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Involved shooting translate Portuguese

127 parallel translation
What the hell is going on here? 187 with an officer-involved shooting.
Tiroteio com agente envolvido.
Officer-involved shooting.
Agente envolvido em tiroteio.
Officer involved shooting?
Um tiroteio com um agente?
- We got an officer-involved shooting!
- Temos um tiroteio com um agente!
Did you take part in an officer-involved shooting yesterday?
Participou ontem num tiroteio envolvendo agentes policiais?
It's important to recover all of the rounds... in an officer-involved shooting.
É vital recuperar todos os projécteis num tiroteio que envolveu polícias.
- You know what an officer-involved shooting means?
Sabes o que significa um agente envolvido num tiroteio?
It's an officer involved shooting.
É um agente envolvido em tiroteio.
I've got an officer-involved shooting.
Agente envolvido em disparos.
I am in PD Interrogation taking a statement from Captain James Brass regarding the officer-involved shooting that occurred around 0543 hours this morning.
Estou na sala de interrogatórios a recolher o depoimento do capitão James Brass relativo ao tiroteio que ocorreu por volta das 06 : 43 desta manhã.
the sheriff's office has confirmed it was indeed Tom Underlay in this officer-involved shooting...
O escritório do Xerife confirmou. Tom Underlay esteve mesmo envolvido no disparo...
You were in an officer-involved shooting.
Estiveste envolvida num tiroteio.
One of them's an officer-involved shooting.
Um deles foi morto por um agente.
Twin shit. Can I pull a favor? Have you talk to IAD about this officer-involved shooting thing?
Posso pedir-lhe o favor de falar com os Assuntos Internos sobre o agente estar envolvido na troca de tiros?
IAB here? They're still held up with that officer-involved shooting, but the Bomb Squad has cleared the convertible. No.
Os AI já cá estão?
Officer-involved shooting.
Oficial envolvido num tiroteio.
- Officer-involved shooting.
- Agente envolvido em tiroteio.
This is the third officer-involved shooting in the past six months.
É o terceiro agente envolvido num tiroteio no último meio ano.
Procedure goes out the window in an officer-involved shooting.
As regras são ignoradas num tiroteio com a Polícia.
You've got me involved in a dirty nightclub shooting!
Por causa de você, Estou envolvido em um assassinato!
Last time we had the pleasure of your company, we was involved in four fistfights, a stabbing and a shooting... and all before midnight!
Da última vez que o vimos, houve quatro brigas, um esfaqueamento e um tiroteio... e tudo antes da meia-noite!
Now, those in favor of not getting involved in the crisis which is about to befall our fair community. In other words, keeping the hell off the streets and out of the way till the shooting is over, raise your hands.
Quem não quer se envolver na crise... que irá acometer a nossa bela comunidade... em outras palavras, ficar bem longe das ruas até que o tiroteio termine... levante a mão.
One-eight-five-one, officer involved in shooting.
1A51, agente envolvido em tiroteio.
The Lincoln was involved in a shooting.
O Lincoln foi utilizado num tiroteio.
The officer that was involved in the shooting here...
O polícia que esteve envolvido no tiroteio aqui...
We started drinking, shooting off at the mouth and before we knew it there was this guy called Sorenson involved.
Começámos a beber, a falar demais... e antes que nos apercebêssemos, este Sorenson, envolveu-se na história.
She was involved in a shooting. The police brought me here.
Os Polícias que me trouxeram disseram algo acerca de uma ferida no peito mas nada acerca da gravidade.
That gun was involved in a police shooting.
A arma foi usada num tiroteio com a polícia.
Val Waxman's ex-wife, who was very hands-off when shooting began... is now very much involved.
A ex-mulher de Val Waxman que não interveio quando as filmagens começaram... agora está muito envolvida.
- My son is Eric Harris, and I'm afraid that he might be involved with the shooting at Columbine High School.
O meu filho chama-se Eric Harris e receio que esteja envolvido nos tiroteios do Liceu Columbine.
- That's a picture that the little boy that was involved in the Buell-school shooting... Once he was brought back here to our office, about 15 minutes after the shooting took place,
Isso foi feito pelo rapazinho envolvido no tiroteio de Buell, quando o trouxeram aqui para a esquadra, 15 minutos após os disparos.
The police has discovered the body of a fugitive suspect He was involved in the Sheung Wan shooting earlier today
A polícia descobriu o corpo de um suspeito. Ele esteve envolvido no tiroteio de Sheung Wan.
Hey, Bradley's been involved in a gang shooting.
Ei, o Bradley esteve envolvido num tiroteio de gangs.
The doctor? Somebody else contacted him, and-and he wouldn't be involved in any shooting.
Alguém o contactou e disse que ele não se envolveria em nenhum tiroteio.
Any agent who's involved in a shooting needs time to process it... and you may need more time than others because...
Um agente envolvido num tiroteio precisa de tempo para o processar, e talvez precise mais do que os outros, porque...
However, the last time Speedle was involved in a shooting, his service pistol misfired.
De qualquer maneira, da última vez que o Speedle envolveu-se num tiroteio, a sua arma de serviço falhou.
Aside from the fact that you have no registration for that boat, it was involved in a shooting over by Star Island today.
Além do facto de não teres registo do barco, ele esteve hoje envolvido num tiroteio perto da Star Island.
You were involved in a shooting four months ago at a club in Tribeca.
Estiveste envolvido num tiroteio há quatro meses num clube em Tribeca.
And that he was involved with the shooting of a security guard?
E que estava envolvido na morte de um segurança?
You have to understand- - no student at Harbor has ever been involved in a shooting.
Têm que entender que nunca um estudante de Harbor esteve envolvido num tiroteio.
You have to understand no student at Harbor has ever been involved in a shooting.
Têm de compreender que nenhum aluno de Harbor alguma vez esteve envolvido num tiroteio.
He involved in the shooting?
Está envolvido?
He may know a couple of Nigerians involved in a shooting.
Ele pode conhecer uns nigerianos envolvidos numa troca de tiros.
I've been involved in a shooting at 7661 Anholt.
Estive numa troca de tiros no número 7661, na Anholt.
You're never involved in the shooting of Bob.
Nunca estás envolvido na morte do Bob.
No student has ever been involved in a shooting.
Nenhum aluno alguma vez esteve envolvido num tiroteio.
You mysteriously showed up at the bau after one of my team members was involved in a questionable shooting. Right.
Apareceu misteriosamente na U.A.C. depois de um dos membros da equipa se envolver num tiroteio questionável.
I know that you are not involved in the shooting.
Eu sei que você não está envolvida no tiroteio.
Hi. NYPD send us that list of cops that were involved in the shooting?
A Polícia enviou a lista de agentes envolvidos no tiroteio?
As you might already know, there were persons involved In last night's shooting who are Wilson students.
Como já devem saber, existem pessoas envolvidas no tiroteio da noite passada que são alunos de Wilson.
Were you involved in her shooting as well?
Estava envolvido no incidente dela também?

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