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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ I ] / I been thinking

I been thinking translate Portuguese

5,192 parallel translation
So I've been thinking, maybe I should sell the place, you know?
Se calhar vou mesmo vender a casa?
After what's gone on... I've been doing a little thinking myself, believe it or not.
Depois do que se tem passado, eu próprio tenho pensado, acreditem ou não.
I've been thinking about this page we found in Washington's Bible.
Estive a pensar nesta página que encontramos na Bíblia do Washington.
I've been thinking.
Tenho andado a pensar.
I've been thinking about it for a while.
Já ando apensar nisto, há algum tempo.
You said you checked my family's tomb, but I've been thinking. All this time, I wondered why Kieran didn't have Sean interred, where he belonged, with the family.
Disseste que procuraste no túmulo da minha família, mas pensei... sempre me perguntei porque é que o Kieran não enterrou o Sean no local certo, com a família.
I wish you hadn't gotten that abortion, and I never stopped thinking about what might've been.
Nunca devias ter abortado e só me pergunto como teria sido.
- Hey, I've been thinking...
- Acho...
It's just something I've been thinking about a lot lately, in light of my current situation.
É que ultimamente tenho andado a pensar muito numa coisa, à luz da minha situação atual.
I've been thinking about that. But I don't see the difference.
Eu reflecti sobre isso, e não vejo a diferença.
Great, because I've been thinking, if I really want this acting thing to work,
Ótimo, porque estive a pensar. Se eu quero vencer enquanto atriz, eu tenho de dedicar toda a minha energia a isso.
'Cause I've been thinking.
Porque estive a pensar.
Listen, you know what? I've been thinking.
Escuta, sabes que mais?
I have been thinking about you, about when you were small.
Tenho pensado em ti, de quando ainda eras pequenina.
All right, but lately, I have been thinking a lot about the fact that... I never had a baby.
É que ultimamente, tenho pensado muito no facto de eu nunca ter tido um bebé.
Hey, so I've been thinking, um... are you sure?
Estive a pensar... Tens a certeza?
I've been thinking about our talk the other night, you know, you moving in, and you're right.
Estive a pensar na nossa conversa, sobre a tua mudança e tens razão.
I've been thinking... I think we should tell people.
Estive a pensar e acho que devíamos contar a toda a gente.
There's something else I've been thinking about. I, um...
Há outra coisa na qual tenho pensado.
I've been thinking...
Tenho pensado...
Look, I have been thinking about what happended this morning and I'd really like to see you.
Olha, estive a pensar no que aconteceu hoje de manhã e gostava de falar contigo.
That you'd act like I must've been crazy thinking there was something, anything between us. That you'd play the whole lone rider "I'm an island, I don't need shit from anybody" thing that you do.
Que ias agir como se estivesse maluco, a pensar que podia haver algo, alguma coisa entre nós, que farias a treta do vingador solitário, sou uma ilha, não aceito tretas de ninguém, que fazes.
I've been thinking about what you said, and you're right.
Pensei no que disseste e estás certa.
I've been thinking about your dad.
Estive a pensar no teu pai.
I've been thinking.
Eu estive a pensar.
You know, I've been thinking... "Holy Cow."
Estive cá a pensar : "C'o a breca".
Plus, it pushed me to do something I've been thinking about for days.
Além disso, levou-me a fazer algo em que penso há dias.
I've been thinking...
Estive a pensar...
It's always a lucrative evening. But I've been thinking about you going to this boring political thing all by yourself without a date.
Costuma ser uma noite lucrativa, mas... tenho estado a pensar no ires a essa festa política chata sem um acompanhante.
About Sandrine, I've been thinking...
Sobre a Sandrine, andei a pensar...
I've been thinking. Well, you better think fast.
- É bom que penses rápido.
I've been thinking.
Estive a pensar.
I've been thinking about what you said, and even if you didn't mean to be hurtful, it's all true.
Estive a pensar no que disseste e mesmo que não quisesses ser mau é tudo verdade.
I've just been thinking a lot about what you said, about Ryan maybe being the mole.
Apenas estive a pensar bastante sobre aquilo que me disse, sobre o Ryan poder ser o espião.
I've been thinking family loyalty probably don't go so far with you Crowes.
A lealdade familiar não deve significar muito para os Crowe.
I've been thinking about what you said the other day.
Andei a pensar sobre o que me disse no outro dia.
I've been thinking about this for years.
Tenho andado a pensar nisto há anos.
I've been thinking.
- Estava a pensar...
I've been thinking.
- Tenho andado a pensar...
Well, I've been thinking about measuring lead in polar ice to see if it shows the same kind of pattern as the oceans.
Bem, eu estava a pensar medir o chumbo no gelo polar para ver se ele mostra os mesmos padrões dos oceanos.
I also know that your client's statement to police exhibited little sign of delusional thinking, which one would expect had she been delusional during the incident.
Também sei que o depoimento da sua cliente à polícia, não apresentou grande sinais de pensamento alucinado, o que seria de esperar, se ela estivesse nesse estado, durante o incidente.
I've been thinking a lot about what you said back there with Kyle.
Estive a pensar no que disseste quando estávamos com o Kyle. É que...
I've been thinking about kat. I don't buy her as the killer.
Estive a pensar na Kat.
Look, i've been thinking.
Tenho estado a pensar.
I've been thinking, maybe it's some kind of ultra high-tech weapons system.
Tenho estado a pensar, talvez seja um sistema de aramas com tecnologia de ponta.
And I've been thinking about that tattoo.
Também tenho pensado naquela tatuagem.
And plus, I've been thinking about what you asked me.
E tenho pensado no que pediste.
So, I've been thinking, you know, this whole ordeal.
Tenho andado a pensar nesta situação toda...
I've been lying in bed just thinking about this.
E tive muito tempo para pensar, enquanto estive no hospital.
You know who I've been thinking about lately?
Sabes em quem estive a pensar ultimamente?
Hey, I've been thinking about you!
Ei, eu estive pensando em ti!

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