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If it was him translate Portuguese

820 parallel translation
I doubt if it was him personally.
Acho até que fez isso pessoalmente.
If it was him, he'd shoot you while he had the chance.
Ele dava-lhe um tiro assim que tivesse a oportunidade.
I've been thinking... I wonder if you could convince him... that everything was just as I said it was that night at the inn.
Tenho estado a pensar... Será que o pode convencer... de que, naquela noite na pensão, tudo se passou tal como eu disse?
It was as if he were learning to know himself for the first time... as if a stranger had revealed his own most secret thoughts to him.
Era como se estivesse a aprender a conhecer-se a si próprio pela primeira vez como se um estranho lhe tivesse revelado os seus mais secretos pensamentos.
But if this painting was to be his conscience made visible... then he would let it instruct him.
Mas se o quadro fosse ser a sua conciência visível deixar-se-ia instruir por ela.
If he was in Rangoon or Valparaiso, I'd find him. But in London, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Se ele estivesse em Rangoon ou em Valparaíso, encontrá-lo-ia, mas em Londres é como procurar uma agulha num palheiro.
It would be dreadful if Dr. Murchison's successor was unworthy of him.
Ficaria desapontada se o sucessor do Dr. Mercheson's não fosse digno dele.
Am I right that you thought if you could get him to come back here it was almost inevitable that the inevitable should happen?
Estou errado em assumir você pensou que se você trouxe aqui...? Era quase inevitável que o inevitável aconteceu?
With the others it was different. If you love him...
Com os outros era diferente, mas se o ama...
Cos if it was you've hurt her much more than you could ever hurt him.
Se foi por isso você a magoa mais do que a ele.
Still, he was careful to administer justice with discrimination. For it behoved him to keep on good terms with his pupils. Especially if their mothers happened to be good cooks.
Contudo, ele era prudente... ao administrar a justiça... porque gostava de manter boas relações com os seus alunos... e em especial com os que tinham mães boas cozinheiras.
If it takes all my life, I'll make him curse the day he was born.
Não importa que leve toda a minha vida, eu farei com que amaldiçoe o dia em que nasceu.
You know, there was an italian premier once, just before Mussolini somebody asked him if it was difficult to govern italians.
Perguntaram a um primeiro-ministro da Itália... se era difícil governar os italianos...
I was so young, they asked Henri to hide me and if he'd been caught, it would have been the end of him.
Eu era tão pequena, eles pediram a Henri para me esconder... e se eles tivessem sido capturados, teriam dado cabo dele.
The Kid could've been cocky enough to carry it on him, if he was the one who plugged Dan.
Kid podia ser convencido o bastante para trazê-la consigo, se tivesse golpeado Dan.
Let him do it twice more, and I'll not say a word if his love was a Barbary ape.
Deixem-no fazer mais duas vezes, e eu nem direi nada nem que o amor dele seja um macaco bárbaro.
If you was to sit up with him tonight, and tell him the things that a man likes to know, you know... It'd only be a minute before I'd be out of that hole in back.
Se te sentares esta noite junto a ele, e dizer-lhe as coisas que um um homem gosta de saber, sabes... seria apenas um minuto até eu sair por aquele buraco lá atrás.
Even if it was my own brother, I'd kill him.
Matá-lo-ia mesmo que fosse o meu irmão.
He staggered up towards the woods saying he was gonna find his wife and drag her home if it killed him.
Ele cambaleou para a floresta dizendo que ia encontrar a mulher, e arrastá-la para casa mesmo que o matasse.
If I was the sheriff and I wanted to keep the peace, I'd go up on the roof and let him have it the legs..
Se fosse xerife e quisesse a paz, eu o pegaria de surpresa.
If someone's going to kill me, I'd rather it was him.
Se alguém vai me matar, prefiro que seja ele.
I would've socked him myself, if I was up to it.
Se eu tivesse chance, teria batido nele.
Suppose that cop last night had called up and said he was coming to collect for the Police Fund. You think I'd given him $ 5 if I'd had the chance to think it over?
Achas que se o polícia da noite passada tivesse dito logo que andava a angariar fundos eu lhe teria dado 5 dólares se pudesse ter pensado com calma?
It was as if he'd been relaxing when death took him suddenly.
Era como estivesse a descansar, quando a morte o surpreendeu.
How long you figure it will lay a man up if that bull was to stomp him?
O que pode acontecer se for pisado por um touro como esse?
Roy said it was all right with him if it was all right with you... that I could try writing a few obituaries.
