Lower east side translate Portuguese
151 parallel translation
You're Park Avenue, I'm Lower East Side.
Ès de Park Avenue. - Sou da Baixa do East Side.
We finally traced him to a cheap neighborhood down in the lower east side of New York.
Para o fim encontramo-lo num bairro pobre de East Side de Nova York.
Become the Miss Havisham of the Lower East Side.
Tornei-me na bruxa que nunca sairá do apartamento até ser velha.
I put out enough poison to kill the Lower East Side of Manhattan... and not one nibble!
Espalhei veneno suficiente para matar a Zona Baixa Oriental de Manhattan... e nem sequer mordiscou!
I've seen guys in the Bronx, Lower East Side, strung out, slammed down.
Já vi tipos no Bronx, na zona leste, estendidos, caídos.
The Lower East Side, this really sucks.
O Lower East Side. É um autêntico nojo.
Back on the Lower East Side of New York, this used to happen a lot.
Lá em Lower East Side em Nova Iorque, isto acontecia muito.
She was arrested last night on the Lower East Side.
Ela foi presa ontem à noite em Lower East Side.
Susan, my wife has just been picked up on the Lower East Side, escaping from her gun-toting pimp!
Susan, a minha mulher foi levada de Lower East Side, fugindo do chulo dela!
Gave the Lower East Side a shot of life!
Fui levar um pouco de vida à parte oriental.
So the cab broke down In the seedy part of the lower east side, see.
O táxi avariou-se na pior parte da zona Leste.
- On the Lower East Side.
- Um na parte leste.
We go into poor areas, like the Lower East Side, and -
Vamos a zonas pobres, como a baixa na zona Este da cidade...
It's a tenement building on the Lower East Side.
É um prédio de andares no Lower East Side.
My father was the most respected man... in the Lower East Side of Springfield.
O meu pai era o homem mais respeitado... na Lower East Side de Springfield.
Before Lisa was born, we lived in a tiny apartment... on the Lower East Side of Springfield.
Antes da Lisa nascer, vivíamos num pequeno apartamento... na baixa de Springfield.
Lower East Side.
Zona Este.
The gangster film predates World War One, as with Griffith's Musketeers of Pig Alley... or Raoul Walsh's picture of 1915 called Regeneration, which was shot on location on New York's Lower EastSide.
Como é Musketeers of Pig Alley, de Griffith, ou um filme de 1 91 5 de Raoul Walsh, Regeneração, que foi filmado em exteriores, em Nova Iorque, na Lower East Side.
Whatever happened to the Lower East Side?
O acontece àquele local...
This park will do more for the Lower East Side than 1,000 prisons.
Este parque é mais importante que 1000 prisões.
Police and emergency crews continue to work... in the aftermath of tonight's explosions on the Lower East Side.
Equipas de emergência continuam o seu trabalho... em consequência das explosões desta noite no Lower East Side.
Very Lower East Side. I like it.
Muito Lower East Side, adoro.
I'm comin'to get ya. Feel the lower east side!
Vão sentir a força do East Side.
Honey, why don't you turn around and show me the Lower East Side?
Querida, não me queres mostrar onde fica a tua Baixa?
A corrupt politician on the Lower East Side in the'20s.
Era um político corrupto no Lower East Side dos anos 20.
I started Danner House in a tenement on the Lower East Side in 1969.
Fundei a Danner House numa casa em Lower East Side em 1969.
This guy Teffy hangs out at a place called Hathaway's on the Lower East Side, which makes sense.
O Teffy frequenta um bar no Lower East Side. - O que faz sentido.
Lower East Side.
No Lower East Side.
Cops said they picked you up on the lower east side, do you remember that?
Os guardas dizem que a encontraram na East Side, lembra-se disso?
Vance impaneled a long-term grand jury to investigate pattern robberies on the Lower East Side.
O Vance convocou um grande júri para investigar uns roubos na baixa de East Side. O visado?
