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His whole life translate Portuguese

712 parallel translation
His whole life is spent in searching for you.
Dedica a vida à sua procura.
Why do you tease a man who has his whole life already behind him?
Por que zombas de um homem que deixou sua vida inteira atrás dele?
There'll never be a moment in his whole life when he'll ever regret having married me.
Não haverá um momento em toda a sua vida que ele vá arrepender-se de ter casado comigo..
But neither you nor anybody else can say anything against his character, because his whole life was...
Mas nem você nem qualquer pessoa pode dizer alguma coisa contra ele, porque a sua vida inteira foi...
In his whole life he never hit me once.
Em toda a vida, nunca me bateu.
You know, his whole life has been fighting.
Sabe, toda a sua vida foi uma luta.
They say when a man falls from a great height, his whole life flashes by.
Dizem que, quando um homem cai de grande altura, revê toda a sua vida.
A broken leg is less of a tragedy than if Uli spent his whole life afraid that no one would ever take him seriously.
Quebrar a perna é menos ruim do que se UIi passasse a vida inteira pensando que os outros no o levam a sério.
- Pop... I can handle him. I've been handling him his whole life.
Toda a vida cuide ¡ dele.
You know Dingo never earned $ 100 in his whole life.
Dingo jamais ganhou tanto dinheiro na sua vida.
His deciding may mean his whole life.
Sua decisão pode significar toda a sua vida.
He spent his whole life pretty far out in the country.
Passou toda a vida no campo.
You can't expect him to change his whole life.
Não queres que ele mude a sua vida!
He just burned out his whole life.
Acaba de pôr fogo ao que foi a sua vida.
Charlie has never done anything in his whole life except talk.
O Charlie nunca fez nada em toda a sua vida exceto falar.
Sure, you can smear him, ruin his whole life's work.
Claro, pode arruinar-lhe a reputação. Estragar a sua vida inteira.
One of them is that my husband's work filled his whole life.
Uma delas é que o trabalho do meu marido preenchia-lhe toda a sua vida.
And here's to Alfred Eaton... Who never did anything wrong in his whole life, Except be the son who didn't die of spinal meningitis...
E a Alfred Eaton que nunca fez nada de mal na sua vida excepto não ser o filho que morreu de meningite quando era rapaz.
Theron never made that long a speech in his whole life.
O Theron, não falou tanto em toda a sua vida.
That his whole life is devoted to undermining everything that you and I and every freedom-minded American...
Que dedicou a vida inteira a subverter tudo aquilo que tu, eu e todos os americanos que amam a liberdade...
"Throughout his whole life, anywhere he lived, the pious Luigi abhorred most of all any contact with women, whose presence he so avoided that everyone thought he had a natural antipathy toward them."
Sobretudo Pio Luigi, abominou sempre em toda a sua vida e em todos os lugares onde morou, o falar e o tratar com mulheres das quais fugia de modo a quem o visse pensaria que tinha uma antipatia natural.
It would change his whole life.
Mudaria toda a sua vida.
For the honor. He has his whole life to find it.
Pela honra.Ele terá toda a vida para a poder encontrar.
His eyes are opened at last and he knows now that your mother is the only woman he's ever loved in his whole life.
Ele abre os olhos e percebe finalmente que a tua mãe foi a única mulher que ele amou na vida.
He's simply got to go back to the only woman he's ever loved in his whole life.
Ele tem de voltar para a única mulher que amou na vida.
To him, it's his whole life!
Para ele é a própria vida.
He never harmed anybody... anybody in his whole life.
Ele nunca feriu ninguém... ninguém em toda a sua vida.
To think this boy's spent practically his whole life alone on that planet, everyone killed, just a few micro-tapes to learn from.
E pensar que viveu sozinho naquele planeta. Todos gastaram algumas fitas para aprender...
A man who died of old age at 45 and who never saw more than $ 10 at one time in his whole life.
Que morreu de velho aos 45... e que nunca viu mais que dez dólares de uma vez, em toda a vida.
Lysippus drew the same model his whole life... and starved to death.
Lisipo, desenhou um único modelo a vida toda e morreu esfomeado.
He's spent his whole life in these mountains.
Sempre viveu nestas montanhas.
That's his whole life, he's a watcher.
Isso era toda a sua vida. Era um observador.
Why would a young person, with his whole life ahead of him, not be tempted to find a different reason to live?
Será possível que alguém tão jovem, com a vida diante de si... Não seja tentado a achar outra razão para a sua existência?
A person can tell his whole life by his bone structure.
A estrutura óssea conta a vida duma pessoa.
I hope he won't be like this his whole life.
Espero que ele não fique assim toda a vida.
A man who doesn't live in nature like an animal or a rock, will never in his whole life write two notes worth a light.
O homem que não viva na natureza como um animal ou uma rocha, nunca em toda a sua vida escreverá duas notas que valham a pena.
This warrior dedicated his whole life to his country, without wasting a single minute on women.
Esse grande vencedor, que dedicou toda a sua vida à pátria. Não desperdiçou nem sequer um minuto com mulheres.
Bill never back shot nobody, not in his whole life.
Bill nunca matou ninguém pelas costas.
I know enough about Philippe to send him to prison for his whole life.
Sei o suficiente sobre o Philippe para o mandar para a prisão o resto da vida.
And he came to believe that work, show business, love, his whole life, even himself, and all thatjazz, was bullshit.
E acreditou que o trabalho, mundo artístico, amor, toda a sua vida, até ele, e tudo isso, eram tretas.
His whole life is based on doing the right thing.
... Toda a vida teve a mania das rectidões.
He's got his whole life ahead of him.
Tem a vida toda pela frente.
He was an enormous, enormous success, and this success largely changed his whole life, I think,'cause he found out there was something that he could do well, do practically better than anyone else.
Teve muito êxito, e acho que aquele êxito mudou totalmente sua vida, porque percebeu que sabia fazer algo bom, praticamente melhor que ninguém.
The whole world, part of his life.
Para ele, a música o é tudo.
I'd say that your nose was just a little too short, your mouth just a little too wide, but that yours was a face that a man could see in his dreams for the whole of his life.
Que o teu nariz é curto de mais. Que a tua boca é um pouco grande de mais. Mas que tens um rosto com que um homem poderia sonhar a vida inteira.
To know that Id smashed him, smashed his whole life.
Destruído a sua vida inteira.
Dingo never had six-bits to jingle in his pocket his whole miserable life.
Dingo nunca teve 5 centavos no bolso... durante a vida inteira.
You should be very proud to have a husband who's willing to risk his life for the betterment of the whole world.
O seu marido arriscou a vida para melhorar o mundo.
His whole past life had disappeared.
Toda a sua vida tinha desaparecido.
Says he and his wife lived there for their whole married life.
Disse que ele e a sua esposa viveram ali toda a vida de casados.
He has developed a fiction about his life and to destroy that... would tear down the whole castle that he's built... of his illusions.
Ele desenvolveu um mito sobre sua vida, e destruí-lo desmoronaria todo o castelo de ilusões que ele construiu.

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