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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ I ] / I never thought of that

I never thought of that translate Portuguese

463 parallel translation
You know, sir, I never thought of that.
Sabe que eu nunca pensei isso.
I never thought of that at all.
Nunca tinha pensado em tal.
Well, I never thought of that.
Ora, nem pensei nisso... Vais Stanley?
- Oh, I never thought of that!
Não tinha pensado nisso...
I never thought of that.
Nunca pensei nisso.
I never thought of that before.
Nunca tinha pensado nisso.
Hey, I never thought of that.
Não tinha pensado nisso.
I never thought of that.
Não tinha pensado nisso.
I never thought of that.
Nunca tinha pensado nisso.
I never thought of that.
Que eu não tivesse ocorrido.
Gee, I never thought of that.
Uau, eu nunca pensei assim.
Gee, I never thought of that.
Sim... Nunca tinha pensado nisso.
Why, I never thought of that.
Nunca pensei nisso!
- I never thought of that, sir.
- Nunca tinha pensado nisso.
- I never thought of that.
- Nunca me lembrei disso.
I never thought of that!
Não tinha pensado nisso.
- I never thought of that, sir.
- Nunca pensei nisso, senhor.
I never thought of that.
Não pensei nisso.
- I never thought of that. - Ah, well, you see, you have to plan ahead.
Possam os 17 homens santos de Donnybrook recompensá-lo no céu.
I never thought of that...
Nunca tinha pensado nisso...
I never thought of that. - Hey, Mike!
Como não pensei nisso!
I'll bet you dollars to dog biscuits that they never thought of...
Aposto uma batelada em como não se lembraram...
I never thought I'd live to see the day... that Tom Destry's son would be the laughing stock of the whole town.
Nunca pensei que chegaria o dia em que o filho do Destry seria motivo de chacota em toda a cidade.
That's what I thought, too, but I've never seen a penny of it.
Eu também acreditei, mas nunca vi um centavo.
I never thought he'd enter into the spirit of it like that.
Sim, mas eu nunca tive essa intenção, quando disse isso.
I never thought I'd envy that toad, graduating ahead of me.
Nunca pensei invejar aquele sapo, a graduar-se primeiro que eu.
I never thought of climbing that tree until tonight.
Não tinha me ocorrido subir aquela árvore.
Well, I've never thought of you that way.
Nunca pensei em si desse modo.
That's the proper way to do it. Come to think of it, I've never thought about it, sewing shadows.
É assim que se deve fazer, embora nunca tenha pensado nisso.
I thought I issued an order to the effect that food was never to be a subject of conversation on the Wheel.
Eu pensei que já tinha emitido uma ordem no sentido de que a comida nunca fosse um assunto de conversa na Roda.
I never thought of it like that either.
Eu também não.
You know, I never thought of it that way before.
- Nunca tinha pensado nisso.
I'd never thought of it that way.
- Nunca tinha visto desse modo.
I thought we'd never get out of that one.
Pensei que nunca sairíamos desta.
I never thought of Max as the sort that...
Nunca pensei que o Max fosse do tipo...
I just never thought of it in that way.
Nunca pensei nisso assim.
That's certainly an approach I never thought of.
Essa é certamente uma abordagem que eu nunca pensei.
You know, back in Kaintuck, I never thought that I'd be living on a mountain of solid silver.
Sabe, lá no Kaintuck, nunca pensei que ia viver numa montanha de prata sólida.
I never thought of it quite that way.
Nunca pensei nisso desse modo.
I never thought of it that way.
- Nunca pensei dessa forma.
I never thought of it in just that way.
Nunca pensei nisso dessa maneira.
I guess I never thought of it that way.
Suponho que nunca pensou assim.
The only thing that bothers me... is why I never thought of it before.
A única coisa que me aborrece... é porque é que eu nunca tinha pensado nisso.
- I never thought of that.
- É verdade!
And afore we got through with that poor old injun, I'll bet he wishes he never even thought of runnin'off with me. Now look, Arliss.
Por aquilo que fizemos aquele pobre índio, aposto que se arrependeu de nos ter agarrado.
I admit, I'd never thought of it quite that way.
Confesso que nunca tinha pensado nisso.
I never thought of it that way.
Nunca tinha encarado isso assim.
Ooh, I never thought of that.
Nunca tinha pensado nisso.
You know, I would never have thought of that.
Sabe, eu nunca teria pensado nisso.
I never thought of it like that.
Nunca pensei nisso assim.
Good morning Look at the sun I never thought that I would be Slap in the lap of luxury
"Bom dia Olhem para o Sol " Nunca pensei ser Lançado na luxúria

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