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Patches translate Portuguese

463 parallel translation
Just a few patches left.
Apenas ficaram uns pedaços.
We've been running through patches of it for half an hour.
Há meia hora que estamos a atravessar bocados de nevoeiro.
A king of shreds and patches!
Um rei vestido de remendos.
You've led us through swamps, canebrakes, and briar patches all day.
Não tem feito mais do que nos levar por pântanos, ramos e arbustos.
Look at these phalanges, spore producing patches.
Poderia ramificar-se.
You better get going before you get some patches on them blue breeches.
Vá embora antes que precise de remendos nessas calças azuis.
Below us, when we could still see through the patches of angry clouds were smashed cities and forests torn up by their roots.
Abaixo de nós, quando conseguíamos ver através das nuvens ameaçadoras, estavam cidades arrasadas e florestas arrancadas pelas raízes.
We saw birds, and many overgrown plants, as if patches of nature had gone wild.
Vimos pássaros e muitas plantas enormes, como se a natureza enlouquecesse.
In your report you said that the Mahdi's people... wore jibbers covered with patches.
Disse no seu relatório que os homens do Mahdi usavam djelabas remendadas.
Some were born with rags and patches But we use dollar bills for matches and
Embora não seja como na primeira vez
I count four patches.
Conto quatro manchas.
First I'd like to see one of the separate patches of green at 1,000.
Primeiro quero ver uma das manchas verdes em 1000.
He was wearing a rather old-fashioned jacket with leather patches on the shoulders and at the elbows. In my opinion, it was quite unsuitable for London. He was also carrying a raincoat.
Trazia um casaco antiquado, com aplicações de cabedal, muito impróprio para Londres e também trazia uma gabardine.
"When last seen he was wearing a tweed jacket " with leather patches on the shoulders and elbows "and carrying a raincoat."
Vestia um casaco de tweed com aplicações de cabedal nos ombros e cotovelos, e trazia uma gabardina.
Now, this man you're looking for, the one with the patches on his suit.
O homem que procuram, aquele com remendos no casaco.
The surface became almost transparent, with clouded patches. Yellow sludge gathered beneath it.
A superfície era agora calma, quase transparente, deixando ver o lodo amarelo do fundo.
The patches of turbulence are over.
Acabou-se a zona de turbulência.
A king of shreds and patches...
Um rei-palhaço em trajes de mendigo!
As our sultan breathed his last breath, and I hastened here to read the secrets,... a great ball of fire engulfed this room a fire which took away my face and left these few scorched patches that now you see.
Porque quando o nosso Sultão dava o seu último suspiro e eu corria para aqui para ler os segredos, uma grande bola de fogo envolveu esta sala. Um fogo que me levou a cara e deixou estas manchas queimadas que estás a ver.
The result of sapper walters's action Was that the enemy received wet patches upon their trousers And in some cases
Em resultado da ação de Walters, o inimigo ficou com manchas de água nas calças e, em alguns casos, marcas vermelhas em forma de morango nas coxas.
I'm held together with patches of plastic and steel plates.
Têm reconstruindo-me com plásticos e bocados de aço.
Wasn't it enough for you that human history, as it is, with its horrors and dark patches, took away 700 million people from misery and slavery, even though it may be through new servitudes, against which a new wave of History stirs and fights?
Eram 4. Longa vida ao líder Mao!
Talk to the wheat patches.
Falava às leiras de trigo.
So he's left bald patches on the planets he's visited?
Assim, ele fica os planetas que visitam ficam com manchas?
It has already deadened large patches of the Earth's life-supporting skin.
Já se perderam largas camadas, da base cûtanea da Terra.
He'd noticed something about the piping on their collar patches.
Ele apercebeu-se de algo nas insígnias dos seus colarinhos.
When I first met him, he was wearing... a brown corduroy jacket with elbow patches and wingtip shoes.
Quando o vi pela primeira vez... ele usava um casaco castanho com remendos nos cotovelos.
The bug van rental, purchase of fire extinguishers, overall patches... that's 400.
Aluguer da carrinha da exterminação, extintores de incêndio, algumas reparações... faz $ 400.
That Zorin oil pumping station ruined one of the best crab patches in the Bay.
A estação de petróleo do Zorin arruinou uma das melhores zonas de caranguejo.
See all the patches on these condensing tubes?
Veja todos estes remendos nestes tubos a condensar?
Yeah, i've heard about these things. Lots of women get together and embroider patches that illustrate the happy memories of a young man's life.
Várias mulheres juntam-se e bordam caminhos que ilustram memórias felizes do jovem.
Do you have scaly, red patches in your facial- -
Tem escamas ou manchas vermelhas na cara...
Who needs him? I already have a real man at my house. A wandering minstrel, I A thing of shreds and patches
Marcy, Marcy, vou poder ver o Jim Jupiter de cócoras durante duas semanas cá em casa.
That`s why some have eye patches, some have fake legs.
É por isso que alguns têm manchas oculares, alguns têm pernas falsas.
A king of shreds and patches...
Um rei de retalhos e remendos.
Ty has an accident at the sanitarium and is now wearing two eye patches.
Ty tem um acidente no sanatório e agora leva dois emplastros.
You got that face, got that smile, got that corduroy suit that comes with elbow patches.
E depois? Era só curiosidade.
In the rainforests of Central America the air is heavy with moisture. So the poison arrow frogs can risk basking in the little patches of sunshine that dapple the forest floor and if they begin to dry out they can retreat into the leaf litter.
Nas selvas da América Central, o ar está repleto de humidade, por isso as rãs-de-dardo-venenoso podem arriscar aquecer-se nos pequenos fragmentos iluminados que mancham o solo da floresta.
Electronically charged skin patches.
Electronicamente carrega doses.
The grass has big brown patches in it.
A relva tem buracos enormes, castanhos.
Let's get those patches here.
Tragam as ligaduras para aqui.
- Now that I'm a teacher, I've sewed patches on my elbows.
Agora que sou professor cosi remendos nos cotovelos.
- Homer... that's supposed to be leather patches on a tweed blazer, not the other way around.
Deviam ser remendos de cabedal num casaco de "tweed". Não ao contrário.
His hair, just gray patches on his scalp.
O cabelo, eram malhas cinzentas sobre o escalpe.
"Old lovers learn the art of sewing shreds together. " And of seeing beauty in a multiplicity of patches. "
Os velhos amantes aprendem a arte de unir os retalhos... e descobrem a beleza na variedade das peças. "
The temperature for tonight will remain unseasonably cool with patches of fog in the morning and probably... Hey, come on.
A temperatura vai ser fria demais para a época, com nevoeiro pela manhã e possíveis aguaceiros.
Small patches on their leaves are transparent, and act as tiny lenses, gathering the feeble light and focusing it onto the grains of chlorophyll within.
Pequenas zonas das folhas são transparentes e actuam como pequeníssimas lentes, reunindo a luz fraca e focando-a nos grãos de clorofila no seu interior.
Let's have a look at the green patches.
Vamos dar uma olhada nas manchas verdes.
There's one or two small patches of mist, they just could be smoke.
Talvez seja fumo.
It's about these pirates with patches over their eyes and shiny gold teeth.
É sobre uns piratas...
These patches.
Estes remendos dizem que és o que?

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