessada em Suzanne Granger no apartamento adjacente ao meu e que Miss Granger lhe tinha roubado o namorado, Doug Hepner.
She wanted to see if he was actually calling on Miss Granger or- - So the defendant moved in with you.
Ela queria saber se eles se estavam relacionando e então mudou-se para morar comigo.
I have here a sketch which shows the arrangement of your apartment and Miss Granger's apartment.
Tenho aqui um esboço que mostra o seu apartamento e o apartamento de Miss Granger.
Yes, sir, it does show my- - my apartment correctly, but I've never been in Miss Granger's apartment.
Sim, senhor, mostra a minha casa correctamente mas nunca estive em casa de Miss Granger.
I'm going to verify the arrangement of Miss Granger's apartment with another witness.
Verifico a disposição da casa de Miss Granger...
You see, my bedroom is the one with the large closet, next to Miss Granger's, and Eleanor insisted that I move into the other bedroom so that she could have the bedroom next to Miss Granger's- -
Como vê, o meu quarto é o que tem o armário grande e é vizinho do de Miss Granger, Eleanor insistiu para que eu me mudasse para o outro quarto.
Your Honor, the District Attorney stated that he has a witness who can authenticate a diagram of the Granger and Belan apartments.
Excelência, o Procurador Distrital declarou ter uma testemunha que pode autenticar o diagrama dos apartamentos Granger e Belan.
On the day following the murder, when Mr. Paul Drake and Miss Della Street asked to see Suzanne Granger, didn't you go to the switchboard and ring the apartment of Miss Ethel Belan?
No dia seguinte ao crime, Quando Mr. Paul Drake e Miss Della Street lhe pediram para ver Suzanne Granger não foi à central telefónica e ligou para o apartamento de Miss Ethel Belan?
Do you recall an occasion when Mr. Richey phoned you and said that a Mr. Paul Drake was inquiring for Suzanne Granger?
Lembra-se de uma ocasião em que o Mr. Richey lhe telefonou e disse que um tal Mr. Paul Drake procurava Miss Suzanne Granger?
You are the Suzanne Granger who occupies apartment number 208 at the Sierra Vista Apartments?
Seu nome é Suzanne Granger e ocupa o apartamento número 208 no "Sierra Vista Apartments"?
You recently returned from a trip to Europe, Miss Granger.
Voltou recentemente de uma viagem à Europa, Miss Granger.
Miss Granger, I direct your attention to People's Exhibit G.
Miss Granger, olhe agora por favor, a prova do povo marcada com a letra G.
Mr. Richey, on or about the 15th day of August of this year, did you overhear a conversation between the defendant and Suzanne Granger?
Mr. Richey, no dia 15 de Agosto deste ano ouviu alguma conversa entre a ré e Miss Granger?
By any chance, were you in Miss Granger's apartment when she had this conversation with the defendant?
Estava por acaso no apartamento de Miss Granger quando houve essa conversa entre as duas?
Why is it so difficult for you to tell us that you were inside Miss Granger's apartment?
Por que foi tão difícil dizer-nos que estava no apartamento de Miss Granger?
It might be embarrassing for Miss Granger.
Por poder ser embaraçoso para Miss Granger.
You see, Miss Granger had once reported that when she was away on a trip to Las Vegas, someone had broken into her apartment.
Sabe que Miss Granger disse aqui que enquanto esteve fora numa viagem a Las Vegas alguém lhe entrou no apartamento.
After Miss Granger returned to her apartment, after you overheard this conversation, did you let her know that you were there?
Depois de Miss Granger ter voltado para o apartamento e depois de ter ouvido a conversa deixou-a saber que estava lá em casa?
Yes- - at least one name- - Suzanne Granger.
Sim - pelo menos um nome Suzanne Granger.
Now, Hepner had Eleanor Corbin move in with you because he suspected you as well as Suzanne Granger.
Hepner mandou que Eleanor se mudasse para sua casa porque suspeitava de si, tanto quanto de Suzanne Granger.
Gussie Granger?
Gussie Granger?
You've got to see Granger.
Tens de falar com o Granger.
Mr. Granger?
Sr. Granger?
He wasn't Just any visitor, michael. His name was charlie Granger.
Ele não era uma visita qualquer, era o Charlie Granger.
The Charlie Granger?
- "O" Charlie Granger
I've programmed KlTT with everything we have on Charlie Granger and his daughter.
Programei o Kit com tudo o que temos sobre o Charlie Granger e a filha.
You don't happen to know Katherine Granger, do you?
Por acaso conhece a Katherine Granger?
This is Katherine Granger.
Fala Katherine Granger.
Oh, a tall, dark stranger came into the party and carried Katie Granger out like Scarlett O'Hara.
Um desconhecido, alto e moreno, entrou na festa e levou a Katie Granger ao colo, como nos filmes.
To me and to a whole lot of other people, your father, Charlie Granger, was a hero.
Para mim e muita gente, o Charlie Granger era um herói.
Don't cheat yourself out of the honor of being Charlie Granger's daughter.
Não despreze a honra de ser filha do Charlie Granger.
Like, uh, Charlie Granger's map?
Tipo o mapa do Charlie Granger?
Because now you know who's standing between you and Katherine Granger.
Agora já sabe quem está entre si e a Katherine Granger.
How far along are you? Granger has Just crossed the Yaqui River, narrowly avoiding being eaten alive by piranha.
- O Granger acabou de atravessar o Rio Yaqui, evitando ser comido pelas piranhas.
It was you and Stewart Granger in The Prisoner of Zenda.
Era você e o Stewart Granger em "O Prisioneiro de Zenda".
next to Miss Granger's apartment.
Para que ela pudesse ter o quarto vizinho de Miss Granger.

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