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Jimi translate Portuguese

232 parallel translation
Jimi, I love you!
Jimi, adoro-te!
We'd come with radios and cigarettes and drink beer and listen to Jimi Hendrix.
Trazíamos os rádios e cigarros. Bebíamos cerveja e ouvíamos Jimmy Hendrix.
Jimi Hendrix used to go there a lot.
Jimi Hendrix ia bastante lá.
Kit Lambert, our manager... had just signed Jimi Hendrix to our label... and put him on... backing us up.
Kit Lambert, o nosso empresário, tinha contratado o Jimi Hendrix para a nossa editora, para nos... acompanhar.
So I said to Jimi, "Fuck it, we're not gonna follow you on."
E eu disse ao Jimi : "Que se lixe, não actuamos a seguir a ti."
So, here is a naive and innocent Jimi Hendrix.
Sem a sua "Experience", um Jimi Hendrix ingénuo e inocente.
Two of the people that I had with me... turned out to be Jimi Hendrix and Bill Cox.
As duas pessoas que tocavam comigo eram... o Jimi Hendrix e o Bill Cox.
As you know, Jimi was a left-hand player.
Como sabem, o Jimi tocava com a mão esquerda.
This was okay within itself... with the one exception : Jimi somehow would always manage... to pawn this guitar before a gig... before a dance, and, of course, the band would have to go pawn it... re-pawn it, repossess it.
Isto não era um problema, excepto, mas o Jimi empenhava sempre... a guitarra antes de um espectáculo... de uma dança e tínhamos de desempenhá-la... pagá-la e trazê-la.
It really appeared that Jimi, in many cases... was never really with us.
Muitas vezes, o Jimi... estava ausente.
So while Jimi was wailing away on his guitar, well, I'd be blowing the sax.
Enquanto o Jimi tocava guitarra eu tocava saxe.
" Well, Jimi, you just don't understand...
" Jimi, tu não compreendes.
No, reading a contract meant nothing to Jimi.
Ler um contrato não significava nada para ele.
But Jimi had this perseverance to go on. He didn't mind looking freaky... like I don't mind it,'cause I was doing it before he was.
O Jimi continuava perseverante, não se importava de parecer esquisito, eu também não me importo, porque já o parecia antes dele.
I don't know if the twins... mentioned anything about, you know... when Jimi and them first met... but we were all living together.
Não sei se eles... contaram alguma coisa, mas, quando conheceram o Jimi, vivíamos todos juntos.
Jimi Hendrix could play that rock'n'roll.
O Jimi Hendrix tocava rock and roll.
And he came back to the apartment... and played a lot of Dylan... who Jimi idolized.
Ele foi ao apartamento... e tocou um bocado de Bob Dylan, que ele idolatrava.
I figured Jimi was so heavy into what I was into... he would never like anything like that. But he just loved it to death.
Achava que o Jimi exagerava, que nunca gostaria daquilo, mas ele adorava.
When he saw Jimi, he thought, "This is nothing."
Achou que o Jimi não valia nada.
And I think Jimi was getting quite desperate to record... or to at least make another step.
Acho que o Jimi estava desesperado para gravar, ou pelo menos, avançar mais um bocado.
The stage was set for Jimi, really.
O palco era feito para o Jimi.
First time I ever saw Jimi was in Blaze's Club.
A primeira vez que vi o Jimi foi no Blaze's Club.
" that's playing here tonight, Jimi Hendrix?
" que está a tocar guitarra, o Jimi Hendrix?
During the movie, we started to talk about Jimi Hendrix. And we decided that we both really liked him.
Durante o filme começámos a falar do Jimi Hendrix... e decidimos que ambos gostávamos dele.
Suddenly, out of the blue, we had a very strong sort of bond... of friendship, which I think came about... Because it ended as soon as Jimi split England.
De repente, gerou-se uma amizade... muito forte, que acabou quando o Jimi deixou Inglaterra.
I think it came about because Jimi threatened us both, in a way. But at the same time, he also entertained us both.
Acho que surgiu porque o Jimi era uma ameaça para nós, mas naquela época, também nos divertia.
Chas Chandler, having found Jimi, seeing his potential as a guitar player... then said to himself, " What do I need to do...
O Chas Chandler viu o potencial do Jimi como guitarrista... e disse para si mesmo : " De que preciso...
