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He was a great man translate Portuguese

172 parallel translation
- He was a great man.
- Foi um grande homem.
But your father, he was a great man, but with this new Rome, it has all changed.
Mas o seu pai era um grande homem, mas mas com a sua nova Roma, tudo mudou!
And he was a great man.
Ele era um homem honrado.
But he was a great man because he was a man of honor.
Mas era um homem honrado.
He was a great man, a true fascist.
Era um grande homem, um verdadeiro fascista.
You were the one who told us he was a great man.
- Disse que ele é um grande homem! Ele era!
He was a great man.
Foi o último de uma espécie que já não se fabrica. Ele era um homem fantástico.
He was a great man.
- Era um grande homem.
Oh, he was a great man. A great...
Ele era um grande homem.
Well, he was a great man.
Bem, foi um grande homem.
He was a great man and a hell of a lawyer.
Foi um grande homem e um excelente advogado.
He was a great man. One of the most important composers of our time.
Ele era um dos maiores compositores contemporâneos.
He was a great man. He was a great father too.
Era um grande homem e um bom pai também.
But he was a great man.
Mas era um grande homem.
He was a great man.
Era um grande homem.
He was a great man who was trying to make a difference.
Era um grande homem que queria mudar as coisas.
- He was a great man, Rahul...
Ele foi um grande homem, um grande homem.
He didn't pay me, but he was a great man.
Não me pagava, mas era um grande homem. Para!
He was a great man.
Ele era um grande homem.
And then, someday, when he's an old man and his grandchildren ask him about Mata Hari he must tell a great lie, say that she was a wonderfully good woman.
E então, algum dia, quando ele se tornar um ancião e seus netos lhe perguntarem sobre Mata Hari ele deve dizer uma grande mentira, que era uma mulher maravilhosamente boa.
He was a great big man with a hairy coat on.
Era um homem muito grande, com um casaco de pêlo.
Your father was a great man, wasn't he?
O teu pai era um grande homem, não era?
I thought it was quite wonderful of him to admit it. You must remember, karel, he's a very great man.
Embora teve o mérito de admiti-lo.
He was like a new man, and I thought that was great.
Parecia outro homem, foi fantástico.
He was sure that he had the Negro, who was a fine man and a great athlete beaten.
Ele estava certo que o negro, um bom homem, | grande atleta estava derrotado.
He was always a man of great intelligence.
Ele sempre foi um homem muito inteligente.
He was a man born with the qualities of a great legal mind.
Um homem de qualidades jurídicas inatas e privilegiadas.
( man ) Mr Roosevelt began by saying that when he was a young man the great reputation in the American military was General Grant, who had once sent an order saying that he would accept no terms but unconditional surrender,
O Sr. Roosevelt começou por dizer que, quando era novo, a grande figura do exército americano era o general Grant, que tinha enviado uma ordem dizendo que não aceitaria nada além da rendição incondicional, e que estas eram, na verdade, as condições que os Aliados,
I have spent a lifetime... trying to persuade the white man that he needn't fear us... that all we wanted was a chance to work... and prosper beside him... and enjoy with him the fruits of this great land.
Que tudo o que queríamos era uma chance de trabalhar,... prosperar ao lado deles e aproveitar os frutos desta grande terra.
Farrow was rather moving, my lord. A great strong man, he stood there gaunt and noble in the early morning mist and in a loud clear voice he cried out,
McAngus, como recompensa pelos teus feitos de guerra, o meu pai autoriza-me a conceder-te qualquer coisa que desejes de mim.
Now, a clever man would put the poison into his own goblet because he would know that only a great fool would reach for what he was given.
Agora, um homem esperto colocaria o veneno na sua própria taça porque ele sabe que só um estúpido escolheria a taça concedida.
Besides, I'd never sleep with a player hitting under.250 unless he had a lot of RBI's or was a great glove man up the middle.
Além disso, nunca dormiria com jogador de média inferior a 0,250... a não ser que tivesse batido muitos home runs ou fosse um grande receptor.
God, he was a great man.
Então o crucificaram.
Yes, he was a remarkable man of great talent.
Sim. Era um homem encantador.
Either my father was inadequate for my mother... not the man I thought he was, not a great man, not even a good man... or else my mother was trash... a common whore.
Ou o meu pai não era apropriado para a minha mãe, não era o homem que achava que ele era, nem um grande homem, nem sequer bom. Ou a minha mãe era ralé, uma prostituta vulgar.
He's a great man, but he... When I was a kid, he gave away my toys to the poorer kids.
ele é um grande homem, mas... quando eu era miudo, ele dava os meus brinquedos aos miúdos pobres.
He, too, was a great man.
Ele também era um grande homem.
He was a great composer, a splendid organist, and, above all, a great man and a friend to everyone :
Era um grande c0mp0sit0r, um magnífico organista, e, s0bretud0, um h0mem muit0 b0m e muit0 amig0 de t0da a gente :
He was always a great man to sing a song at a wake.
Era ele quem cantava sempre nos velórios.
What a great man he was!
Era um homem grandioso.
If he was here now,..... if he could hear what I say,..... I'd congratulate him on being..... a great man.
Se estivesse aqui agora... se ele pudesse ouvir-me... eu o felicitaria por ser um homem grandioso.
He was a great man.
Foi um grande homem.
He may have been a hero... he may even have been a great man... but in the end, he was a bad Captain.
Ele pode ter sido um herói, talvez até tenha sido um grande homem, mas, em última análise, foi um mau Capitão.
That, Francis, is Pope Leo XIII, and he was a great friend of the working man.
Esse é o Papa Leão XIII... que era um grande amigo dos homens trabalhadores.
But if Democritus was a man so great among men and a philosopher so wise... If our world is only one among many, how could he laugh?
Mas se Demócrito era um homem tão grande entre os homens e um filósofo tão sábio e se não só via este mundo, mas tantos mundos, como ria?
He was a great medicine man.
Ele era um ótimo curandeiro.
He spared me, because he wanted me to live in shame. This was a great man.
Ele poupou-me porque queria que eu vivesse em desonra.
He was a man of great sadness.
Foi um homem de grande tristeza.
I thought he was a great man.
Foi um namorico breve.
I've spent most of my life... listening to people tell me what a great man he was.
Passei a maior parte da minha vida... a ouvir as pessoas dizerem que ele era um grande homem.
He was a man of great intellect, unflinching courage, and an uncompromising honor.
Era um homem de grande intelecto, coragem inabalável, e honra intransigente.

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