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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ P ] / Put that gun away

Put that gun away translate Portuguese

78 parallel translation
- Put that gun away.
- Guarda essa arma.
- Put that gun away!
- Guarda essa pistola!
Put that gun away, Mr. Anderson.
Guarde essa arma, Sr. Anderson.
Put that gun away.
Guarde essa arma.
- l'll try if you put that gun away.
- Tentarei se você guardar a arma.
Put that gun away, Tom.
Larga essa arma, Tom.
Buffalo bill, you'd better put that gun away before your mom sees it or she'll tan your hide.
Deixa essa pistola antes que a tua mãe veja. Estás feito!
- Put that gun away.
- Baixe essa arma!
Put that gun away.
Guarda essa arma.
Can we put that gun away?
Pode afastar essa pistola?
Will you put that gun away?
Quer deixar esse revólver?
Honey, what are you trying to do? Put that gun away, Clay.
- Querida, o que estás a querer fazer?
If you don't put that gun away, the court of enquiry on this will give such a pranging, you'll be lucky to be wearing the uniform of a toilet attendant!
Se não guarda essa arma, o julgamento deste caso serão tão bombástico, que terá sorte de usar a farda de empregado de casa de banho!
Put that gun away!
Saquem-lhe a arma!
You still haven't put that gun away.
Você ainda não baixou essa arma.
Will you put that gun away?
Guarda a arma! Vais meter-nos a todos em sarilhos.
Put that gun away, Deputy.
Cale-se! Largue a arma, delegado.
Put that gun away at once, Winthorpe.
Afasta já essa arma, Winthorpe!
Put that gun away.
Guarda a arma.
You back there, you put that gun away!
Volte a pôr essa arma no lugar!
Randy put that gun away!
- Baixa a arma!
Randy put that gun away!
- Randy baixa a arma!
Why don't you just put that gun away.
Que tal largar a arma?
Nobody blackmails me! You put that gun away!
Ninguém me chantageia!
Goddamn it, Doug, put that gun away.
Diabos, Doug, guarda a arma.
Put that gun away!
Mick, baixa isso! Não te metas comigo, sacana!
- Put that gun away.
- Guarda a arma.
If you put that gun away and let me out right now I'll forget this everhappened, I won't press charges, I swear to God.
Se guardares a arma e me deixares ir agora, esqueço que isto aconteceu e nem apresento queixa, juro por Deus.
Come on. Put that gun away.
Põe essa arma de lado.
Put that gun away!
Afasta essa arma!
Can she put that gun away?
Ela pode guardar aquela arma?
I can assure you, Major Bat Guano - if that is indeed your name - if you don't put that gun away and stop this nonsense the court inquiry is gonna come down on you like a ton of bricks.
Afianço-lhe, Major Caca de Morcego, se é que é mesmo esse o seu nome... Largue a arma e deixe-se de disparates. A investigação judicial vai esmagá-lo.
And you put that gun away!
E guarda essa arma.
- Put that gun away.
Catalano, o que fazes com essa pistola?
- Put that gun away!
- Só quero falar com ele.
Put up that gun before somebody takes it away from you.
Largue essa arma antes que alguém lhe a tire!
Put that gun away!
Guarda a pistola!
That's why I say, put the gun away.
Por isso te digo para guardares a arma.
You can tell Richard to put that gun away.
O Richard que guarde a arma.
Now, put away that gun.
Vá, larga essa arma.
- Put that fuckin'gun away!
- Guarda essa arma!
And put that gun of yours away.
E colocar essa arma longe.
Put that god damned gun away!
Guarda a porcaria da arma!
I'd put that gun away.
Guarda essa arma.
I told her to put it down, that I could help. Put your gun away. But she must have saw me going for my smoke, because she flinched.
Disse-lhe que podia ajudá-la se a largasse mas, quando ia levar o cigarro à boca, ela estremeceu.
And put away that stupid gun. It's only blanks.
Guarda essa arma, tem cartuchos vazios.
Put that gun away.
Baixa a arma.
Only if you put away that gun and kiss me now.
Só se afastares essa arma... e me beijares.
You wanna put down that fucking gun and walk away.
Vais baixar essa arma e ir-te embora.
Bill, put that damn gun away now.
Bill! Guarda essa maldita arma!
Ben, put that fucking gun away before it goes off.
Ben, guarda essa arma antes que dispare.

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