I didn't know who would that be coming from. And here, Jimi, he said to me :
Não fazia ideia de quem era, mas era o Jimi, que me disse :
And he said, "I'm naming it the Jimi Hendrix Experience."
"a que vou chamar,'Jimi Hendrix Experience'."
Real psychedelic sounds from the Jimi Hendrix Experience.
Sons psicadélicos dos "Jimi Hendrix Experience".
So let's hear once again, the Jimi Hendrix Experience.
Vamos ouvir outra vez os "Jimi Hendrix Experience".
I said, "Damn, Jimi, where did you go, man?"
Eu perguntava-lhe onde ele tinha ido.
Murray the Khad a radio show then, and he said : "I'm gonna play the new Jimi Hendrix album."
O Murray The K, tinha um programa de rádio... e tocava o álbum do Jimi Hendrix.
"Jimi, please tell me what it is." And he said :
"Jimi, diz-me o que é." E ele disse :
So he popped a couple of them right away. So I said, "Well, damn! Little as Jimi is, if he can take it, I know I can take it."
Ele tomou logo dois... e eu pensei que, se ele podia tomar, eu também podia.
I waited for something to come on. I didn't feel it... so I said, "Okay, Jimi, give me another half."
Esperei e não senti nada... e pedi outra metade.
I knew Jimi could take more of anything than we could... because he was already abnormal.
Sabia que o Jimi aguentava mais que toda a gente.
Jimi would turn and say, " Hi, my name is Jimi.
O Jimi voltava-se e dizia : " Sou o Jimi.
She's spent five years plotting to meet him... and he says, "Hi, my name is Jimi," and you got an attitude?
Ela passou cinco anos planeando tudo... para o conhecer a ele e diz-lhe uma coisa daquelas...
But Jimi was very, very self-conscious.
O Jimi era muito auto-consciente.
They're all so aggressively normal... with their wives, children, houses, and Jimi doesn't belong to that.
São todos tão agressivamente normais, com as mulheres, filhos e casa de campo! O Jimi não era assim.
It went like, Jimi started bringing in all these musicians... like his old Army buddy, Billy Cox. Then he brought up, I don't know... a conga player and another guitarist. That was when we did Woodstock.
Mas o Jimi começou a trazer músicos... como o antigo colega da tropa, o Billy Cox, e depois... um tocador de conga e ainda outro guitarrista, quando actuou em Woodstock.
But Jimi was gonna take them higher than that!
O Jimi ia pôr as pessoas mais pedradas do que isso.
Black radio didn't want to play Jimi Hendrix's music because they said... not did only his music not relate, but the people that went... to see Jimi Hendrix was not the crowd that would listen to a black station.
A rádio negra não queria tocar a música de Jimi Hendrix, pois a sua música não só não lhes dizia nada como as pessoas que iam... vê-Io não eram as mesmas que ouviam uma emissora negra.
My head was probably involved with my music. But Jimi picked up on it, picked up on our vibes. So the first thing he did was he bought the paper.
Devia estar a pensar na minha música, mas o Jimi captou as nossas vibrações, e foi logo comprar o jornal.
"Jimi Hendrix buying a paper, Black Panther paper, and y'all are not?"
"O Jimi Hendrix compra o jornal e vocês não?"
So we say, " Yeah, well, Jimi Hendrix bought a paper'cause he wanted a paper.
Eu respondi : " Sim, ele comprou o jornal porque quis,
"We don't." But then Jimi looked at us... He looked at us as though the reason he bought the paper was to impress us.
"nós não queremos." Mas o Jimi olhou para nós... como se tivesse comprado o jornal para nos impressionar.
Mitch and I had left. We went back to England... and Jimi got that Band of Gypsies thing together. Buddy Miles, Billy Cox.
O Mitch e eu voltámos para Inglaterra, e o Jimi fundou o "Band of Gypsies", com o Buddy Miles e o Billy Cox.
There's no way that you can explain to people in the state of Washington... or the guys that Jimi was in the Army with... or the poor black cats trying desperately to get it together... that he was not having a good time.
Não há modo de explicar às pessoas, de Washington, ou com quem o Jimi tinha estado na tropa, que ele tentava tanto coordenar o seu número, que não se divertia.
Another thing that Jimi discovered is that it isn't true.
Outra coisa que o Jimi descobriu é que isso não é verdade.

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