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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ I ] / If he were here

If he were here translate Portuguese

342 parallel translation
Satin Jack Sabin wouldn't agree with you if he were here, which he ain't, sir.
Satin Jack Sabin não concordaria consigo se estivesse aqui, mas já não está, sir.
If he were here, he'd hear us.
Se estivesse cá, ouvia-nos.
If he were here he would have to back me up in this.
Se ele estivesse aqui, me ajudaria.
But if he were here, I'd be happy to.
Está fechada num edifício, ou seja, um túmulo.
If he were here, it wouldn't embarrass you, would it?
Mas antes de mais,..
Perhaps, if he were here.
É necessário que seja là. Sem discutir!
If he were here, I know he'd tell us to hold out.
Se ele estivesse aqui, dir-nos-ia para aguentar.
Would not Ivanhoe, if he were here, would not Ivanhoe be jealous of a brave new champion?
Será que o lvanhoe, se estivesse aqui, não ficaria com ciúmes de um novo e corajoso cavaleiro?
* Tonight if he were here
Esta noite se eu lá estivesse...
Wouldn't it be wonderful if he were here to see this?
Não seria maravilhoso ele estar aqui para ver isto?
I think we would have been best of friends. If he were here right now, I would, uh, I'd ask him to sit down and break bread with us.
Se ele estivesse aqui agora mesmo, eu ia-lhe pedir que se sentasse e partisse o pão connosco.
Even if he were here, it would be confidential.
Mesmo que ele estivesse cá, seria confidencial.
Whose side would Jesus take if he were here?
Pensemos no que diria Jesus se entrasse agora.
And if he were here, he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes and lightning from his arse.
E se estivesse cá, arrasava com os ingleses com bolas de fogo dos seus olhos e raios do seu cu.
If the Emperor were here, he wouldn " t have had a choice.
Com o lmperador aqui, ele não teria escolha.
I was only thinking if he were to search my rooms while I am here...
Eu só estava a pensar se ele fosse investigar meus quartos enquanto eu estou aqui...
I feel towards Wilmer here just exactly as if he were my own son.
Os meus sentimentos para com Wilmer, são como se fosse meu filho.
You know if Mike were here to put it into words now that's just about what he died for.
Sabem... se o Mike cá estivesse para se exprimir, ele diria que foi por isso que morreu.
- Aye, lads. And if he were only here right now...
- Sim companheiros, e se ele estivesse aqui neste momento...
I thought he might have come out here to you to see if it were true.
Pensei que tivesse vindo aqui, a ti.
He would die here if he were not old!
Ele morreria aqui se não fosse velho!
Marry, that with no man here he is offended... for if he were, he would have shown it in his looks.
Creio que não está ofendido aqui com ninguém. Pois, do contrário, seu olhar o denunciaria.
If he knew I were here, he would kill me as he killed the Egyptian.
Se ele soubesse que estou aqui, matar-me-ia como matou o egípcio.
If he knew we were here, it might boost his morale a little.
Se ele soubesse que aqui estávamos, talvez se animasse.
"If the boy were here, he could wet the coils of the line," he thought.
"Se o rapaz estivesse aqui, ele | molharia os carretéis", ele pensou.
If the Emperor were here, he wouldn't have had a choice.
Se o imperador estivesse cá, ele não teria escolha.
If he were up here, I'd be down there.
Se ele estivesse aqui, eu estaria aí em baixo.
When you were at the desk checking in with the night manager Mr. George Swine, who I happen to know as a personal friend I was wondering if he fixed you up with a good accommodation here.
Quando estava na recepção, com o gerente, o Sr. George Swine... que, por acaso, é meu amigo... ele arranjou-lhe uma boa acomodação?
If he were in your place, would I find Caesar here?
Que quer Octavian?
If he were coming, he'd be here.
Se Ele viesse, já estaria aqui.
There's no spiteful act I'd put past old Dicko here, especially if he were drunk.
O Dicko é capaz de tudo, especialmente se estiver bêbedo.
I should mention here that if any of you... were at the big parade downtown earlier this morning... and are wondering if that fella in the blue shirt... on the Roan horse is gonna compete today... I can tell you he will.
Se alguém viu o grande desfile esta manhã... e perguntava se o tal tipo da camisa azul... sobre o cavalo Sabino competiria hoje... sim, ele irá competir.
Look, I'll get some. If John were here, he'd release it.
Prometo conseguir tirânio para a próxima experiência.
Imagine the look on my father's face if he knew we were here together.
Imagina a cara do meu pai, se soubesse que estávamos aqui juntos.
What would I say to him if he were really here?
O que eu diria a ele se ele estivesse realmente aqui?
And such would I say to him if he were really here.
E tal eu diria a ele se ele estivesse realmente aqui.
Why would Smith call me and tell me the guns were here... if he'd just taken them.
Por que é que o Smith me ligava a dizer que as armas estão aqui, se as tivesse levado?
If Santa were here, he'd know what to do.
Se o pai natal estivesse aqui, ele saberia o que fazer.
- Really? - Yeah. I wonder if Eric will remember how things were around here before he was born.
A verdade é que... eu... acho que, em última análise, tenho medo que alguém me veja.
I wonder if eric will remember How things were around here before he was born.
Pergunto-me se o Eric se vai lembrar como eram as coisas aqui antes dele nascer.
If DeMarco were here, he'd think he was seeing ghosts.
O DeMarco via-te e pensava que eras um fantasma.
If he knew I were here, he'd only be thinking about who to kill first.
Se ele soubesse que eu estava aqui, pensaria em quem matar primeiro.
And if David were here now... I know in my heart that he would say...
E se o David estivesse aqui agora eu sei que ele diria...
Well, I think if he'd suspected that Lefferts were here the Santa Maria might never have left port.
Bem, acho que se suspeitasse que o Lefferts estava aqui, o Santa Maria poderia nunca ter aportado.
You know, if Spock were here, he'd say that I was an irrational, illogical human being for taking on a mission like that.
Se Spock estivesse aqui, diria que sou um ser irracional... e ilógico por aceitar.
If he were dead, he would not be here.
Se estivesse, ele não estaria aqui.
Even if it were murder, he's here in sanctuary.
Os agentes do rei esperam por ele lá fora se ele sair.
My dear Horatio, if Sherlock were here, I'm sure he'd be more than delighted to assist.
Meu caro Horácio, se o Sherlock cá estivesse, de certeza que adorava ajudá-lo.
And if Danny Tartabull were here I'm sure he'd say, "That's correct, Jerry."
E se o Danny Tartabull estivesse aqui, tenho a certeza que diria : "Exactamente, Jerry!"
If Eisenhower were here instead of me, he'd be dead by now.
Se Eisenhower estivesse aqui, já tinha morrido.
If Richard Cooper were alive, he "d be here, wouldn" t he?
Se o Richard Cooper estivesse vivo, estaria aqui, certo?

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