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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ M ] / Mr branson

Mr branson translate Portuguese

119 parallel translation
Mr Branson, lay in a course for the Kolarin system, warp five.
Sr. Branson, trace uma rota para o sistema Kolarin. Warp 5.
Mr Branson said it was getting out of hand when they left.
Segundo Mr. Branson as coisas descontrolavam-se quando vieram.
I think you'd better dine with us, Mr Branson.
É melhor jantar connosco, Mr.
Oh, for you, Mr Branson.
É para si, Mr.
Are you still here, Mr Branson?
- Ainda aqui está, Mr.
Mr Branson's been telling us the news from Russia.
Mr. Branson tem estado a contar-nos notícias da Rússia.
I'm very grateful, Mr Branson.
Estou-lhe muito grato, Mr.
- Everything all right, Mr Branson?
- Está tudo bem, Mr. Branson?
- Where's Mr Branson?
- Onde está, Mr. Branson?
I meant Mr Branson.
Falava de Mr. Branson.
Where's Mr Branson?
Branson? Mr.
No, I don't think so, Mr Branson.
Não me parece, Mr. Branson.
Now, if you will go, Mr Branson, we will continue with our day.
Vá-se embora, Mr. Branson, e nós continuaremos o nosso dia.
Alfred, would you take the luggage for Mr Branson?
Alfred, pode levar a bagagem do Sr. Branson?
He's looking after Mr Branson now.
Ele está há procura do Sr. Branson.
Mr Branson's well away and Lady Sybil doesn't like it much.
O Sr. Branson está fora e a Senhora Sybil não gosta muito.
Listen, Mr Grey has given Mr Branson something to make him appear drunk.
Ouçam, o Sr. Grey deu ao Sr. Branson algo para o fazer parecer bêbado.
I apologise for my son, Mr Branson.
Peço desculpa pelo meu filho, Sr. Branson.
Molesley, I'm very grateful to you for keeping Mr Branson up to the mark.
Molesley, estou-lhe muito grato por manter o Sr. Branson à altura da ocasião.
Lord Grantham, Mr Branson, time is running out.
Lorde Grantham, Mr. Branson, o tempo está a passar.
This is Mr Branson's brother.
- Este é o irmão de Mr.Branson.
Can we fetch Mr Branson, sir?
Podemos ir buscar Mr Branson, senhor?
But we're all so looking forward to meeting you, Mr Branson.
Mas nós estamos todos ansiosos para o conhecer, Mr Branson.
I thought Mr Branson's respect for her ladyship's invitation exemplary.
Achei exemplar o respeito que Mr Branson demonstrou pelo convite da Condessa.
Well.'Mr'Branson's done something right, for a change.
Bem, Mr Branson fez algo certo, para variar.
So, with his lordship, Mr Crawley and MR Branson, we're already ten.
Com Sua Senhoria, Mr. Crawley e Mr. Branson, já somos dez.
Mr Branson is busy at the moment.
Mr. Branson está ocupado, neste momento.
What about Mr Branson's luncheon?
E o almoço de Mr. Branson?
Mr Branson!
Mr. Branson!
Good night, Mr Branson.
- Boa noite, Mr. Branson.
What about Mr Branson?
- E Mr. Branson?
I'll see to Mr Branson.
- Eu trato de Mr. Branson.
I'll make Mr Branson a tray and he can keep charge of the house.
Faço um tabuleiro para Mr. Branson e ele cuida da casa.
How can I help, Mr Branson?
Em que posso ajudá-lo, Mr. Branson?
Mr Branson.
- Mr. Branson.
Mr Branson?
Mr. Branson!
Come on, Mr Branson!
Força, Mr. Branson!
Thank you, Mr Branson.
- Obrigado, Mr.
I'm as good as Mr Branson.
Sou tão boa como Mr.
Mr Branson.
- Sr. Branson.
But Mr Branson believes you could be very helpful, my lady, and as the agent, he should know.
Mas o Sr. Branson acredita que pode ser muito útil, Minha Senhora, e como capataz, ele deve saber.
And was I to tell her that, Mr Branson, and why you asked me?
E eu devia dizer-lhe isso, Sr. Branson, e porquê que me pediu?
Mr Branson, your ladyship.
- Mr. Branson, Vossa Senhoria.
You were very down in the mouth when you were talking to Mr Branson.
Estava muito desanimada quando falava com Mr. Branson.
Mr Branson is right.
O Sr. Branson tem razão.
Mr. Branson, I'm detective bonasera.
Sr. Branson, sou a Detective Bonasera.
Mr Branson.
Would you like a piece?
Branson resolvesse pegar fogo à casa, mas não Mrs. Hughes. Preocupava-me que Mr.
I thought Mr Branson might try to burn the house down but I didn't think you would. No?
- Não?
Why hasn't Mr Branson been asked to go with the others?
Porque não convidaram Mr.
Because if someone is trying to make you feel awkward, they're in the wrong, not you.
Porque se alguém tenta fazê-lo sentir-se estranho, eles é que estão errados, não é Mr. Branson.

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