Rachel Holman, 24, found in her apartment 3 weeks ago on the lower east side. And Kaveh Surrani, 30.
Rachel Holman, 24, achada em seu apartamento há 3 semanas, no Lower East Side, e Kaveh Surrani, 30.
I'm sorry, I thought you meant the other ones with the two E's from the Lower East Side.
Pensei que falava dos outros com dois "e" de Lower East Side.
Become the Miss Havisham of the Lower East Side.
Podia ser como a Menina Havisham do Lower East Side?
hold on a second. Before he was a liar, he was living On the lower east side of New York City.
Espera, antes de ser um mentiroso, ele morava na zona Este de Nova lorque.
That's the Lower East Side, somewhere around Reed Street.
- Isso é o Lower East Side. Algures perto de Reed Street.
When Cus D'Amato died, I was in New York, Lower East Side.
Ele era um aliado do meu falecido irmão durante o Bakumatsu. O teu falecido irmão?
Hell's kitchen, murray hill, Lower east side,
Hell's Kitchen, Murray Hill,
Chinatown, east harlem.
Lower East Side, Chinatown, East Harlem.
Uh, Hell's Kitchen, Murray Hill, Lower East Side, Chinatown.
Hell's Kitchen. Murray Hill. Lower East Side.
LEE : The Pignato Brothers are an up-and-coming crew of the Lower East Side's criminal underworld.
Os irmãos Pignato são um bando em ascensão do submundo do crime de Lower East Side.
This map by the Federal Home Loan Board shows the predominantly black areas of Detroit, the lower east side and so-called colonies like the one we're in now in Birwood-Griggs, marked with a letter D and coloured red. You can see why the practice of giving whole neighbourhoods a negative credit rating came to be known as "red-lining".
Este mapa do Conselho Federal de Empréstimos à Habitação mostra as áreas predominantemente negras de Detroit, a Lower East Side e as chamadas "colónias" como a que nos encontramos agora, em Burwood-Griggs, marcadas com a letra "D" e pintadas a vermelho.
I don't think he's from the Lower East Side.
Não me parece que seja do Lower East Side.
Creason bought that old meat packing warehouse On the lower east side.
O Creason comprou aquele velho matadouro em Lower East Side.
Creason bought that old meatpacking warehouse on the Lower East Side.
O Creason comprou um armazém velho no bairro de Lower East Side.
So far, we've pinged the phone to a 20-block radius on the Lower East Side.
Neste momento, já o localizámos num raio de 20 quarteirões em Lower East Side.
My people traced that first call to my cell phone from a pay phone on the lower east side.
O meu pessoal rastreou a primeira chamada para o meu telemóvel, de uma cabine no Lower East Side.
All right, we have eight confirmed Boorland robberies in the lower east side.
Muito bem, temos oitos assaltos confirmados feitos pelos Boorland, em Lower East Side.
It is lower east side.
Fica em Lower East Side.
It is Lower East Side.
Fica em Lower East Side.
That's Broome and Clinton, Lower East Side.
É a Broome com a Clinton, no Lower East Side.
While Miranda was trying not to judge me on the Upper East Side, Samantha was judging the crowd at a hot spot on the Lower West Side.
Enquanto a Miranda tentava não me julgar na Zona Alta Leste, a Samantha julgava os clientes de um novo bar na Zona Baixa Oeste.
east side 50
side 253
sideways 34
sides 51
sided 108
sidebar 61
sidekick 32
side up 19
side note 16
sideshow bob 30
side 253
sideways 34
sides 51
sided 108
sidebar 61
sidekick 32
side up 19
side note 16
sideshow bob 30
side door 25
sided love 19
side by side 69
side to side 29
side pocket 20
lower 229
lowery 40
lower your voice 120
lower it 33
lower the gun 16
sided love 19
side by side 69
side to side 29
side pocket 20
lower 229
lowery 40
lower your voice 120
lower it 33
lower the gun 16