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Hammersmith translate Portuguese

54 parallel translation
Off we go, Mr and Mrs Henry Hopkinson The Hollyhocks, Hammersmith.
Aqui está, Sr. e Sra. Henry Hopkinson O Hollyhocks, Hammersmith.
I don't think we told you that Mr. Lawson sold his butcher shop in Hammersmith.
Contámos-lhe que o Sr. Lawson vendeu o seu talho em Hammersmith?
To the Hammersmith Post Office.
Para o Correio de Hammersmith.
- Hammersmith and Barons Court.
- Hammersmith e Barons Court.
Vigor and the Hammersmith Wonder... did you say something?
- "Víboras" : "Vigor, o Martelador Maravilha". Disse alguma coisa?
Hammersmith Hospital now.
Já para o Hospital Hammersmith.
- You'll wind up back at Hammersmith's.
- Acabas por ir para o Hammersmith.
Mr. Hammersmith, your office said I might find you at home.
Sr. Hammersmith, no seu escritório disseram que devia estar em casa.
I know violent men, Mr. Hammersmith.
Conheço homens violentos, Sr. Hammersmith.
Well, I was born and raised around West London, the Shepherd's Bush and Hammersmith area.
Eu nasci e cresci à volta de Londres Ocidental PAUL COOK AOS 5 ANOS em Shepherd's Bush e na área de Hammersmith.
We'd always know a way in round the back of Hammersmith Odeon, being our local area.
Arranjávamos maneira de entrar pelas traseiras do Hammersmith Odeon.
Coming out with White Man in Hammersmith Palais was really unexpected and these are the best moments of any career.
Começar com'White Man'no Hammersmith Palais foi algo inesperado e estes são os melhores momentos.
In fact, get on the Hammersmith City Line to Paddington, then get on the Bakerloo Line and get off at Kilburn Park.
Ou então apanha a linha Hammersmith and City, até Paddington, muda para a linha BakerIoo, sentido norte, e sai no Kilburn Park.
I'm Tina Hammersmith!
Sou a Tina Hammersmith!
All the way up to the fantastic Hammersmith dynasty of today.
E vem até à fantástica... dinastia Hammersmith dos nossos dias.
- But - - And in this case tradition favors Miss Hammersmith.
E neste caso, a tradição favorece a Hammersmith.
Miss Hammersmith will go to nationals.
A Menina Hammersmith irá ao campeonato nacional.
Actually, Miss Hammersmith, I think it's a splendid idea.
Menina Hammersmith, de facto até acho que é uma ideia esplêndida.
Why are y'all so tired? And State cheerleading legend, Tina Hammersmith, is confident about her team's chances.
E a lendária líder da claque, Tina Hammersmith... está confiante nas possibilidades da equipa.
Live at the Hammersmith.
Ao vivo, na Hammersmith.
Hammerton's Country Bar.
Hammersmith's Country Bar.
But I remain calm, even when they interviewed the scene of the famous London venue, the Hammersmith Odeon.
Mas devo manter a calma mesmo quando o entrevisto na famosa sala de Londres, o Hammersmith Odeon.
It's hard to choose, but I would say, likely, given my long history as a music fan, Bruce Dickinson interview Iron Maiden on stage at the Hammersmith Odeon, with balcony in the background.
É difícil escolher, mas eu diria, provavelmente, dada a minha vasta historia como fan de música, entrevistar Bruce Dickinson dos Iron Maiden, no palco do Hammersmith Odeon, com os balcões como fundo.
There's a couple of rentals in Hammersmith, they'd probably be more up your street.
Há algumas para alugar em Hammersmith. Provavelmente são mais ao seu género.
Their momentum has slowed but we have major damage and further potential loss of life... at Chelsea, Clapham, Hammersmith and Putney.
A força diminuiu, mas temos enormes danos, e... E mais potencial perda de vidas em... Chelsea, Clapham, Hammersmith e Putney.
I'll see you at Hammersmith later.
Encontramo-nos em Hammersmith.
Ah! Oh, I'm delighted to find Miss Amanda Price of Hammersmith.
Fico maravilhado em encontrar aqui a Srta.
I cannot yet hear Lydia, which is unusual, but nevertheless...
Amanda Price de Hammersmith. Ainda não posso ouvir Lydia, o que é incomum, mas -
Hammersmith, Miss Price.
A Hammersmith, Srta. Price.
- Where are we?
- Em Hammersmith, Srta.
If they have come here, we must go immediately to prevent wrongdoing.
Se crês que tenham vindo a Hammersmith, devemos ir ali imediatamente para evitar qualquer mal-feito.
There is no opera in Hammersmith.
Não há ópera em Hammersmith.
She left it in Hammersmith.
Ela o deixou em Hammersmith.
If I went away again, to Hammersmith, should you mind?
Se eu for novamente... para Hammersmith... te importarias?
If you return to Hammersmith, you will dismay your mother, if you remain here, you will disappoint your father.
Se voltares para Hammersmith, deixarás tua mãe triste. Se ficares aqui... decepcionarás teu pai.
Up to Hammersmith, take the A4 through Kensington and you're there.
Vá até Hammersmith, tome a A4 através de Kensington e está lá.
This is from Hammersmith Odeon.
Este é do Hammersmith Odeon. Este é do "No Sleep'T il Hammersmith".
This is from "No Sleep'til Hammersmith". And this is by a German cat.
Isto foi um alemão que fez.
When we've made our millions and we're playing Hammersmith Odeon...
Quando ganharmos milhões e tocarmos no Hammersmith Odeon...
Professor Hammersmith of Oxford.
O Professor Hammersmith de Oxford.
I am Professor Hammersmith.
Eu sou o Professor Hammersmith.
I saw the Beatles play at the Hammersmith Odeon when I was bottom of the bill in the Yardbirds
Eu vi os Beatles tocarem no Hammersmith Odeon quando eu já era uma referência de rodapé nos Yardbirds.
And then he'd pick up Ringo and then pick me up and then we'd head into town and by the time we got to Hammersmith, we were just loaded, and...
Ele apanhou o Ringo e depois a mim, entrámos na cidade e quando chegámos em Hammersmith, estávamos tramados, e...
Have you ever been to Hammersmith?
Você já esteve em Hammersmith?
What? James, you really do live in Hammersmith, don't you?
James, vives mesmo em Hammersmith, não é?
- Remember Hammersmith bridge?
- Lembras-te da ponte Hammersmith?
Em Hammersmith.
Brief holiday, much needed.
" Vejo-te em Hammersmith.
I've a patient in Hammersmith Hospital, Mrs. Crabtree, she's a driver's wife, I believe, she's dying of Ridgeway's.
Tenho uma paciente no hospital de Hammersmith, a Sra. Crabtree,
- Hammersmith, Miss Price.
Our social experiment has proved dispiritingly unchallenging. Hammersmith is not the Amazon.
Hammersmith não é a Amazônia.

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