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It stopped translate Portuguese

2,982 parallel translation
It stopped halfway to the target.
Ele parou no meio do caminho.
- But it stopped the leak.
- Mas parou a fuga.
Well, it stopped flickering.
Bem, parou de piscar.
I don't want it stopped. It's Kathleen's.
Os ductos mamários estão bloqueados, Mary.
I-it stopped hurting after the first couple dozen times.
Deixa de doer depois das primeiras vezes.
The day Alison went missing, it stopped.
No dia em que a Alison desapareceu, pararam.
It stopped the fire, but not the smoke.
Travou o fogo, mas não o fumo.
You just lost interest once it stopped being an affair.
Só perdeste o interesse porque já não era um caso.
I mean, sure, they would give me nasty looks when I stood up and didn't say the same old shit that everybody wanted to hear. I would get the stink eye even after I sat down, but it stopped the migraines, and I could respect myself in the morning.
Sim, todos olhavam para mim de lado quando não dizia o que queriam ouvir, o olhar mantinha-se até me sentar, mas as dores de cabeça pararam e, de manhã, ainda me respeitava.
- It looks like Dick stopped digging days ago.
- Parece que pararam de escavar.
Well, the killings stopped, but they never caught the guy who did it. Why are you working on a cold case?
Os assassínios pararam, mas nunca apanharam o criminoso.
That's why I stopped doing it.
Por isso é que eu parei.
I didn't need it, so I stopped.
Não precisava disso, por isso parei.
It's just that since I've stopped playing ball, I realize I'm not that good at this.
É que desde que deixei de jogar basquetebol, percebi que não sou muito bom nisto.
There was a kiss. I stopped it.
Houve um beijo, mas travei-o.
Goddamn it, Uncle Jim and them was trying of get rid of Randall McCoy so all this fighting gets stopped.
Maldição! O tio Jim e os outros estavam a tentar livrar-se do Randall McCoy, para que toda esta guerra terminasse.
Look, it's stopped raining, so...
Olha, está a parar de chover, então...
You know, Jack, I think that the important thing to realize here is that the water deal in South Africa has been stopped, just as it was stopped in Paraguay, just as it should be stopped everywhere.
Jack, acho que o mais importante a compreender aqui é que o negócio da água na África do Sul foi cancelado, tal como foi cancelado no Paraguai e devia ser cancelado em todo o lado.
And it's also a damn shame that no one stopped his hired hand's liquored-up threats and curses from inflaming two fools to commit murder, which was damn easy to foresee.
E também é uma pena que ninguém tenha impedido que as ameaças e pragas do seu empregado bêbado tenham levado dois idiotas a cometer um homicídio muito fácil de prever.
Well, I thought it was Sutton, that's why I stopped my speech- - and it turns out that it's Annie- -
Bom, pensei que era a Sutton e interrompi o discurso, mas parece que é a Annie...
Whatever it is, can it be stopped?
- Pode ser interrompido?
Could he have stopped it?
Poderia ele tê-la parado?
We still could have stopped it, but it was not in the interest of the militarists.
Ainda poderiamos tê-lo travado mas não era do interesse dos militaristas.
Ηe might have known about it, might have even signed his name to it, but did he want to start it and could he really have stopped it?
Talvez ele soubesse e até talvez pudesse ter assinado com o seu nome mas se quiz começá-la poderia realmente fazê-la parar?
It can't be stopped.
Não pode ser desarmada.
It just stopped ; right, take a right.
Apenas parou. Direita, direita.
You know, I thought it was a little weird, the way that Wilden stopped by today.
Achei que foi um bocado estranha a maneira como o Wilden apareceu hoje.
It's like we're having great sex and you just stopped.
É como se tivéssemos a ter sexo espectacular e simplesmente parasses.
I could have stopped it.
Eu podia.
You stopped it from killing him.
Tu paras-te de o matar.
Yeah, I had a live feed on her computer, but I stopped monitoring it.
Sim, monitorizo o seu computador mas parei de ver.
Yeah, it's perfectly natural that he stopped doing that stuff.
Perfeitamente natural que ele tenha parado com isso.
After the tenth time of watching it, I stopped trying to convince myself that the shovel could have been mistaken for a gun.
Depois da décima vez a ver, deixei de tentar convencer-me que a pá pode ter sido confundida com uma arma.
But I stopped it now.
Mas agora impedi.
And at that stage I remember we felt it was probably best if we just stopped.
Lembro-me de sentirmos que era melhor parar.
And Rodriguez wandered out to the front of the stage and the bass player actually just stopped playing. And it took a while.
O Rodriguez chegou-se à frente do palco e o baixista parou.
and it needs to be stopped.
Eu acho que o Bullying está a ficar fora de controlo e precisa de acabar.
You stopped it.
Tu fizeste-a parar.
Perhaps it's about time you stopped thinking about yourself and started to think about the ones who love you.
Talvez esteja na hora de parares, de pensares em ti mesmo e começares a pensar, naqueles que te amam.
But he stopped doing it in person.
Mas deixou de o fazer pessoalmente.
Okay, so the knife went in at the rib and stopped when it hit the spine.
Portanto, a faca perfurou a zona da costela e parou quando atingiu a coluna.
Would knowing that have stopped you from spending it?
Saberes disso ter-te-ia impedido de o gastar?
You stopped taking it?
Deixou de tomá-lo?
We stopped it. What happened?
- Nós estancamos.
It wasn't some guy, who just either crumbled or stopped answering the phone, it was a guy who would yell back.
Não foi um tipo que só desapareceu, ou, parou de atender o telefone, era alguém que retorquia.
In any event, it hasn't stopped you from sampling the merchandise.
Seja como for, isso não te impediu de provar a mercadoria.
His heart stopped, we tried to revive him, but despite our best efforts, he didn't make it.
O coração parou, tentámos reanimá-lo, mas, apesar dos nossos esforços, ele não sobreviveu.
Well, at first blush, it looks like you're trying to reach your cell phone that fell under the lamp there, but the blood angel shows that your arm stopped, so you didn't get the phone.
Bem, a primeira impressão, é que tentava chegar ao telefone... que caiu, e ficou por baixo do candeeiro, mas o sangue mostra que o braço parou de mexer, e não chegou ao telefone.
The building that you just stopped in front of, well, city hall is located directly behind it, offering perfect line of sight to where Oliver's giving his speech.
É um velho mapa de uma linha do metro desativada. Passa por baixo da zona pobre da cidade.
That's why you stopped selling it.
Por isso deixou de vender.
We knew a couple of hours ago it was in the trunk of a black Audi that was stopped at the road block in the city centre of Paris.
Descobrimos algumas horas atrás, no porta-malas de um Audi preto interceptado no centro de Paris.

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