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He was a good guy translate Portuguese

188 parallel translation
I liked him. He was a good guy.
Estava sempre bem disposto.
He was a good guy. - Honey, don't be so Miss Doom and Gloom. - You'll be fine.
Vais ficar bem, querida.
He was a good guy.
Era um bom homem.
- He was a good guy.
- Ele é um bom tipo.
He was a good guy.
Era um bom tipo.
I think that he was a good guy underneath it all.
Era um bom rapaz, apesar de tudo.
He was a good guy.
Ele era um tipo bom.
Basically he was a good guy.
Basicamente era bom tipo.
He was a good guy, my father.
O meu pai era boa pessoa.
You get through anything when you have to, but it was.... What kept me sane was the cop who arrested my old man kind of adopted me. Captain McAuley, he was a good guy.
Renegas tudo quando tens que fazê-lo, mas o que me manteve sensato foi que o policia que prendeu o meu pai.
He was a good guy, signed a couple autographs.
É bom tipo. Até deu alguns autógrafos.
He was a good guy.
Era boa pessoa
And so he returned to work, accepting the fact that he was a good guy.
E voltou para o trabalho... aceitando o facto de ser uma boa pessoa.
He was a good guy.
Ele era boa pessoa.
Yeah, he was a good guy.
- Sim, era um bom tipo.
He was a good guy.
Ele era um cara bom.
Yeah, he was a good guy.
É, ele era um tipo porreiro.
He was a good guy.
Ele era um bom tipo.
He was a good guy, Ted.
- Era às direitas, o Ted...
He was a good guy, a good cop.
Era um bom tipo, um bom polícia.
- He was a good guy trying to go straight.
- Era um bom rapaz a tentar endireitar-se.
I told you he was a good guy.
Eu disse-te que ele era boa pessoa.
It's too bad. He was a real good guy.
Qué pena, o corcundo era muito bonzinho.
You know, it's a good thing he was a funny-looking guy, otherwise you'd be plenty worried by now,'cause I was gonna go through with it.
Você sabe, é uma coisa boa ele era um cara engraçado, caso contrário, você ficaria muito preocupado agora, porque eu ia em frente.
Just that he was gray-haired and quite a good-looking guy.
Só que tinha cabelo grisalho, e era um tipo muito bem parecido.
I'd just like to say that he was a good surfer and a really great guy.
Eu gostaria de dizer que ele era um bom surfista e um tipo impecável.
He was just a good guy all the way around.
Era bom tipo, em todos os aspectos.
I talked to his ex-CO. He said the guy was a bit paranoid, but he was good.
O seu antigo comandante diz que eram pouco paranóico, mas de resto tudo bem.
He was a cocky guy, kept telling me how good he flew.
Era um tipo cheio de manias, a dizer que sabia voar.
He was so attentive, he was so giving and he was such a good listener but by the 2nd and 3rd date, I thought "I wish this guy would loosen up maybe talk about himself."
Ele era tão atencioso, tão generoso e tão bom ouvinte mas nos encontros seguintes, pensei "Quem dera que este tipo relaxasse e talves falasse sobre si próprio."
He was carrying a Good Guy doll... just before the accident with the garbage truck.
- Ele andava com um Good Guy. - Mesmo antes daquele acidente.
Was he a monster or a good guy?
- Era um monstro, ou um tipo porreiro?
He was a good guy. Hey, you keep your hands up, all right?
- Mantém as mãos para cima!
- Other than that, he was a real good guy.
- Tirando isso, era um tipo porreiro.
I was in the basement looking for something to use as a cape, and I was going through that box of Mom and Dad's stuff, the one the exorcist guy said he got a good vibe from.
Estava na cave à procura de uma capa e fui ver na caixa das coisas dos pais, a que o exorcista disse que tinha boas vibrações.
Well, if this guy was so good at prophesizing, did he bother to say how it ends?
Bem, se este homem era tão bom a profetizar, deu-se ao trabalho de escrever como tudo acaba?
A good guy. He was right to stay.
Afinal sempre teve razão para não se demitir.
Hey, he told my guy it was an emergency but I have it on good authority that he was gambling.
Eu tenho a certeza que qualquer coisa surgiu. Ei, ele disse ao meu homem que foi uma emergência mas eu sei de fonte segura que ele estava a jogar.
He was a really good guy.
Ele era muito boa pessoa.
Eu estava à caça com o Frank. Era um bom amigo meu.
It was a good thing, too, because it was gonna take a little time to clean this guy out - - he had everything
Isso era muito bom... pois ia levar um tempo limpar esse cara. Ele tinha tudo.
You had to sit there and watch terrible Tess do it... with that guy you thought wasn't good enough, - who was actually quite excellent, wasn't he? - He was.
Tiveste de ficar ali sentada e ver a horrível Tess fazê-lo, com aquele tipo que tu pensavas não ser suficientemente bom, que na verdade era excelente, não era?
Luckily, Fitzy, the good guy that he is... he was hiding behind a dumpster with a video camera.
Felizmente, Fitzy, um tipo porreiro... estava atrás de um caixote de lixo com uma máquina de filmar.
He was a really good guy, my dad.
Ele era mesmo um tipo porreiro, o meu pai.
He was a good guy.
" Era tão bom rapaz!
He was half of a wise guy on a good day.
Ele era metade de um rapaz esperto num dia bom.
"Really eager to hear from you." You know, that's something a guy would say if he was the father of her child... and the mother stopped calling'cause she found a really good guy.
"Espero ansiosamente novidades tuas." Isso é algo... que um homem diria se fosse pai duma criança, e a mãe deixasse de telefonar, por ter encontrado um tipo bestial.
He was such a good guy.
Ele era um tipo tão bom.
At first, when I had no real inkling of where the story and the character was gonna go, I thought that he was an ordinary guy in extraordinary circumstances, that Michael was the good brother and Lincoln was the bad boy.
No início, quando não tinha uma verdadeira suspeita de para onde a história e o personagem iriam, achei que ele era um tipo normal em circunstâncias extraordinárias, em que o Michael era o irmão bom e o Lincoln era o mau rapaz.
He really was a good guy.
Era um bom rapaz.
Besides, my guess was that that guy was so scared, he probably didn't even get a good look at Joy.
Além do mais, o meu palpite era que ele estava tão assustado que provavelmente nem tinha olhado para a cara da Joy.

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