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I pulled footage from all our exterior surveillance cameras... including the roof, plus got traffic camera footage.
Eu fui buscar imagens de todas as nossas câmaras de exterior, inclusive do telhado e ainda das câmaras do trânsito.
_ "No one" includes you, Dr. Mallard!
- "Ninguém", inclusive você, Dr. Mallard!
Everything just kind of a all inclusive free kind of weekend.
Tudo só, tipo, "tudo incluído" à borla de fim-de-semana.
Including replicating our mistakes, sir!
Inclusive reproduzir Nossos enganos, senhor!
And yet I'm doing it anyway... including telling you things that I am miserable about... that only make you miserable too.
Eu ainda estáva fazendo isto de qualquer maneira, Inclusive dizer a você coisas Miseráveis Que só faça você miserável, Também.
You are very clever. I would even give you brilliant, but there is brilliant and then there's me.
Você é muito inteligente, inclusive eu diria que brilhante mas brilhante, é meu nome do meio.
It'll fry every microprocessor in Miami, including the infected cell phones and ATMs.
Irá fritar cada microprocessador em Miami, inclusive os telemóveis e caixas infectadas.
The wall street crash, cuban missile crisis, even orson welles'broadcast of war of the worlds in'38.
A queda da bolsa, a crise dos mísseis cubanos, inclusive a transmissão de rádio da "Guerra dos Mundos" de Orson Welles em 1938.
Even if I win, it'll make ripples in D.C..
Inclusive se eu ganhar, haveriam brigas em Washington.
Unlike the rest of the red team, including you, I signed up for this.
Diferente do resto da equipe, inclusive tu, eu escolhi isso.
Champollion's discoveries were even to change the way the world saw the beginnings of civilisation.
As descobertas de Champollion iriam mudar, inclusive, a forma como o mundo via o início da civilização.
It would seem that, on one day, for the second time in history, an entire plane, along with its passengers, disappeared upon impact.
Tudo indica para que a História registe pela primeira vez o segundo desaparecimento total de um avião, inclusive passageiros - num único dia.
The cockpit voice recorder records sounds from inside the cockpit, including engine noise, stall warnings, and other sounds of interest. Communications between Air Traffic Control, weather briefings and conversations between pilots and crew are also recorded.
O gravador áudio da carlinga grava todos os ruídos naquela, inclusive o dos motores, a comunicação com o controlo aéreo, relatórios metereológicos e diálogos entre pilotos e tripulantes.
A split that manifested itself even in people's appearance,
Uma divisão que se manifestava, inclusive, na aparência das pessoas.
But what they were about to uncover would make everything, including the legendary walls, pale into insignificance.
Mas o que eles estavam prestes a descobrir faria com que tudo, inclusive os muros lendários, parecerem insignificantes.
Even the stranger who arrived this morning.
Inclusive o forasteiro que chegou esta manhã.
Including the criminals?
Inclusive criminosos?
You could even make friends with Light Ones.
Pode inclusive ter amigos entre os iluminados.
It might even reveal the secret to life.
poderia inclusive revelar o segredo da vida.
Well, I can't write this in anything but no key.
- Posso escrever isto em qualquer coisa. Inclusive sem clave.
Maybe you should just do it for yourself, for your pride, and the rest will come, including the girl.
Talvez você deveria fazer há pouco isto para você, para seu orgulho, e o resto virá, inclusive a menina.
They play every day, and even on the day after they lose a game, they're still standing at the plate swinging that bat.
Jogam todos os dias... inclusive depois de perder um jogo... seguem parados na plataforma, balanceando o taco..
By age five. He'd set numerous minor blazes and ended up burning down his father's feed store.
Aos cinco anos já tinha provocado vários incêndios inclusive o que queimou a loja do seu pai.
Yea. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. I will fear no evil...
Inclusive sei vou pelo vale das sombras, não temerei nada.
Even when you're angry, like now, it's like someone a long, long way away is angry with me.
Inclusive quando estás irritada, como agora, é como se alguém muito, muito afastada estivesse irritada comigo.
Including this theater... and all the receipts from tonight's performance... which I offer with my sincere thanks.
Inclusive o teatro... e todas as receitas das apresentações noturnas... que eu lhe dou com sincero agradecimento.
Including your plan to overthrow the emperor.
Inclusive o seu plano para derrubar o imperador.
A new trend. A sensation even.
Uma nova moda, inclusive um êxito.
"'Your service is inclusive of this testing ground, your soul.'"
Seus serviços incluem esse teste pela sua alma.
We all do it, even me!
Todos fazem isso, Inclusive eu!
And you even have a barrack you can sleep in on the beach - only four bucks a night.
Inclusive podem dormir numa barraca na areia, por apenas 4 dólares.
Including me. Why would I be wearing a helmet... and holding a broom? Oh.
Inclusive eu.
I mean, I think that you bring pleasure to a lot of men. Myself included.
Dá prazer a muitos homens, inclusive a mim.
She even tasted my blood. "
Inclusive provou meu sangue.
It's all-inclusive.
É tudo inclusive.
Including her?
Inclusive ela?
Wow, you even talk different.
Vá, inclusive falas diferente.
You're gonna lose everything, Charles, including your family.
Vais perder tudo, Charles, inclusive a tua família!
And she risked it all, including her life to serve a higher purpose...
E arriscou-o tudo, inclusive sua vida para servir a um propósito maior...
And it's all-inclusive. It includes everyone, no matter what religion.
E inclui a todos. incluí a todos, sem importar a religião.
Even Balboa can be too brave for his own good. Dixon comes right back to try to finish it.
Inclusive se Rocky é tão valente para continuar Dixon regressa para acabar com ele.
Including you.
Tu inclusive.
If you show a little bit of bravery. If you show a little bit of bravery. Then even I will be famous like them.
Se você mostra um pouco de valentia então eu inclusive serei famosa como eles
And me, even after being faithful.. ... will always remain an courtesan.
e eu sendo fiel inclusive permanecerei como prostituta
We're having a party. I had hired a clown friend of your husband's, but he just called to say he had an accident.
Eu inclusive já tinha contratado... um colega do seu marido, o Palhaço Chumbinho, mas ele acabou de me... telefonar dizendo que sofreu um acidente.
- To your whole body, inside and out.
É possível que invada o corpo do por dentro e por fora inclusive.
With the credentials he has, he can give orders to anyone - even to you.
Com as credenciais que tem pode dar ordem a todos, inclusive a vós.
You know, we were really close.
Éramos muito unidos, inclusive...
Bernard Moitessier :
Talvez inclusive tivesse partido antes.
Eating lunch outside at school.
Inclusive fora da escola.
And I am getting misled.
Inclusive ele sabe sobre seu sinal

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