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It was a good idea translate Portuguese

424 parallel translation
- well, it was a good idea, see.
- Mas foi uma boa ideia, sabe?
Well, it was a good idea.
Bem, era uma boa ideia.
You know, regardless of how I feel about that fellow personally I still think it was a good idea to make this gesture.
lndependentemente daquilo que sinto por ele pessoalmente, ainda acho que foi boa ideia ter este gesto...
It was a good idea.
Foi uma boa ideia.
Well, it was a good idea while we had it.
Bem, parecia-nos uma boa ideia.
So it was a good idea to bring her here, after all.
Então sempre foi boa ideia trazê-la cá para casa.
It was a good idea ordering breakfast.
Foi uma boa idéia, pedir o pequeno almoço.
It was a good idea to use atomic power.
Boa ideia para usar energia atómica.
No, it was a good idea, in a way.
Não, até que foi uma boa ideia, de certa forma.
Daddy thought it was a good idea too.
O papá também achou que era boa ideia.
I'm not sure if it was a good idea to convince your father to give her to me.
Não estou certo se foi uma boa ideia convencer o teu pai a dá-la para mim.
I thought it was a good idea to get a fresh start... where the surroundings wouldn't remind me of Dick.
Pensei que era uma boa ideia começar de novo... mas o ambiente... lembrava-me do Dick.
Frank, do you really think it was a good idea, my coming here? Of course.
Frank, realmente acha que foi boa ideia, vir cá?
- Nobody thought it was a good idea to have a lot of people... - That's right. but I thought it was a good idea.
Acharam que não era boa ideia estar aqui muita gente, mas eu sim.
It was a good idea, Guy.
Foi uma boa ideia, Guy.
It was a good idea not to let your little brother come to the funeral... and see Tommy like this.
Foi um boa ideía não deixares o teu irmãozinho vir ao funeral... E ver o Tommy desta maneira.
It was a good idea, Paco.
Foi uma boa ideia, Paco.
- Yeah, but... do you think it was a good idea?
- Sim, mas achas que foi boa ideia?
Why? You said it was a good idea.
Disse que era boa ideia.
Well, it was a good idea.
Era uma boa ideia.
- It was a good idea.
- Foi uma ideia boa.
It was a good idea, but finally it didn't work.
Era uma boa ideia, mas afinal não resultou.
Robby thought it was a good idea. So did John. So did I.
O Robby achou uma boa ideia, e o John e eu também.
It was a good idea.
Era uma boa ideia.
It was a good idea but let's just forget it, OK?
Era uma boa idéia, mas esqueceremos, certo?
That's too bad. It was a good idea.
É uma pena, é uma boa ideia.
I'm not saying it was a good idea.
Não estou a dizer que foi boa ideia.
It was a good idea.
Foi uma boa idéia.
It was a very good idea, bringing in this cage.
Trazer esta gaiola foi muito boa ideia.
It was a good, good idea.
- Foi uma óptima ideia.
Do you think it was such a good idea not to bring her?
Acha que foi boa ideia não a trazer?
I'm glad you like it. I had no idea it was that good when we wrote it.
Não pensei que fosse tão boa quando a compusemos.
It would be a pity if a good idea like this was messed up at the first attempt and other people couldn't use it afterwards.
Seria uma pena se uma boa idéia como esta fracassasse à primeira tentativa.
Taking you to a show tonight wasn't a very good idea, was it?
Não foi grande ideia irmos ao espectáculo, pois não?
There's another thing now if we're all going to be in here three or four days, close together like it might be a good idea if a certain party, not to mention no names was to do what he said he'd do.
Mais uma coisa... Se vamos passar aqui mais 3 ou 4 dias, tão juntinhos... era bom que um certo tipo, sem mencionar nomes fizesse o que prometeu.
I was wondering whether it really was such a good idea.
Estava a perguntar-se se isso era mesmo uma boa ideia.
And everybody who gave anything said they liked you and thought it was a very good idea of ours.
E todos que deram qualquer coisa disseram que gostavam de si. e pensei que fosse uma boa ideia a nossa.
It was a really good idea you had.
E agora? Serão menos para dividir.
We limit ourselves to distribute it pamphlets on the German people, saying that it was not good idea to go for the war, that it was a penalty to have done and that perhaps we could arrive at the peace.
Limitámo-nos a largar panfletos sobre o povo alemão, a dizer-lhes que não era boa ideia irem para a guerra, que era uma pena terem-no feito e que talvez pudéssemos chegar à paz.
- Was it a good idea, tygr?
Isso foi uma boa ideia, Tygra?
When Pete Thornton established a stress-relief program for Phoenix Foundation employees, I thought it was a pretty good idea.
Quando o Pete Thornton criou um programa anti-stress... para os funcionários da Fundação Phoenix... achei uma óptima ideia.
He didn ´ t think it was such a good idea.
Ele não acha que seja uma boa ideia.
- I don't think it was such a good idea to come up here, guys.
- Acho que não foi uma boa ideia virmos para cá, malta.
Well, no, but don't you think it'd be a good idea if people knew I was running?
Bem, não, mas... Não achas que seria uma boa ideia as pessoas saberem que me estou a candidatar?
Aquelas cuecas de seda não foi muito boa ideia... rayon era mais barato.
- I had no idea that clean air was such a good issue. - Oh, yeah, isn't it somethin'?
Vejo que o "Ar Puro" é muito popular.
Não foi uma boa ideia termos tirado esta roupa dos espantalhos?
My mother was recuperating from impetigo at the time and Dad thought it would be a good idea to get her out into the fresh air.
A minha mãe estava a recuperar de impetigem, na época, e o meu pai achou que seria boa ideia levá-la a respirar ar puro.
- I thought it was a pretty good idea.
- Envergonhadíssima. - Pois eu acho uma boa ideia.
- That's not what I was gonna say, but it's a good idea.
Não era isso que ía dizer, mas é uma boa ideia.
We didn't think it was a very good idea in this day and age.
Houve a ideia de que era melhor não se fazer nada.

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