O Roy disse que, por ele, tudo bem, se o senhor não se importar... que eu tente escrever umas colunas de necrologia.
I was just thinking how much easier it would be if we just gave him to those men out there.
Eu estava apenas a pensar como seria muito mais fácil se nos limitássemos a entregá-lo àqueles homens da posse.
If it was so much nothing why were you running away from him?
Se não foi nada porque te afastaste dele correndo?
I wouldn't care if it was proper or not, with somebody like him.
Com alguém como ele, queria lá saber se era próprio ou näo.
I'm beginning to doubt if it was wise to save him.
Não sei se fiz bem em salvá-lo.
We mean to prove that it was the defendant's intention to catch Mr. Hepner and Miss Granger in some sort of a compromising situation because she actually threatened that if she couldn't have Hepner for herself, no one else would ever have him.
Queremos provar que era intenção da ré apanhar Mr. Hepner e Miss Granger nalgum tipo de situação comprometedora. Sabemos que ela ameaçou que se não pudesse ter Hepner para si então ninguém o teria.
- I was always drawn to boxing and always dreamt of fighting... so I asked if I could go with him, and he said : "Let's go check it out."
- sempre tive esta queda para o boxe e ideias de jogar... e pedi-lhe para ir com ele. Ele disse : "Então vem comigo, vens ver".
If Maciste was at Olimpia's house, it couldn't be him, who freed the Cristians
Estando Maciste na casa da Olímpia, ele jamais poderia libertar os cristãos.
If we tell him it was from heaven, he will ask :
Se respondermos "do céu"... ele nos dirá :
He don't hold still for nothing like that, So if it was to get out to him,
Ele não ficará parado por nada assim, fá-lo-ia perder a cabeça.
If I haven't got him, maybe he's still alive. It must be a mistake, he was clever... Comb, compact...
Sapatos pente, estojo de maquilhagem dois anéis, uma mala.
And it was supposed to provoke hatred not of those who crucified Him, but of those who loved Him, if they had been with Him at that moment.
E deviam despertar ódio não naqueles que o crucificaram, mas naqueles que o amaram, se estivessem com ele naquele instante.
If I asked you why you were looking for him you'd probably say it was none of my business wouldn't you?
Se perguntar porque o está procurando... responderá que isso não me diz respeito. Não é?
It didn't faze him, though. Deception was his life's blood, even if it caused him to get whittled down kind of gradual like.
Não o demoveu, no entanto, A burla estava-lhe na massa do sangue, mesmo que isso fizesse com que se despedaçasse aos poucos,
And then, when I couldn't do it alone, I thought there was no one I wouldn't go with, if I liked him, and he could offer me that.
Quando vi que não conseguia sozina, pensei que iria com qualquer um, se gostasse dele, e se ele me proporcionasse isso.
If it was a white man, they'd have strung him up on the spot.
Se fossem homens brancos, ter-te-iam morto no local.
It's not as if it was murder, him a killer and all.
Não é um assassinato. Ele é um assassino.
If it's of any good to you, I hate him too, For having understood what was so much my own, so private that I didn't even admit it to myself.
Se te pode servir de algum consolo, fica sabendo que o odeio, por ter dado conta do que era só comigo, tão íntimo que o esconderia à minha própria alma, se pudesse.
Pom-poms. Well, I was only trying to lighten Inspector Plodder's day for him, but if you don't like it...
Só quis alegrar o dia do inspector Plodder...
- l was thinking how Joakim... hates it if I keep him waiting. - No, you're not.
Não é verdade.
You struggled with him as if it was his soul you wanted.
Lutou com ele como se estivesse em jogo a sua alma.
If it is so easy, then what was it that held him?
Se é assim tão fácil, o que é que o está a atrasar?
We're in this plot together, if you don't mind my saying so. And remember, it was your idea I hypnotized him and...
Estamos juntos, em conluio e permita-me lembrá-lo que a vossa ideia de hipnotiza-lo e...
He was afraid if there was any investigation it'd show him up for the crook he really is.
O xerife pagou-me para o fazer. Ele temeu que com investigações... eu iria mostrar o verdadeiro canalha que ele é.
I'd sure appreciate it, sir, if you could find it in your heart to hang him up by his neck until he was dead.
Ficar-lhe-ia muito grato, senhor, se fosse suficientemente bondoso... para o pendurar pelo pescoço até deixar de estrebuchar.
And that there was something in it for me if I could help him out.
e que havia algo para mim se o pudesse ajudar.

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