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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ H ] / Have you heard from him

Have you heard from him translate Portuguese

90 parallel translation
- Have you heard from him?
- Tens tido notícias dele?
Have you heard from him?
Chama-se Laudeo, não sei se se lembra.
Have you heard from him?
Tiveste alguma noticia dele?
Have you heard from him?
Notícias deles? - De quem?
How is Charlie? Have you heard from him?
Não já há algum tempo.
Anyway, I've been looking for my father. - Have you heard from him or seen him?
De qualquer maneira, eu estive a procurar o meu pai e você sabe dele?
- Have you heard from him? - Mark?
Tens tido notícias dele?
Have you heard from him?
Sabes alguma coisa dele?
- Have you heard from him?
- Notícias dele?
- Have you heard from him?
Nem uma palavra.
I can't find Alexis. Have you heard from him?
Não encontro o Alexis.
So, have you heard from him?
Tiveste notícias dele?
Have you heard from him?
Tiveste notícias dele?
Have you heard from him?
Sabe alguma coisa dele?
Have you heard from him?
Já tiveste notícias dele?
Have you heard from him?
Tem notícias dele?
Have you heard from him?
- Tens tido notícias dele?
Where is Robert? Have you heard from him?
Já soubeste alguma coisa dele?
Have you heard from him today? No.
- Já tiveste notícias dele, hoje?
Have you heard from him?
Ouviram alguma coisa dele?
Have you heard from him this week?
Soubeste dele esta semana?
Have you heard from him lately?
Teve notícias dele ultimamente?
Have you heard from him?
Souberam alguma coisa dele?
Have you heard from him?
Já sabes dele?
Hi. Have you heard from him?
- Souberam dele?
- Have you heard from him?
- Você já ouviu falar dele?
Have you heard from him?
Have you heard from him?
Ouviu falar dele?
Have you heard from him? Yeah, he checks in.
- Já tiveste notícias dele?
Have you heard from him yet?
Já soubeste alguma coisa dele?
Father, you haven't heard from him, have you?
Sabes alguma coisa dele?
Ain't heard from him lately, have you, Senator?
Não tem tido notícias dele, Senador?
- Have you heard from him?
Teve notícias dele?
You may have heard of him from the academy!
Deves ter ouvido falar d'ele, na Academia!
- Have you ever heard from him?
- Alguma vez o ouviste?
If he was alive, you'd have heard from him.
Se ele está vivo, por que não dá sinal de vida?
You haven't heard from him, have you?
Não soubeste nada dele, pois não?
Have you heard from Jay or seen him in the last 24 hours?
Falou ou esteve com o Jay nas últimas 24 horas?
You haven't heard from him, have you?
Não tiveste notícias dele, pois não?
Have you seen or heard from him?
Viste-o ou falaste com ele?
I have nothing heard from him, you since you met.
Não ouço falar nele, desde que o viste.
"I would need the King's permission for such a wedding, " but I assume you have yet to give him my father's precious ring, " else I would have heard from his gracious Majesty.
Precisarei da permissão do Rei para um casamento, mas presumo que já lhe destes o precioso anel do meu pai caso contrário, já teria tido notícias de Sua Majestade.
Have you heard from him?
Teve notícias dele?
This Pinkman that Hank was looking for Hank would have never even heard his name if you hadn't bought marijuana from him.
Este tal Pinkman que o Hank andava à procura... Ele nunca teria ouvido falar no nome dele, se não lhe tivesses comprado marijuana.
I mean, you must have heard from him.
Tens sabido dele, calculo?
Have you heard from him?
Sabes o que anda a tramar?
You haven't heard from him, have you?
- Não tiveste de notícias dele?
Have you heard any more from him? No.
- Voltaste a ter notícias dele?
Have you heard from him?
- Tiveste notícias dele? - Do Tommy?
Murder. Yeah. Have you heard from him?
- Homicídio?
Especially since you have not heard anything from him for over three weeks worries me a lot.
Especialmente por fazer três semanas " que que não tenho noticias dele... preocupa-me muito.

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