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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ H ] / Has something happened

Has something happened translate Portuguese

747 parallel translation
- Has something happened?
- Aconteceu alguma coisa?
Has something happened?
Aconteceu alguma coisa?
Has something happened?
Aconteceu algum coisa?
Has something happened to him?
Aconteceu-lhe algo?
Chefe, que lhe aconteceu?
But something else has happened.
Mas houve algo mais.
Something wonderful has happened.
Algo maravilhoso aconteceu.
Something terrible has happened!
Aconteceu algo terrível!
- Something horrible has happened.
Agora estou zangada. - Aconteceu uma coisa horrível.
If the people in this house hear him... they'll think something terrible has happened.
David, esta casa tem oito milhões de pessoas, e se o ouvirem vão pensar que algo horrível aconteceu.
Louis something has happened.
Luís... algo aconteceu.
Madame, hurry, something has happened.
Madame, depressa, algo aconteceu.
Bruce, I know I said I'd be down, but something terrific has happened.
És tu Bruce? Sim. Já sei que iria logo...
Something terrible has happened.
Aconteceu algo terrível.
Something has happened in the cellar.
Venha rápido! Aconteceu algo na adega.
Doctor. Something terrible has happened.
Doutor, aconteceu algo de horrível.
Something has happened Turn back, Mahmoud.
Alguma coisa aconteceu. Dai a volta, Mahmoud.
It's something that has never happened to me before... something I never expected would happen... but suddenly it is as if nothing else existed... even my music, which used to mean so much to me. Yes.
Because something has happened to us.
Porque algo se passou entre nós.
Something quite overwhelming has happened. I'm going to be married.
Um assunto que complica tudo.
Herbert, something... something very strange has happened.
Herbert, algo algo muito estranho aconteceu. É um convidado meu.
Something terrible has happened to you.
Algo terrível aconteceu consigo.
Something has happened. It's lunch time and he isn't here!
Passa-se algo, é a hora de comer e ainda não chegou.
I read it many times and understood something important has happened.
Li-a muitas vezes e percebi que algo importante aconteceu.
I was. But something has happened that I had never dreamed.
E ia, mas aconteceu uma coisa com que nem sonhava.
And anybody who sits around and lets it happen... keeps silent about something he knows has happened, shares the guilt of it... just as much as the Roman soldier... who pierced the flesh of Our Lord to see if He was dead.
E quem deixa isto acontecer, não fala sobre algo que aconteceu, partilha a culpa disso, tal como o soldado romano... que cortou a carne de Nosso Senhor para ver se Ele estava morto.
But if I'm correct and the mounting evidence only fortifies my theory then something incredible has happened in this desert.
Mas, se ela estiver certa, e as provas fortalecem minha teoria... então algo inacreditável aconteceu neste deserto.
Either Semu has changed plans, or something has happened.
Ou Semu mudou o plano ou algo se passou.
Sarah dear, something rather pleasant has happened to me.
Sarah querida, aconteceu-me algo bastante agradável.
Something terrible has happened in 321.
- Aconteceu algo terrível no 321.
Something very unusual has happened.
Aconteceu algo de muito invulgar.
Jenkins, I'm afraid something terrible has happened!
Receio que tenha acontecido alguma coisa terrível!
That doesn't mean that something has happened.
Isso não significa que aconteceu alguma coisa.
Has something happened to Richard Bates?
- Alguma coisa aconteceu com Richard Bates?
Something terrible has happened.
Aconteceu uma coisa horrível!
You are fantastic and I do not hurt, but something has happened.
É fantástica e não quero te ferir, mas aconteceu algo.
Father, something wonderful has happened.
Pai, aconteceu algo de maravilhoso!
But something has happened.
- Aconteceu algo.
I know you too Silvia, to suspect that has happened something illegal. But I fear that you have misinterpreted the generosity of Hannibal.
Conheço-te bem demais Silvia, para suspeitar que tenhas feito algo ilicito.
Even if we never see each other again... Something very good has happened...
Mesmo que nunca nos voltemos a ver aconteceu uma coisa muito boa
But something else has happened.
Mas aconteceu outra coisa.
Something serious has happened.
Passa-se algo de grave.
But now I'm calling up to tell you something terrible has happened.
Mas agora teIefonei para Ihe dizer que aconteceu uma coisa terrível.
You look as if something unpleasant has happened to you.
Passa-se alguma coisa? Não pareces contente.
Something rather unpleasant has happened.
Aconteceu uma coisa um pouco desagradável.
... I feel that something has happened to him.
Edwards sinto que lhe aconteceu alguma coisa.
Something has happened...
Acontece que...
Something dreadful has happened.
Aconteceu algo horroroso.
Something has happened to me.
Algo me aconteceu.
Something has happened to the last three rockets to cause them to veer off course.
Algo se passou com os últimos três foguetes que se desviaram do curso.
Your Honour, something that happened on the trail has a bearing on the case.
Dr. Juiz, aconteceu uma coisa no regresso que tem importância para o caso.

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