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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ I ] / I was just wondering if

I was just wondering if translate Portuguese

729 parallel translation
I was just wondering if you meant what you said the other day - about showing me the run of things.
Estava só a pensar se falava a sério... em relação a me ensinar sobre os negócios.
I was just wondering if I couldn't sort of help you with the admiral?
Estava a pensar se não poderia ajudá-la com o almirante?
- I was just wondering if...
- Perguntava-me se...
I was just wondering if I had anything to receive.
Estava apenas a pensar se teria alguma coisa a receber.
I was just wondering if I might ask a wee bit of a favor now son.
Queria que cantásses uma velha canção irlandesa.
I was just wondering if you meant what you said the other day... about showing me the run of things?
Estava só a pensar se falava a sério... em relação a me ensinar sobre os negócios.
I was just wondering if you were free for lunch.
- Está livre para o almoço?
I was just wondering if there's much to be done.
Perguntava-me se tinha muito o que fazer.
I was just wondering if we could drive around for a while.
Estava a pensar se poderíamos dar uma volta por aí, de carro.
I was just wondering if the Frenchman they're talking about could be... my Frenchman.
E perguntava-me se o Francês de quem estão a falar seria... o meu Francês.
Excuse me. I was just wondering if I left a book here.
Com licença, pensei que tinha deixado aqui um livro.
I was just wondering if you made up your mind.
Eu só estou querendo saber se já se decidiu.
Oh, yes. Actually, I was just wondering if there was anyone in here that would be interested in a rousing round of pool.
Pois, perguntava-me se haveria por aqui alguém... interesado em jogar snooker.
I was just wondering if she wanted any advice, what with the fire and so on.
Queria apenas indagar se ela precisaria de algum conselho, considerando o fogo e isso.
Well, I was just wondering if you were going to hang around or not.
Só estava a perguntar se ia ficar ou não.
Excuse me, I was just wondering if there was any word on my application for transfer, Sergeant?
Desculpe-me, Sargento, só queria saber se há novidades sobre meu pedido de transferência.
I was just wondering if you've seen anything interesting going on?
Será que notou alguma coisa interessante?
Hi, this is Carl Bernstein of the Washington Post... and I was just wondering if you can remember... any books that a Howard Hunt checked out on Senator Kennedy?
Fala Carl Bernstein do Washington Post. Lembra-se... dos livros que Howard Hunt requisitou sobre o senador Kennedy?
I was just wondering if you have any books...
Tem algum livro sobre...
Sir, I was just wondering if I could ask you some questions?
Posso fazer-lhe algumas perguntas?
I was just wondering if Emilia was going to be invited to the party.
Eu só queria saber se Emilia será convidada para a festa.
I was just wondering if the Health Department should look at it.
Perguntava se o Ministério Saúde deveria tratar do caso.
I was just wondering if I could get, um...
Será que me pode...
Oh, hi, Rod. I was just wondering if you knew there was a guy over here with a guitar serenading Kath.
Oi, Rod sabes dizer se há um rapaz aqui com uma viola cantando uma serenata a Kath.
I, I was just wondering if there's, um, any chance we might have our old jobs back, sir.
Estava a pensar se não haveria alguma chance de recuperar os nossos antigos empregos, sir.
Uh-huh. I was just wondering if you could, um...
Estava só a pensar se podia...
Because I was just wondering if you're free this Thursday night, maybe you'd like to go out on a date with me?
Estava a pensar que se estivesses livre na quinta, podíamos sair juntos.
I was just wondering if any of you had seen Mr. Robertson?
Alguém aqui viu o Sr. Robertson?
I have errands to do in the next couple of days and I was just wondering if you would...
Tenho uns assuntos para tratar, nos próximos dias, e estava a pensar se você...
I was just wondering if you wanted to grab some tea or something over there.
Estava a dizer-te se queres ir beber um copo.
Anyway, I was just wondering if it was still on.
Estava a pensar se... ainda está de pé.
I was just wondering if, maybe, i could get some from you?
Eu estava apenas a ver se me arranjava um bocado?
I was just wondering if your eulogy Was going to be much longer,
Perguntava-me se o panegírico vai demorar muito mais.
Well, I was just wondering if you need an escort -
Estava a perguntar-me se precisavas de um par...
I was just wondering if I might have a quick word with Roger?
Queria dar uma palavrinha rápida ao Roger.
I was just wondering if Todd wanted to toss the old pigskin around before dinner.
Estava a pensar se o Todd queria... atirar umas bolas antes do jantar.
Well, I was just wondering if it's the kind of test you can take over.
Bom, eu estava a pensar que fosse um desses exames que temos que passar...
Just before you come, my husband and I was wondering what would you do if you found something that was lost.
Pouco antes de você chegar, eu e o meu marido estávamos a falar do que fazer caso encontrássemos algo que tivesse sido perdido.
I was wondering if you and your guests would care to join us for a meal tonight? - Just simple fare, of course.
O senhor e os seus hóspedes gostariam de vir jantar connosco hoje à noite?
I just couldn't stand him looking at me and wondering if I was going to be like her.
Não podia suportar o olhar dele a imaginar se eu poderia vir a ser como ela.
I've been thinking about this holiday, and I was wondering if possibly, just once, w-w-we might go abroad somewhere.
Estive a pensar sobre estas férias e estava a perguntar-me, se por uma vez, se poderiamos ir algures para fora.
I was just wondering, if, uh... if he wanted something last night, why he didn't just ring for it.
Estava aqui a pensar. Se ele queria alguma coisa, porque não o chamou?
No, I guess I was just wondering... if you had a file here on Nora Chandler and, of course, I never asked to see it.
Não. Só me perguntava se teria um arquivo sobre Nora Chandler. Claro que não pedi para o ver.
I was wondering if you'd like to see an exhibition, just a little one.
Queria saber se gostariam de ver uma demonstração, só uma pequena.
I was wondering if you could settle a little wager we just made.
Queria saber se poderia resolver uma aposta para nós.
This kid, he's- - he's my boyfriend, and, um, I was just wondering... if there's any other way we could take care of this.
Este garoto, ele é... ele é meu namorado, e, uhh, eu apenas estava querendo saber... se haveria alguma outra forma de conseguirmos cuidar disso.
I was just standing here right now, and I was wondering, if you weren`t doing anything tomorrow maybe you might want to go out with....
Eu estava aqui parado, e estava... pensando, se você teria alguma coisa para fazer amanhã, talvez você possa querer sair com...
Oh. I... - I just was wondering if you wanted us to park it.
Queria saber se quer que eu o estacione.
I was just wondering, now that you're feeling better if you'll be continuing to use your own room?
Estava só a pensar, agora que estás a sentir-te melhor se vais continuar a usar o teu próprio quarto.
KlTT. Well, I was just wondering... if we were trapped in the bowels of the earth... just prior to an underground nuclear test- -
Bem, eu estava apenas ponderando... se fossemos apanhados pelos intestinos da terra... antes de um teste nuclear subterraneo...
So I was wondering if it would be all right with you if I moved back into our house, just as a place to stay for a while.
Pergunto-me se não te incomodas que me volte a mudar para a nossa casa, só por um tempo.

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