Thinking about it translate Portuguese
3,140 parallel translation
And you can't stop thinking about it, am I right?
E não consegues parar de pensar nisso, não é?
I can't stop thinking about it.
Não consigo parar de pensar.
Yeah, I was thinking about it.
Sim, estava a pensar nisso.
And it's making me laugh just thinking about it.
E faz-me rir só de pensar nisso.
But you're thinking about it.
- Mas estás a pensar nisso.
He's thinking about it.
Ele está a pensar nisso.
I guess I'd kind of blocked it. I guess I'd stopped thinking about it, because what good is it going to do?
Acho que bloqueei, deixei de pensar naquilo.
She's looking for a new apartment, and she asked me if I wanted to move in with her, and I'm thinking about it.
É para a Caroline, ela anda à procura e convidou-me para viver com ela.
Yeah, I've been thinking about it, too.
Também estive a pensar nisso.
You and Sam thinking about it?
Tu e o Sam pensam nisso?
This Bill Edwards job, I've been thinking about it.
Estive a pensar no trabalho do Bill Edwards.
I kept thinking about it.
Eu não conseguia parar de pensar.
I'm thinking about it.
Estou a pensar.
I c-I can't stop thinking about it. The more I think about it, the more - The more I try not to think about it, i'm thinking about it, so -
Não paro de pensar nisso, e quanto mais penso, mais tento não pensar, e fico a pensar.
Oh, just thinking about it makes me all giddy.
Só de pensar nisso fico todo arrepiado.
I've been thinking about it.
Estive a pensar nisso.
I've been thinking about it, and...
- Estive a pensar nisso.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't thinking about it.
Eu estaria mentindo se eu dissesse que não estava pensando sobre isso.
It starts as soon as I wake up and... thinking about it
Começa assim que acordo a pensar nisso.
You know, I've been thinking about it, and he didn't even call me once after my horseback riding accident.
Estive a pensar sobre o assunto e ele não me ligou nem uma vez depois do meu acidente de equitação.
I'm still thinking about it.
Ainda estou a pensar.
Queasy just thinking about it, boss.
Enjoado só de pensar nisso, Chefe.
I have to say, Max, it'll be nice to have some money again, but what's really nice is that now you see who my father is, a man who, despite all of his flaws, never stopped thinking about what he could do to take care of his little girl.
Tenho de admitir Max, vai ser bom ter dinheiro novamente, mas o que é mesmo bom é tu saberes quem é o meu pai, um homem que, apesar dos defeitos, nunca parou de pensar no que poderia fazer para cuidar da sua filha.
I was just thinking about when I was sixteen and uh, it was after my mom died, I was a little lost.
Estava a pensar em quando tinha dezasseis anos, e... foi depois da minha mãe morrer, fiquei um pouco perdida.
I know what you're thinking about Kelly here,'cause I thought it too.
Sei o que estás a pensar sobre o Kelly, porque pensei o mesmo.
I was thinking about going to the cemetery today, but it's not really the place for him.
Estava a pensar ir hoje ao cemitério, mas não é um lugar para ele.
You don't know what it's like to be at the bank and hear the guy behind you thinking about how he wants to suck your toes. - No.
Não sabes como é estar na fila no banco, e ouvir o tipo atrás de ti pensar como te quer chupar os dedos dos pés.
And it got me thinking about you and your sister's predicament.
Isso deixou-me a pensar sobre o dilema de vocês as duas.
Said he was thinking about taking Violet and Lucas there once the trial was over, like he was certain it was gonna go his way.
Disse que estava a pensar em levar a Violet e o Lucas para lá, quando o julgamento acabasse. Como se ele tivesse a certeza de que tudo ia acabar bem.
I mean, it's not like you're thinking about that yet.
Não é como se já estivesse a pensar nisso.
Look, I have been thinking about it, all right?
Andei a pensar nisso, está bem?
Diane had probably talked to them about it, that she was thinking of leaving me, " cause I was not much good for her confidence.
A Diane deve ter-lhes falado que estava a pensar deixar-me porque eu não a apoiava.
