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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ N ] / Nine hundred

Nine hundred translate Portuguese

241 parallel translation
Nine hundred and eighty-four by actual count, Mr. McCool.
984, exactamente, Sr. McCool.
One million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and thirty-eight.
Um milhão, 999 mil, 938.
One million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and thirty-nine.
Um milhão, 999 mil, 939.
Nine hundred and...
Novecentos e...
Nine hundred and eighty.
Novecentos e oitenta dólares
Nine hundred and thirty.
Novecentos e trinta.
"900 libras".
900 libras pela entrega da mercadoria.
900 libras em moedas!
Nine hundred, less commission.
Novecentos, menos a comissão.
Nine hundred?
Three thousand, nine hundred and fifty-five.
Três mil, novecentos e cinquenta e cinco.
Nine hundred and fifty million!
Novecentos e cinquenta milhões!
All nine hundred million of them.
Os novecentos milhões.
Nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand points!
Novecentos e noventa e nove mil pontos!
Nine hundred, eight hundred, six hundred...
Novecentos, oitocentos, seiscentos...
Nine thousand, nine hundred and seventy-two, nine thousand...
Nove mil novecentos e setenta e dois, nove mil...
Nine thousand, nine hundred and seventy three.
Nove mil, novecentos e setenta e três.
Nine hundred dinari, s'il vous plait. - Here.
Novecentos dinares, por favor.
Nine hundred and eighty bottles to go.
Novecentas e oitenta garrafas que faltam.
Life ambled along till the year of war in eighteen-hundred and nine.
A vida foi andando até ao ano da guerra, em 1809.
Seven, eight, nine, a hundred.I
Sete, oito, nove, cem...
Forty-nine kilos, two hundred and fifty.
Quarenta e nove quilos, duzentos e cinquenta.
- A hundred and forty-nine.
- Cento e quarenta e nove.
Four hundred and twenty four-eighty five-sixty seven-twenty eight hundred and forty nine hundred nine-fifty ten hundred and sixty-five dollars.
Mil e sessenta e cinco dollars.
- Three hundred and nine times straight.
- 309 vezes seguidas.
Three hundred and nine times straight without a miss.
309 vezes seguidas sem falhar.
If a man has a hundred sheep and one has strayed does he not leave the ninety-nine and go to look for the stray?
Que vos parece? Um homem possui cem ovelhas : Uma delas se desgarra.
Nine thirteens are a hundred and seventeen.
"9 trezes são 117."
Nine fourteens are a hundred and twenty-six.
"9 quatorzes são 126."
Nine fifteens are a hundred and thirty-five.
"9 quinzes são 135."
Nine sixteens are a hundred and forty-four.
"9 dezasseis são 144."
Nine seventeens are a hundred and fifty-three. - That's Robert.
"9 dezassetes são153."
- Nine eighteens are a hundred and sixty-two.
- Aquele é o Robert. "9 dezoitos são 162."
Nine nineteens are a hundred and seventy-one.
"9 dezanoves são 171."
Nine thirteens are a hundred and seventeen. - It may be my uniform.
"9 trezes são 117."
- Nine fifteens are a hundred and thirty-five.
Eu espero aqui. "9 quinzes são 135."
Nine twelves is a hundred and eight.
"9 dozes são 108."
Nine twelves are a hundred and eight.
Nove 12 são 108.
- Nine thirteens are a hundred and seventeen.
- Nove 13 são 117.
One hundred, ninety-nine, ninety-eight, ninety-seven,
Cem, noventa e nove, noventa e oito, noventa e sete,
Ninety-nine forty-four one hundred percent pure.
Noventa e nove... quarenta e quatro... 100 % puro.
help me, I ´ m flaming I must be a hundred and nine
Ajude, estou em chamas Devo estar a 45 °
- Ninety-nine ninety-eight ninety-seven ninety-six.... lt's quick. - A hundred.
- Cem.
You're standing right now with nine delegates from a hundred gangs.
Temos aqui connosco nove representantes de 100 bandos.
Five billion, two hundred and seventy one million, nine thousand and ten.
Cinco mil, duzentos e setenta e um milhöes, nove mil e dez.
Ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred.
Noventa e sete, noventa e oito, noventa e nove, cem.
Ninty nine, one hundred.
Noventa e oito, noventa e nove, cem.
On page four-hundred and forty-nine, Mr. Johnston writes,
Na página 449, o Sr. Johnston escreveu...
Nine-hundred, right?
Novecentos, certo?
I haven't seen either of them in nine years... and the first thing out of my mouth is, "Can I borrow a few hundred bucks?" I can't believe this.
Não acredito nisto.

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