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It was a good day translate Portuguese

158 parallel translation
So all in all, it was a good day.
Por isso, acima de tudo, foi um bom dia.
Well, it was a good day, Mr. Hood.
Bem, foi um dia bom, Mr. Hood.
It was a good day.
Foi um bom dia.
He thinks you probably were, but it was a good day to die.
Ele acha que provavelmente foi, mas que era um dia bom para morrer.
It was a good day.
Foi um belo dia. Obrigado.
- It was a good day.
- Foi um dia óptimo.
- It was a good day, John.
- Foi um dia bom.
- It was a good day.
- Foi um bom dia.
All in all, it was a good day.
Apesar de tudo, foi um bom dia.
You wanna know that what you did was for all the right reasons but with that pain in your gut and the weight on your shoulders the best you can come up with is that it was a good day of fighting.
Quer saber se o que fizeste foi pelas razões corretas mas com essa dor em teu íntimo e esse peso sobre teus ombros o melhor que posso dizer é de que este foi um bom dia de combate.
It was a good day of fighting.
Que foi um bom dia de combate.
So, it was my birthday... and my ex-wife was getting remarried... and I was in some church basement telling a bunch of strangers... it was a good day because...
Era o meu aniversário e a minha ex-mulher ia casar novamente. Eu estava a contar a desconhecidos que aquele era um bom dia porque não estava a comer lixo saído de um contentor.
It was a good day.
O dia foi bom.
It was a good day today, huh?
Hoje foi um bom dia, huh? Divertido?
I think she remembers it. At least I hope she does. It was a good day.
Espero que ela se recorde, espero que sim, como um bom dia.
I'll see you tomorrow. It was a good day today.
Vemo-nos amanhã.
Yeah, it was a good day.
Sim, foi um dia em grande.
It was a good day.
Foi um dia bem passado.
What, did you wake up this morning and decide it was a good day to die?
Acordaste esta manhã e decides que é um bom dia para morreres?
It was just my good deed for the day, that's all.
Foi apenas a minha boa acção do dia, foi só isso.
But one day they'll see I was right... and that the day I lost it all will become a good thing for everyone.
Todos me culpam, mas um dia perceberão que eu tinha razão. A minha perda ajudará a todos.
I was so good that once a day someone would ride into town to make me prove it. And every morning I'd start my drinking a few minutes earlier until one morning the guy who asked me to prove it turned out to be 16 years old.
Tão bom que todo o dia... alguém chegava à cidade para que eu o demonstrasse... e em cada manhã... eu começava a beber uns minutos antes... até que numa manhã... o tipo que me desafiou só tinha 16 anos...
Loved her when she was good. I m just there like night and day and she neverquestion it.
Bem, eu bati nela quando ela se portava mal, e a amava quando ela era boa.
Forty years I been eatin'it, and I'm as good shape today as the day I was born.
Quarenta anos a comer isso, e estou tão bom hoje como no dia em que nasci.
- Her brother? It was this brother, who on the day of her death swore to the good Lord above he'd follow in her footsteps.
Foi o irmão que, no dia da morte dela jurou a Deus Nosso Senhor, que seguiria os passos dela.
It showed me I wasn't in as good a shape as I thought I was in, because it really, really hurts your stomach muscles the next day, so you've got to get the right balance, you know.
Não sei o que correu mal. O Kryten nunca mencionou viagens no tempo.
"Today is a good day to die." So was it, Dave?
"Hoje é um bom dia para morrer." Que tal foi, Dave?
The good Lord was watchin'over stump that day. But then it started to rain that month.
O bom Deus protegia o Maneta naquele dia, mas depois pôs-se a chover naquele mês.
If it was a good conversation, I don't go to the bathroom the rest of the day.
Se correu bem, não vou mais à casa de banho o resto do dia.
If it was a good conversation, I don't go to the bathroom the rest of the day.
Se correu bem, não vou mais á casa de banho o resto do dia.
We didn't think it was a very good idea in this day and age.
Houve a ideia de que era melhor não se fazer nada.
Did you have a good day or a bad day? What kind of day was it? "
O dia, hoje, correu-te bem ou mal?
I know you don't like it, but believe me. What happened to you the other day, was a good thing.
Sei que não vais acreditar em mim, mas o que aconteceu no outro dia, foi uma coisa boa.
"and tell her how your day was, it's'Well, we had a good day in the studio"'
" dás-lhe uma ideia de como correu o dia no estúdio.
It was such a good day for all of us.
Foi um dia tão bom... para todos nós.
From earliest times, it was the symbol of good luck in China, and to this day, it remains a religious emblem in the Hindu and Buddhist faiths.
Desde os tempos mais remotos, foi símbolo de boa sorte na China, e ainda hoje permanece como símbolo religioso tanto na fé hindu, como na budista.
Was it a good day today?
Correu bem o dia hoje?
Yeah, well, whatever they call it, it looks like it was having a very bad day. Good.
Tanto faz o nome, parece que teve um dia horrível.
It was a good time for you, right? Yeah, he was thinking about Max every second of every day.
Sim, ele pensava na Max todos os dias, a cada segundo.
It was the way they left out all the good bits I did every day - and put in the embarrassing bits.
Foi a maneira como deixaram de fora todas as boas partes que eu fazia todos os dias e puseram as partes embaraçosas.
It was a very good day for me.
Foi um dia muito bom para mim.
Well, making it to the medal round was always our goal from day one, so we feel real good about what we've accomplished so far.
Bem, passar á fase seguinte... sempre foi o nosso objectivo desde o primeiro dia, por isso sentimo-nos muito bem com o que conseguimos.
See, if I was drooling over... one girl the night before I was gonna marry another... it's a pretty good bet that I probably wouldn't say, "I do," the next day.
Se eu estivesse a babar-me... para uma rapariga na noite anterior a casar-me com outra... é quase seguro que provavelmente não diria o "sim" no dia seguinte.
It felt good knowing that whoever I decided to be... from that day forward, was the person that they'd see.
Foi bom saber que quem quer que eu decidisse ser, desse dia em diante, seria a pessoa que todos veriam.
When I got the train this morning, I thought it was gonna be a good day.
Quando entrei no comboio de manhã julguei que ia ter um bom dia.
I was having a bad day and it was good to have someone...
Eu estava a ter um mau dia e foi bom ter alguém...
About the... The other day it was not a good moment. I was in a hell of a hurry.
No outro dia... não era uma boa hora.
Maybe the TV was broken one day and she picked up the Bible and found it to be just a darn good read.
Talvez a televisão estivesse avariada, um dia, e ela pegou na Bíblia e achou que era mesmo um grande livro.
It was not... a good start to the day.
Não foi... um bom início de dia.
Life was good enough, until one day, it wasn't.
A vida era boa o bastante, até um dia, que não era.
So i don't know how it was possible given how the day started, But, um, i actually had kind of a good night.
Não sei como foi isto possível depois da maneira como começou o dia, mas até acabei por ter uma noite porreira.

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