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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ I ] / It should have been me

It should have been me translate Portuguese

141 parallel translation
It should have been me, but you can't change things by wishing.
Devia sr eu, mas as coisas não se mudam como desejamos.
- It should have been me.
- Devia ter sido eu.
It should have been me in jail, not you.
Eu é que devia estar na cadeia. Não tu.
It should have been me.
Devia ter sido eu.
You stopped Gilgamesh. The people are safe. It should have been me.
Tenho ouvido historias de marinheiros que se perderam no mar... e viram luzes ao sul no céu.
Marrying your son today! It should have been me.
Quem devia ter casado hoje com o seu filho era eu.
It should have been me.
Que me levassem antes a mim...
It should have been me.
Devia ter sido eu, não é?
- It should have been me.
- Deveria ter morrido eu.
It should have been me that drowned.
Deveria me haver afogado eu em seu lugar.
But still, it should have been me.
Ainda assim, devia ter sido eu.
After the funeral I kept thinking that it should have been me.
Depois do funeral não me saía da cabeça que devia ter sido eu.
It should have been me.
Deveria ter sido eu.
I live every day knowing that it should have been me.
Vivi cada dia, sabendo que quem devia ter morrido era eu.
It should have been me, Jose.
Devia ter sido eu, Jose.
"It should have been me"?
"Devia ter sido eu"?
If you're gonna throw someone out it should have been me.
Se tu vais expulsar alguém deveria ser ter sido eu.
It should have been me...
Devia ter sido eu...
It should have been me to avenge my brother's death.
Devia ter sido eu a vingar a morte do meu irmão.
But it should have been me.
Mas não deveria ter sido eu.
I have been a burden which I don't know why you've endured. I should shoot myself and end it all.
Um canalha Não sei o que fazer devia me dar um tiro e acabar com isso.
Then it should have been given to me. - It is mine.
Então devias ter-mo dado.
I should have been used to it by then, but I was depressed.
Eu já devia estar acostumado mas andava deprimido. Pus-me a caminhar.
It should have been in the bedroom, so that I would have something to look at when I woke in the morning.
Disse-me que o pusesse no meu quarto para que visse algo de belo ao acordar.
I hadn't imagined that I personally would have any power over this girl. But it had seemed only natural that I should enjoy certain privileges... outside of Claire's presence since they had already been granted to me so liberally. And without my even having asked for anything.
Eu não tinha imaginado que pessoalmente teria qualquer poder sobre essa rapariga, mas parecia natural que deveria gozar de certos previlégios fora da presença de Claire, uma vez que já me tinham sido concedidos tão liberalmente e sem eu ter pedido nada.
If there'd been just one part of me befouled by his lust, I should have come home and cut it out! With this knife!
Se apenas uma parte de mim tivesse sido corrompida pela sua luxúria, teria vindo para casa e tê-la-ia cortado... com esta faca!
It would assist me greatly therefore... if my instructions, which have been given great consideration... should be observed.
Portanto, madame, ajudar-me-á sobremaneira se minhas instruções, fruto de profunda reflexão, forem seguidas.
I want you to tell her that... Tell her it took me a while to figure out what ajerk I've been but, um... that... that when things started to pan out for her I should have been more supportive.
Quero que lhe digas... que demorei muito tempo a perceber... que tenho sido um idiota... mas... que... que quando as coisas começaram a acontecer para ela... eu devia ter-lhe dado mais apoio.
It should have been a triumphant yours truly but it wasn't.
Devia sentir-me triunfante, mas nâo sentia.
I should have taken something, but it isn't in me to violate the trust of a person I've been stupid enough to love.
Devia ter tirado alguma coisa, mas para mim não é natural violar a confiança de alguém por quem fui estúpida de me apaixonar.
Not my fault. She at it again! You should have been more careful.
- Havia um tipo que me fez rir bastante.
You've not told me they're pleased, and if they had been, I should have had some sign of it.
Não me disseste que estão contentes, e se estivessem, demonstravam-no.
- It should have been me.
Mas sim eu.
If anyone should have died on this world, it should've been me.
Se alguém tinha de morrer neste mundo deveria ter sido eu.
I mean, he should have been watching where he was going, but I realized that he didn't do it on purpose so I shook it off and I left.
Quero dizer, ele deveria olhar por onde andava, mas percebi que não havia sido de propósito então me levantei e saí. Por que?
Those pirates we were fighting have been promised it as their spoils if they should keep me from reaching home.
Estes piratas com que estivemos a lutar foi-lhes prometida como recompensa, se eles me conseguirem impedir de lá chegar.
If you didn't want to spend the day with me, Debra, I think at least you should have been honest about it.
Se não querias passar o dia comigo, Debra, acho que, pelo menos, deverias ter sido honesta.
Okay, I admit it. Maybe I wasn't as nice as I should have been, but, Yzma, do you really want to kill me?
Pronto, talvez eu não tenha sido tão simpático quanto devia, mas queres mesmo matar-me?
Look, I know why you broke up with me in college... and not that it wasn't messed up... but I should have been there for you.
Olha, eu sei porque acabaste comigo na faculdade... e não, que não tenha sido mau... mas eu devia ter estado lá para ti.
I should have been on top of the world, but I didn't feel like I had it all.
Devia sentir-me nas nuvens, mas não senti que tinha tudo.
It should have been easy... but somewhere, somehow, I think I missed something.
Devia ter sido fácil... mas a dado instante, de alguma forma, acho que me perdi.
So should it have been me?
Então, deveria ter sido eu?
I let it go to my head I should have been- -
Deixei-a subir-me à cabeça. Eu devia...
He said I should have been able to find it, as if this were some kind of test for me.
Ele disse que eu era capaz de a encontrar. Disse que era uma espécie de teste para mim.
Though not for me yet for your vehement oaths you should have been respective and have kept it.
E não por mim mas pelas tuas veementes juras e por respeito, o devias ter guardado.
I'm trying to do the right thing... and now I think I should have not...'cause... if she'd stayed with me out of guilt, that would have been fine, wouldn't it?
Eu estou a tentar fazer a coisa certa... E agora eu acho que eu não devia... porque... Se ela tivesse ficado comigo por culpa, estava tudo bem, não era?
But I should probably start by explaining that I never would have married Caroline if it hadn't been for the fact that she was French and that her visa was about to expire.
Devo esclarecer que não me teria casado com Caroline se não fosse o facto de ela ser francesa... Cala a puta da boca! ... e o seu visto consular estar prestes a caducar.
I should have had your books injected intravenously after the death of my Antoine, it would have been quicker.
Teria que ter-me injectado os seus livros na veia quando morreu o Antoine, teria poupado tempo.
The point is it should have been my decision, not yours.
Devias deixar-me ter decidido e não fazê-lo tu.
Karma should have been kicking my ass, and instead, it was rewarding me.
O Karma devia estar a dar cabo de mim, e, invés disso, estava a recompensar-me.
Should have been shipped weeks ago, and I was starting to wonder if it was shortstopped at battalion somewhere.
Devia ter sido enviado há semanas, e estava a perguntar-me se tinha ficado retido no batalhão algures.

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