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His words translate Portuguese

1,314 parallel translation
Churchill was quite incredulous about this. I think his words were
E Churchill mostrou-se muito céptico.
He was looking for, in his words, "a worthy adversary."
O que ele queria era, nas suas palavras, "um adversário à altura".
His words? It is.
Palavras dele? "Ser"?
His words, not mine. Why would he say that?
Mas por que ele diria isso?
His words, not mine.
São palavras dele, não minhas.
Heed his words.
Prestai-lhe atenção.
Heed his words.
Atendei às suas palavras.
His words had presented her a pretty picture of herself quite unlike the practiced mask of uprightness mirrored back to her from the medical examiners, the investigators, and all the lawmen who dared no such utterances.
As palavras dele deram-lhe um bom retrato dela própria, contrário à máscara de rectidão que lhe devolviam os médicos-legistas e investigadores, e todos os homens de lei que não ousavam semelhantes declarações.
Send my thanks to my new friend Big Ham, and tell him we will council on his words.
Mande os meus agradecimentos ao meu novo amigo Bigham, e diga-lhe que nós pensaremos nas suas palavras.
I remember he said something like... diplomacy is bullshit at this point... "and that" "nobody fucks with the American flag" ". " - Those were his words.
- Algo parecido com "A diplomacia é uma palhaçada nesta fase e com a bandeira americana ninguém brinca".
Do you know that Hitler said in 1943 in a recorded meeting, I read you his words now.
Sabia que Hitler disse em 1943 num encontro gravado, vou ler as suas palavras agora.
But listen to the same emotions in his words.
Mas senti as mesmas emoções nas suas palavras.
Those were his words.
Foram as palavras dele.
Orderic never minces his words about what he thought of as a colonisation.
Orderic nunca se absteve de dizer o que pensava sobre aquilo que ele via como uma colonização.
To anyone who had witnessed Henry's terrible meltdown, or had even heard about it, his words could only mean one thing :
Para qualquer um que testemunhara o terrível ataque de fúria de Henrique, ou tenha ouvido sobre isso, as suas palavras só podiam significar uma coisa :
Are those his words?
Foram essas as palavras dele?
His words were not those of a remnant personality.
As palavras dele não foram as de um vestígio de personalidade.
His words twist and grind and hammer out a story for the brain but his guitar and voice go straight for your heart.
As suas palavras forjam uma história para nos alimentar o cérebro, mas a guitarra e a voz vão-nos direitas ao coracão.
His words.
As palavras d'Ele.
In other words, when this little goldfish is happy, he thinks he's been happy his whole life since his whole life was only 30 seconds ago.
Em outras palavras, quando este peixe dourado está feliz, acredita que foi feliz toda sua vida pois toda sua vida foi logo que faz 30 seg.
His last words were a hidden message to me.
As suas últimas palavras eram uma mensagem escondida para mim.
His parole officer said some lovely words and... Once again I was reminded the end is near.
0 seu agente da condicional disse umas belas palavras... e mais uma vez me recorde ¡ que o fim está perto.
He too had the words no future printed on his forehead.
Também tinha as palavras "Sem Futuro" escritas na testa.
Although when our little one is old enough, his first words will be,
No entanto quando o nosso pequeno tiver idade, as suas primeiras palavras serão...
His words.
Palavras dele.
AIameida and I concluded that it is a gospel... of Jesus Christ, in his own words...
Almeida e eu concluímos que é um evangelho... de Jesus Cristo, nas suas próprias palavras... Aramaico.
It was Jesus'words to his disciples on the night of his Last Supper.
Foram as palavras de Jesus para os seus discípulos na noite da Última Ceia.
A guy cuts words into his chest.
Um tipo grava-lhe letras no peito.
And I was moved, as any honourable member opposite by his resonant use of the words, "Let right be done."
Fui persuadido, como qualquer ilustre membro defronte, pelo seu ressoante uso das palavras :
There is truth to my words Bekhesh. I will prove his value!
Confie em minhas palavras, Bekhesh.
Looks like he choked on his own words.
Parece que se engasgou nas próprias palavras.
You see, I found these notes that you wrote Professor Clark in his files... and I traced over various words and voilà.
Sabes, encontrei cartas que escreveste ao professor Clark nos arquivos dele... e copiei várias palavras e voilà.
What were his exact words again?
Quais foram exactamente as palavras?
"Even as the stranger committed his final words to paper, he did it knowing they must never be read."
"Ao escrever as últimas palavras, sabia que nunca poderiam ser lidas."
His first words.
As primeiras palavras.
I helped him to find his own words by starting with some of mine.
Ajudei-o a encontrar as próprias palavras ao começar com algumas minhas.
I'm talkin'about the heart, not the words. Yeah, well, some of the heart might've been his too.
Refiro-me ao teu coração, não às palavras.
In other words, if you value his Majesty's favor, you will set no limit to the extravagance and ingenuity of the festivities.
Por outras palavras, se preza a estima de Sua Majestade, não deverá impor limites á pompa e requinte do festim.
The luckiest among them, the one who disappeared at sea, commands the winds to carry back home the words by which he takes leave of his country :
o que se mandou sepultar nas ondas do Oceano, encomendando aos ventos que levassem á sua Pátria as últimas vozes com que dela se despedia.
You told him, I believe the exact words was you was gonna have his ass thrown in jail.
Há algumas semanas atrás a sra. disse a ele... -... que o meteria na cadeia.
- Mm. Know what his last words were?
- Sabes as últimas palavras dele?
The day Johnny Rotten goes back on the words he writes in his songs, is the day he dies.
Quando o Johnny Rotten retroceder nas suas letras, morre certamente.
And his sidekicks have so much power that, in the words of one recipient : "They feel like being hit by a car."
E os seus pontapés laterais têm tanta força que, nas palavras de um atacado, se parecem com um atropelamento.
I think his exact words were..
Acho que ele disse...
What were his exact words?
E o porteiro confirma que esteve com a Kristy na noite do crime.
And those were his very words?
E essas foram palavras dele?
His exact words. Oh, I never tire of that story.
Nunca me canso de ouvir esta história.
As soon as the words were out of my mouth, he called up the spirits to do his bidding.
Tão logo as palavras saíram de minha boca, ele chamou os espíritos para fazer o feitiço.
I think his exact words were...
Acho que ele disse...
" "... of wearing pants like these. " " His very words, Andy.
"usaria calças como estas." Foram as palavras dele.
His actual words, if you can remember them.
As palavras exactas, caso se lembre delas.

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