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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ I ] / I never thought about that

I never thought about that translate Portuguese

202 parallel translation
I wonder why I never thought about that.
Pergunto-me porque nunca pensei nisso eu mesmo.
I never thought about that
Nunca pensei nisso.
How come I never thought about that?
Como é que nunca pensei nisso?
I never thought about that.
Não tinha pensado nisso.
I never thought about that.
Nunca pensei nisso.
I never thought about that, I suppose.
Eu nunca pensei nisso, eu acho.
- I never thought about that.
- Nunca pensei nisso.
You know, i never thought about that!
Sabes, nunca tinha pensado nisso!
- I never thought about that. - It didn't go off?
Nem me lembrei.
I guess I never thought about that, man.
Acho que nunca pensei nisso, pá.
I never thought about that.
Nunca pensei bem nisso.
I never thought about that.
- Não pensei nisso.
Oh, I never thought about that.
Nunca pensei nisso.
I never thought anybody could feel like that about me.
Nunca pensei que ninguém pudesse pensar uma coisa assim, sobre mim.
I never thought about fingerprints, that mine were on it.
Nem pensei que continha minhas impressões digitais.
I suppose so. I never really thought about that.
- Nunca pensei nisso.
That's the proper way to do it. Come to think of it, I've never thought about it, sewing shadows.
É assim que se deve fazer, embora nunca tenha pensado nisso.
It's just that I never thought about it before.
É que nunca pensei nisto antes...
You know, I never thought about it like that.
Nunca pensei nisso desse modo.
That's right, I've never thought about that.
As pequenas brilham menos. Tens razão. Nunca havia notado.
You I never thought of asking... EImyr about that?
Nunca pensou em perguntar ao Elmyr sobre isso?
I never thought about it that way.
Nunca pensei nisso dessa maneira.
They understand things about pleasure that I've never even thought of.
Sabem coisas sobre o prazer que eu nem tinha imaginado.
I never thought I'd be sorry about that... but I am.
Nunca pensei que fosse ficar triste por isso. Mas estou.
I thought about apologizing in writing... but that's never been good enough for me, so I'm here to say it face to face.
Tinha pensado em pedir desculpas por escrito, mas não parecia suficiente. Assim vim para to dizer cara a cara.
"I would have never thought about that." " Thanks.
"Oh... eu jamais adivinharia". "Eu a agradeço... é muito gentil!"
I never thought about it like that.
Nunca o vi dessa perspectiva.
I never thought about it like that.
Nunca pensei nisso dessa forma.
Gee, i never thought about it that way, dr. Crane.
Nossa, eu nunca pensei por esse ângulo, Dr. Crane.
When that didn't work, I thought about all the presents I never bought you.
Quando não trabalhava pensava em todos os presentes que nunca te daria.
That's something I never thought about Guiseppe, that he could be jealous.
É algo que nunca pensei ver no Guiseppe, que ele pudesse ter ciúmes.
I never thought about that.
Nunca tinha pensado nisso.
I never thought about it that way.
Nunca pensei nisso dessa forma.
I bet you thought it would never catch up with you... that I don't know the shit you guys say about me.
Se calhar pensou que nunca chegaria ao seu nível... pensa que não sei as parvoíces que falam sobre mim.
I never thought about living that long.
Nunca pensei viver tanto tempo.
Guess I never really thought too much about that.
Nunca pensei nisso.
Well, you see, I had become so fascinated with my invention that I never really thought about how that poor creature would suffer.
- Fascinei-me tanto com meu invento, que nunca me ocorreu parar a pensar que fazia sofrer essa criatura.
You know... I thought about you all night and... That's touching, but if you don't hurry, we'll never get this thing.
Toda noite tenho pensado em ti e tambem que... é muito comovente, Babette, mas se você não se apressar, nós não mataremos esta coisa, certo?
Well, I never really thought about it quite like that.
Nunca pensei nesses termos.
- When I thought you dead, I did not care... about all the plays that would never come, only that I would never see your face.
- Quando te julguei morto, não quis saber das peças que não escreverias, só que não voltaria a ver-te.
The way you put it, I've never really thought about it like that before.
Nunca tinha pensado em tudo isto dessa maneira.
I never really thought about that.
Nunca tinha pensado nisso.
I never thought about it before, but that's gotta be it, you know?
Nunca tinha pensado nisso, mas deve ser a causa, sabes?
Well, I never-I never really thought about it from that angle.
Bom, nunca... Eu nunca tinha pensado realmente nisso por esse prisma.
And I never thought anyone could really ever feel that way about me.
E nunca pensei que alguém pudesse sentir isso por mim.
- I never thought about it that way.
- Não tinha pensado nisso.
Jeez, I never thought about it that way.
Nunca pensei nisso dessa maneira.
Well, I'd be lying to you if I said I'd never thought about it, but that doesn't mean I'd do it, given a more rational option.
Mentiria se dissesse que nunca tinha pensado nisso. Mas isso não quer dizer que não aceite uma opção mais racional.
I never really thought about it that way.
Nunca pensei nisso dessa maneira.
I never thought about it like that...
Nunca pensei nisso dessa forma...
It's just that I never thought about it before.
É que sempre fiz isto sem pensar

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