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Merrill translate Portuguese

349 parallel translation
And deep in the jungle, the forward command posts... of a force called Merrill's Marauders got ready to push off.
E no coração da selva, os postos de comando avançados... de uma força chamada Merrill's Marauders estavam prontos para partir.
Peggy's going out with Woody Merrill.
- Peggy vai saír com Woody Merrill.
You know, Bill Merrill's son. - Oh, yeah.
- Tu conheces, o filho de Bill Merrill.
I made this for Woody Merrill.
Eu fiz isto para Woody Merrill, ele vem aqui buscar-me.
- Is Mrs. Merrill here with you?
- Mrs. Marrow também veio?
- There is no Mrs. Merrill.
- Não existe nenhuma Mrs. Marrow.
The dead man's name is Harry Merrill.
O nome do morto é Harry Merrill.
And if our investigation shows she was involved in Merrill's death, you'd better be prepared to produce her when the time comes.
E se por acaso a nossa investigação mostrar que ela esteve envolvida na morte do Merrill,... pode-se preparar para a entregar quando chegar a hora.
Now, who is Harry Merrill?
Agora, quem é Harry Merrill?
How did you find out that Harry Merrill and Lester Gladden were the same person?
Como descobriu que Harry Merrill e Lester Gladden eram a mesma pessoa?
But you did have a score to settle with Merrill.
Mas tinha um caso a resolver com Merrill.
- No. - Did you kill Merrill?
- Matou Merrill?
The police are gonna trace everyone remotely connected with Harry Merrill, and your connection isn't exactly tenuous.
A polícia vai verificar todos os que tenham alguma relação, mesmo que remota, com Harry Merrill, e sua relação não é exactamente ténue.
Shortly thereafter, Mr. Merrill is found dead, shot with a.38.
Pouco tempo depois, o Mr. Merrill é encontrado morto,
How well did you know Harry Merrill?
Como conheceu Harry Merrill?
The late Harry Merrill.
O falecido Harry Merrill.
Find any record of a divorce between Merrill and Miss Chaney?
Encontrou algum registo de divórcio entre Merrill e Miss Chaney?
She's accused of murdering a man named Harry Merrill.
Ela é acusada de assassinar um homem... chamado Harry Merrill.
- Harry Merrill?
- Harry Merrill?
So you know Merrill?
Hum, então conhece o Merrill?
A man by the name of Harry Merrill was killed with a gun like this.
Um homem com o nome de Harry Merrill foi morto com uma arma parecida.
Merrill was once married to the woman you are now engaged to,
Merrill já foi casado com a mulher de quem está agora noivo,
Mr. Aldritch, were Miss Chaney and Merrill ever properly divorced?
Mr. Aldritch, Miss Chaney e Merrill já se divorciaram?
- It is when a client of mine is in police custody and charged with the murder of Harry Merrill.
- É, quando um cliente meu está sob custódia policial e acusado do assassinato de Harry Merrill.
Did Merrill ever blackmail you and Miss Chaney?
Merrill chantageou-vos, a si e a Miss Chaney?
Merrill wanted money.
Merrill queria dinheiro.
So you met Merrill at the Eucalyptus Grove Motel in Riverside to pay him off, the night of April the 12th.
Então conheceu Merrill no "Eucalyptus Grove Motel" ... em Riverside para lhe pagar, na noite de 12 de Abril.
Did Merrill suggest the place or did you?
- Quem sugeriu o lugar, Merrill ou você?
She killed Harry Merrill with it.
Ela utilizou-o para matar o Harry Merrill.
- that was over Harry Merrill's head? - Yes.
-... que cobria a cara do Merrill?
Which means that Merrill was dead before they put him in the car.
O que significa que Merrill estava morto antes de o colocarem no carro.
Your Honour, as far as introducing this weapon is concerned, it's only necessary to prove that it was in the possession of the defendant, and that it was the weapon that killed Harry Merrill.
Meritíssimo, no que diz respeito a esta arma....... apenas precisamos provar que estava na posse da ré e que foi a arma que matou Harry Merrill.
Now, Mr. Aldritch, was Harry Merrill at that same motel on the night the gun and jewellery were stolen?
Aldritch, sabe se Harry Merrill estava nesse Motel... na noite em que a arma e as jóias foram roubadas?
Did you give Harry Merrill any money that night in Riverside?
Deu a Harry Merrill dinheiro nessa noite?
Yet, when Harry Merrill's apartment was searched, no money was found.
Quando o apartamento de Merrill foi revistado, não se encontrou dinheiro nenhum.
Mr. Aldritch, why did you give Harry Merrill that money?
Mr. Aldritch, por que deu a Merrill esse dinheiro?
And you knew Harry Merrill?
Conhecia Harry Merrill?
Did you hear him say that Harry Merrill had been at your motel that night? - Yes.
Ouviu-o dizer que Merrill estava no seu motel naquela noite?
Mr. Boles, did you destroy Harry Merrill's card?
- Não sei. Mr. Boles, destruiu a ficha de registo de Harry Merrill?
- Did Harry Merrill promise you money if you testified falsely against Evelyn Bagby?
- Não. - Harry Merrill prometeu-lhe dinheiro se testemunhasse falsamente contra Evelyn Bagby?
Your Honour, Harry Merrill was given $ 10,000.
Meritíssimo, Harry Merrill recebeu US $ 10.000.
The defence merely wishes to establish that more than one person had reason and motive enough to kill Harry Merrill.
A defesa apenas deseja estabelecer que mais que uma pessoa tinham razões e motivos suficientes para matar Merrill.
That was before Harry Merrill was killed.
Isso foi antes de Merrill ser morto.
THOMPSON : - Before Harry Merrill's death, did you notice anything odd or different about Mr. Boles'behaviour? Yes, sir.
- Sim, senhor.
- Why destroy Merrill's registry card?
- Por que destruiu a ficha de registo de Merrill?
I guess he felt he had to take the chance so that later on, when he planted Merrill's body, the police would assume that Evelyn had done it.
Sim. Mas precisava arriscar para mais tarde, quando descobrissem o corpo do Merrill,... a polícia assumisse que tinha sido Evelyn a fazê-lo.
It's Merril, Bob and Ronny. Hey, Bruce!
Mas são o Merrill, Bob e o Roney!
Lieutenant Merril, reporting in with his patrol. All present and accounted for.
Tenente Merrill de volta com dois homens.
I'll expect a report in the morning.
Ainda bem, Tenente Merrill.
- Who, Merrill?
- Quem, Merrill?
You are free! Please deliver a message to your father :
É o major, John Frederic Merrill, mo meu pai.

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