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Hillman translate Portuguese

100 parallel translation
Wilson and hildebrand were caught in a landslide.
Wilson e Hillman ficaram presos.
Hillman taking a tumble.
Hilman caiu.
It's time to fall on your knees, Red Hillman.
São horas de te ajoelhares, Red Hillman.
Red Hillman and Delaney.
O Red Hillman e o Delaney!
Our staff consists of Hillman, the gardener, and Mrs Kidder, she let you in,
Os nossos empregados são o Hillman, o jardineiro, e a Sra, Kidder, que lhe abriu a porta,
That was Hillman the gardener, When Father moves about, he calls him,
Aquele era o Hillman, o jardineiro, Quando o Pai ten de se movimentar, chama-o,
Used to be quite a spot for courting couples till Grandfather got Hillman to put a stop to it,
Costumava ser um bom local para casais de namorados, até o Avô ter pedido ao Hillman que pusesse um travão na coisa,
Oh, Hillman, I want to have a word with you,
Hillman! Quero dar-lhe uma palavrinha,
I mean that gardener of theirs - Hillman,
Refiro-me ao jardineiro, ao Hillman,
Hillman, another bottle,
Hillman, outra garrafa,
- Hillman saw you,
- O Hillman viu-os,
I think this chair, Hillman,
Nesta cadeira, Hillman,
His hillman smells all fishy.
O carro cheira a peixe.
- An "Hillman".
- Um "Hillman".
Do you know a Mr Gerald Hillman?
Conhece um tal Gerald Hillman?
And Mr Hillman, he's...?
E Sr. Hillman? Ele...
Jerry Hillman?
Jerry Hillman?
Your boss, Jerry Hillman?
O teu chefe? O Jerry Hillman?
You've reached Hillman Marine.
Ligou para Hillman Marine.
- You have ever heard a place called "Hillman"?
- Já ouviste falar de um sitio chamado "Hillman"?
"Hillman Marine"
"Hillman Marine"
Steven J. Hillman of San Francisco, California.
Steven J. Hillman de San Francisco, California.
All units, the suspect is Steven Hillman.
Todas unidades, o suspeito é Steven Hillman.
I need to talk to Steve Hillman.
Preciso de falar com o Steve Hillman.
Mr. Hillman, I've heard all I care to hear from you.
Mr. Hillman, ouvi tudo o que eu queria ouvir de si.
Hillman took both our guns.
Hillman ficou com as nossas armas.
in Oregon, local police begin their search for Steven Hillman.
em Oregon, a polícia local começou a sua procura pelo Steven Hillman.
- Little is known of Hillman... but he's said to be armed and extremely dangerous.
- Pouco se conhece de Hillman... mas diz-se que ele está armado e que é extremamente perigoso.
Murder suspect Steven Hillman is still at large... while police comb the woods, in what is becoming... one of the largest manhunts instate history.
O suspeito de homicídio Steven Hillman ainda continua fugido... enquanto a polícia revira a floresta, naquilo que se está a tornar... numa caça ao homem das maiores que já se viu neste estado.
Police are still looking for Steven J. Hillman.
A polícia ainda continua à procura de Steven Hillman.
if you could talk to Hillman right now, what would you say?
Se pudesse falar agora com o Hillman o que é que lhe diria?
- Steve Hillman is my boyfriend.
- Steve Hillman é o meu namorado.
The profile of Steven Hillman is that of an ideal student.
O perfil do Steven Hillman é de um estudante ideal.
It's five days since the hunt for Steven Hillman ended.
Faz cinco dias que a caça pelo Steven Hillman terminou.
Amber Rathkin has recanted her statement that Hillman shot... deputy Bo Cooper after an altercation outside a local bar.
Amber Rathkin mudou a sua declaração de que Hillman matou... o ajudante Bo Cooper depois de uma luta fora de um bar.
Mrs. Hillman? Is this your son?
Sra. Hillman... é o seu filho?
Yeah, Joey Hillman, 517.
Joey Hillman. 517.
Okay, he doesn't have to give us a name, Ms. Hillman, all right?
Não precisamos de um nome.
Steven J. Hillman of San Francisco, California.
Steve Hillman... de San Francisco, Califórnia!
I need to talk to Steve Hillman.
Preciso f alar com Steve Hillman.
Mr. Hillman, I've heard all I care to hear fromyou.
Sr. Hillman, já ouvi tudo que queria de você.
Hillman took both our guns.
Hillman pegou as nossas armas.
.Steve Hillman is my boyfriend.
.Steve Hillman é meu namorado.
Grant Hillman.
Grant Hillman.
- Grant Hillman picking up Liberty.
- Grant Hillman para levar Liberty.
It's Bristol-Hillman Music Conservatory.
É o conservatório musical de Briston Hillman.
After Dad slammed you on Bristol-Hillman, you're going to tell me that didn't hurt?
Depois dos desejos do pai, parece que não quisesses nada para ti.
Hello, and welcome to Bristol-Hillman's summer music program. I'd like to start by reminding you of the large number of talented students who applied but did not get in.
Bem-vindos ao conservatório Brinston Hillman, quero recordar-lhes que tivemos muitos talentos que se aplicaram mas não conseguiram.
And some of our performerswill be backed up by members of the Bristol-Hillman House Band.
E alguns dos que se apresentam, serão elegidos para a bolsa de Briston Hillman. Meu Deus.
So without further ado, the board of directors of the Bristol-Hillman Music Conservatory is pleased to present this scholarship to...
A directiva do conservatorio Briston Hillman se alegra de entregar esta bolsa escolar a...
Mrs. Hillman?
Sra. Hillman.

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