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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ H ] / Harrington

Harrington translate Portuguese

462 parallel translation
Two years ago, in your October 17 column... you started out to write a book review... but at the bottom of the column, you switched over to the Harrington murder case.
Há dois anos, na sua coluna, em 17 de Outubro... você começou a escrever a análise de um livro... mas no fundo da coluna, você mudou para o caso do crime Harrington.
You said Harrington was rubbed out with a shotgun loaded with buckshot... the way Laura Hunt was murdered night before last.
Você disse que Harrington foi limpo com chumbo de caça grossa... Tal como Laura Hunt foi morta há duas noites.
I'd like to send a wire to Oliver H.P. Harrington, 928 Park Avenue, New York City.
Quero enviar um telegrama a Oliver H.P. Harrington, Park Avenue, 928, Nova lorque.
Do you, Oliver H.P. Harrington, despite the fact that Victoria Stafford has shamelessly walked out on three previous marriages, take this woman for your lawful wedded wife, and do you solemnly promise that you will hnour, and cherish, and love, and love, and love her forever and ever?
Oliver H.P. Harrington, apesar do facto da Victoria Stafford... ter saído vergonhosamente dos três casamentos anteriores, aceitas esta mulher como tua fiel esposa... e prometes solenemente amá-la, honrá-la e acarinhá-la... e amá-la para todo o sempre?
Do you Victoria Stafford, now that you have wired Oliver H.P.Harrington saying positively that you would marry him, take this man for your lawful wedded husband?
E tu, Victoria Stafford, agora que mandaste um telegrama a Oliver H.P. Harrington... a dizer que casarias com ele, aceitas este homem como teu fiel marido?
You can't marry Oliver H.P. Harrington! You don't love Oliver H.P. Harrington.
Não podes casar com o Oliver H.P. Harrington!
Not Oliver H.P. Harrington!
Não amas o Oliver H.P. Harrington!
I do too love Oliver H.P. Harrington!
Eu amo o Oliver H.P. Harrington!
- At least, not to Mr Oliver H.P. "Stuffed Shirt" Harrington.
- Pelo menos, não com o Sr. Oliver H.P. "Emproado" Harrington.
Mr Harrington.
Este é o Sr. Harrington.
Nice having you with us, Harrington.
É bom tê-lo connosco, Harrington.
Oh, I read about you and Mr Harrington.
Li acerca de si e do Sr. Harrington.
Good evening, Mr Harrington.
Boa noite, Sr. Harrington.
- Oh, Mr Harrington.
- Sr. Harrington.
Do you, Oliver H.P. Harrington, take Victoria Stafford to be your lawful wedded wife, and do you solemnly promise that you will love, honor, and cherish her until death shall separate you?
Oliver H.P. Harrington, aceitas Victoria Stafford como tua fiel esposa, e prometes solenemente amá-la, honrá-la e acarinhá-la... até que a morte vos separe?
"Crittenden. " Harrington.
Cook, Grittendon, Harrington,
And no brighter light has ever dazzled the eye than Eve Harrington.
E não houve luz mais brilhante que a de Eve Harrington,
He is the producer of the play which has won for Eve Harrington the Sarah Siddons Award.
Produtor da peça que deu à Eve Harrington o Prémio Sarah Siddons,
Ladies and gentlemen, for distinguished achievement in the theatre, the Sarah Siddons Award to Miss Eve Harrington.
Sras. E Srs., pelo seu contributo valioso para o teatro, o Prémio Sarah Siddons... vai para a Menina Eve Harrington.
Eve Harrington.
Eve Harrington.
Margo, this is Eve Harrington.
Margo, esta é a Eve Harrington.
- Hello, Miss Harrington.
- Olá, Menina Harrington.
This is Eve Harrington.
Esta é Eve Harrington.
- Eve Harrington.
- Eve Harrington.
Eve Harrington has never by word, look, thought or suggestion indicated anything to me but adoration for you and happiness at our being in love.
A Eve nunca, por palavras, olhar, pensamento ou sugestão me indicou outra coisa senão adoração por ti e felicidade pela nossa relação.
- Miss Casswell, Miss Harrington.
- Menina Casswell, Menina Harrington.
Give Eve Harrington a job in your office.
Dá emprego à Eve Harrington no teu escritório.
I refer to your new and unpregnant understudy, Miss Eve Harrington.
Refiro-me à sua nova substituta que não está grávida, Menina Eve Harrington.
Eve Harrington will be among them.
Eve Harrington está entre elas.
Will you please call Miss Eve Harrington to the phone?
Posso falar com a Menina Eve Harrington?
"And so my hat which has, lo, these many seasons, " become firmly rooted about my ears, is lifted to Miss Harrington.
"E o meu chapéu que, todas estas temporadas, esteve enterrado até às orelhas, é erguido à Menina Harrington."
" Miss Harrington had much to tell and these columns shall report her faithfully
"Eve Harrington expressou a sua opinião e o jornal foi fiel à suas palavras."
Just refer all of Miss Eve Harrington's future requests to me.
Passa todos os futuros pedidos da Menina Eve Harrington para mim.
I hear your understudy, a Miss Harrington, has given her notice.
Soube que a tua substituta, uma Menina Harrington, despediu-se.
I room across the hall from Eve Harrington.
Sou vizinha da Eve Harrington.
- Did Miss Harrington tell you to call?
- A Menina Harrington pediu para ligar?
To begin with, your name is not Eve Harrington.
Para começar, não se chama Eve Harrington.
- Congratulations, Miss Harrington.
- Parabéns, Menina Harrington.
- Miss Harrington.
- Menina Harrington.
You know the Eve Harrington Club that they have in most girls'high schools?
Conhece o Clube Eve Harrington que há nos liceus femininos?
Miss Harrington's resting, Mr. DeWitt.
A Menina Harrington descansa, Sr. DeWitt.
It seems Miss Harrington left her award in the taxi cab.
Parece que a Menina Harrington deixou o prémio no táxi.
- Then ask Miss Harrington how to get one.
- A Menina Harrington diz-lhe como é.
Miss Harrington knows all about it.
A Menina Harrington sabe tudo sobre esse assunto.
Just a taxi driver, Miss Harrington.
Um motorista, Menina Harrington.
Sure, Miss Harrington.
Claro, Menina Harrington.
- Harrington?
- Harrington?
Remember the chauffeur on the Harrington estate?
Lembram-se do motorista dos Harrington?
The Harrington case.
O caso Harrington.
It was Harrington I came to talk to you about.
Foi sobre o Harrington que eu vim falar consigo.

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