It was really just an afterthought to ask you about my mother's personal life. It just came out of feeling very comfortable with you and thinking, "Why not ask him what he knows?"
Só me lembrei de te perguntar se sabias alguma coisa sobre a minha mãe porque me senti à vontade contigo e pensei :
I have been thinking all evening about how to best say this, and there really is no best way other than to just come out with it.
Passei a noite a pensar na melhor maneira de dizer isto, e não há melhor maneira do que dizer apenas.
I love in trying to interpret what the music is saying both lyrically and musically, that's why I like music and once I've tried to figure it out, I have personally crazy fantasies of what the person was thinking about when they wrote that and why they wrote that and how does it relate to me.
Adoro tentar interpretar o que a música está a dizer, tanto lirica como musicalmente é por isso que gosto de música e uma vez que tento perceber, tenho fantasias pessoais malucas sobre o que é que a pessoa estava a pensar
It's a noble cause you're fighting for, sergeant, but it also keeps you from thinking about the people you've lost, the people you couldn't protect.
É uma causa nobre pela qual está a lutar, sargento. Mas isso também o evita, pensar nas pessoas que perdeu. As pessoas que não conseguiu proteger.
Where are you thinking about pulling it from?
E de onde vais tirar?
You were thinking about your stomach, as usual. I told you it was a trap.
Como sempre pensavas no teu estomago, mas eu avisei-te que era uma armadilha.
I was thinking about Camp Superior, but, I mean, it's pretty much the best summer camp in the entire galaxy.
Estava a pensar no Camp Superior, pois ele é o melhor acampamento de verão de toda a galáxia.
That time I was thinking about how cool it'd be to have a monkey butler.
Agora estava a pensar como seria fixe ter um mordomo macaco.
I just--I can't stop thinking about it.
MUSEU CHECO DE BELAS ARTES Não consigo parar de pensar.
I can't stop thinking about it either.
Também não paro de pensar.
Is it hard thinking about proof, sir? It looks mighty painful.
Sobre o quê, Sr. Moray?
Yeah, but it triggered something, Gibbs, and now I keep thinking about what Dr. Wolf was saying about my dreams.
Sim, mas desencadeou alguma coisa, Gibbs, e agora fico a pensar sobre o que Dr. Wolf disse, sobre os meus sonhos.
I suppose it's not too early to start thinking about dinner.
Eu suponho que não seja cedo para começar a pensar em jantar.
It is the thinking about what we want that has gotten out of control.
É o pensamento sobre o que desejamos que fugiu ao controle.
The Nazca spent all that time thinking about severed heads when all along, it was the severed trees that really mattered.
Os nazcas dedicavam seu tempo às cabeças decepadas quando, na verdade, as árvores derrubadas eram o importante.
I barely know this other guy, but I can't stop thinking about him, and it's driving me crazy.
Mal o conheço, mas não paro de pensar nele, e isso está a deixar-me doida.
Whatever it is that's going on, whatever it is you're thinking about when you're sitting in here all by yourself, tell me what you need and I will do it. No matter what.
O que quer que esteja a passar-se, o que quer que estejas a pensar quando te sentas aqui sozinha, diz-me o que precisas e eu faço.
There are minute differences, carcinogenic ones in that case, but it got me thinking about some unusual sand
Existem diferenças mínimas, cancerígenas, neste caso. Mas fez-me pensar numa areia pouco vulgar que observei no local do acidente.
I spent years thinking about how to prove it, and when I finally gave up the quest, the world decided to prove it for me.
Passei anos a pensar como prová-lo e, quando finalmente desisti, o mundo decide provar isso por mim.
thinking about you 18
about it 81
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it is 11007
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item 93
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about it 81
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
item 93
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
itis 22
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it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itchy 49
italy 247
italian 217
it's me 10254
it's warm 139
itis 22
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itchy 49
italy 247
italian 217
it's me 10254
it was 5878
itch 25
it's all right 8832
itself 24
it's not 5855
items 25
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
itch 25
it's all right 8832
itself 24
it's not 5855
items 25
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322