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I saw you last night translate Portuguese

243 parallel translation
I saw you last night at the garage, it was.
Vi-o ontem é noite na garagem.
When I saw you last night I said to myself :
Quando o vi, ontem á noite, disse a mim mesma :
I thought everything was fine until I saw you last night.
Pensava que estava bem até te ver ontem à noite.
I saw you last night at Mrs. Bryce's, making a complete fool of yourself.
Ontem vi-te em casa da Sra. Bryce, a fazer figuras tristes.
I saw you last night. Nice action.
Vi você ontem à noite
I saw you last night.
Eu vi você ontem á noite.
You know, i saw you last night.
Sabe, eu vi-te ontem à noite.
I saw you last night.
- Bem. Eu vi-te ontem.
I thought when I saw you last night...
Quando te vi ontem à noite, pensei...
I thought everything was fine till I saw you last night.
Pensei que estava tudo bem, até te ver ontem à noite.
I saw you last night.
Vi você ontem. Sei que foi você.
I saw you in that room last night.
Vi-o no quarto ontem à noite.
I saw your attraction to my patient last night, and hers to you.
Vi a atracção que sentiu ontem pela minha paciente... e ela por si.
Perhaps you'll think I'm forward... but last night when I first saw you...
Talvez me ache atrevida, mas ontem, quando o vi pela primeira vez...
Last night I saw what has happened to you.
Ontem vi como estás mudado.
Did you know I saw you leave the house last night... and followed you to the park?
Sabias que te vi sair de casa ontem à noite... e te segui até ao parque?
Come son, tell us what you saw. I went out on my fire escape last night
Alguma vez tiveste pesadelos que te assustem?
I wanted it that way but when I saw you in the wickiup and you touched me and you prayed for me I felt bad being alone and I knew that I needed to see you again before I left so that I could find out if it was the same as last night.
Queria-o dessa maneira mas quando te vi na tenda e tu tocaste-me e rezaste por mim..... senti-me mal por estar sozinho e soube que tinha que te ver de novo antes de partir para descobrir se sentia o mesmo que ontem à noite.
I want you all to know, I never saw this woman before last night.
Quero que todos sibam, eu nunca vi esta mulher antes da noite passada.
I was in the barn last night. I saw you two.
- Eu vi-te com ele ontem.
I saw you come last night from Brunhild with the belt, I thought of dying of jealousy.
ontem há noite te vi com o cinturão de Brunhild quase morri de inveja
I saw you on TV in town last night.
Vi-o ontem na televisão.
Oh, there are exceptions, like... last night, when the door opened and I saw you.
Como ontem à noite, quando a porta se abriu e eu a vi.
I saw a dog last night you like dogs?
Eu vi alguns cães ontem à noite. Gostas de cães?
Last night, I saw that dog in Damien's room. I clearly told you...
Disse-lhe claramente...
Last night, I saw you perform miracles.
Ontem lhe vi fazer milagres.
Listen, I'm telling you, I saw them arrive, last night.
Escute, eu estou dizendo Eu os vi chegarem, ontem à noite.
I saw a girl in red last night... who looked exactly like you.
Eu vi uma mulher de vermelho ontem à noite. Que parecia exactamente como tu.
I saw you dance last night.
A vi dançar ontem à noite.
I saw you on TV last night on the news.
Vi-te no noticiário da TV ontem.
I saw you on television last night, Mr. Hen, and I think we should talk.
Eu o vi na televisão ontem à noite, Sr. Hen, e acho que deveríamos conversar.
Hey Dave... Who was the girl who I saw you with last night?
Dave quem era a moça com quem te vi esta noite?
Could it be that I saw you at the opera last night?
Terei te visto na Ópera ontem à noite?
I saw someone you know last night.
Ontem vi uma tua conhecida.
When I saw you calm those brutes last night strong and proud with all your might
- Mas imaginei, ao ver a vós ontem a fazer frente àqueles brutos, vós, invencível e grande, tal como sempre fostes, imaginei : basta ele querer, e todos recearão...
I saw the way you looked last night.
Vi o estado em que estavas ontem.
Now, you said you saw me drive off with crawl last night, But when i got in my car this morning, the seat was so far back... I couldn't even reach the pedals.
Tu disseste que me viste sair de carro com o Crawl ontem à noite,... mas quando entrei no carro hoje, o assento estava tão afastado... que nem conseguia chagar aos pedais.
I saw you with her last night on the Promenade.
Vi-te com ela, ontem à noite, na Promenade.
Actually, I saw you miss that jumper last night.
Na verdade, eu vi-te falhar aquele lançamento ontem à noite.
I saw you playing last night.
Vi-te a jogar ontem à noite.
Jill, I saw you with some guy last night.
Jill, vi-te com um tipo qualquer, a noite passada.
Well, I was just seeing out the last of the public and getting ready to lock up for the night when he came at me. You saw him?
Estava com os últimos visitantes e preparava-me para fechar, quando ele me atacou.
I didn't go to the show. Because my sister-in-law's baby cousin, Traci she went to the show last night, she saw you there all hugged up with some tramp. Yes, you did.
Eu não fui ao cinema!
And I saw how he had his hands all over you last night.
- E vi como ele a tocava ontem à noite.
-... you don't work. - That's the same man I saw last night.
- É o homem que vi ontem à noite.
Your accomplice here has also denied involvement but I have an eyewitness who saw both of you breaking into the Tholian ambassador's quarters last night.
O teu cúmplice também negou ter participado, mas uma testemunha viu-vos a invadir os aposentos do embaixador.
I saw you in town last night, didn't I?
Não estava na cidade ontem?
And I wouldn't flaunt your ignorance by telling anyone that you saw anything last night other than the planet Venus.
E se fosse a si, não faria alarde da sua ignorância dizendo a toda a gente que viu fosse o que fosse ontem à noite, para além do planeta Vénus.
- You could have shown more respect. - I could have shown less by telling them just half of what I saw last night in the Turkish bath.
- Eu poderia ter mostrado menos se contasse a eles apenas a metade do que eu vi na última noite no banho turco.
I saw you checking me out during the game last night.
Eu vi-te a olhar para mim durante o jogo, ontem à noite.
I saw last night, Adebisi giving you shit, taking your stuff.
Eu vi o Adebisi a implicar contigo ontem e a roubar as tuas coisas.

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