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Rules are rules translate Portuguese

2,212 parallel translation
Rules are rules.
Regras são regras.
But you know very well it's against CBI rules, and like I tell my kids, rules are rules.
Mas sabem muito bem que é contra as regras do CBI, e tal como digo aos meus filhos, regras são regras.
Those are the rules.
Essas são as regras.
There are rules, Mitchell.
Há regras, Mitchell.
- I'll fight. What are the rules?
- Quais são as regras?
What are the rules?
Quais são as regras?
Those are the rules. "
São as regras.
Because those are the rules.
Porque essas são as regras.
Contrary to very strict CBI rules and regulations, you and Grace Van Pelt are engaged in an illicit affair.
Contrariando as estritas regras e regulamentos do CBI, tu e a Grace Van Pelt estão envolvidos num romance ilícito.
What are my rules about toys?
Qual é a minha regra sobre brinquedos?
What are my rules about Christmas decorations?
Quais são as regras sobre as decorações de Natal?
There are no rules being broken that I'm aware of- -
Não há nenhuma regra a ser violada da qual tenha conhecimento.
There are no rules. There's just life, okay?
Só existe a vida, está bem?
There are rules senator my friend was murdered.
Há regras, Senadora. O meu amigo foi assassinado.
And there are rules.
E há regras.
And there are strict rules to replace a failing teacher.
Há regras rígidas para substituir professor com deficiência.
But if you start to lecture me on something not related to my business practices, I will walk away. Those are the rules.
Mas se começares o sermão sobre outro assunto não relacionado com isso, eu vou-me embora.
If the rules are that strict, you could be putting your job in jeopardy.
Se as regras são tão rígidas, podes estar a arriscar o teu emprego.
The rules are changing.
As regras estão a mudar.
The rules are clear.
As regras são claras.
But here are the rules.
Mas eis as regras.
- Okay, you are so crazy. That song totally rules.
A música é do caraças.
The rules are very simple :
As regras são simples.
Okay, well, then what are the rules, Lux?
Então quais são as regras, Lux?
Those are the rules, right?
São essas as regras, certo?
Every war has its weapons. But on the Upper East Side, the rules of battle are simple :
Todas as guerras têm as suas armas, mas em Upper East Side, as regras da batalha são simples.
There are no rules.
Não há regras.
What are the other rules?
Quais são as outras regras?
The rules are simple- - they do not exist.
As regras são simples, não há nenhumas.
I always think about lighting up inside, but I guess it's the littlest rules that are hardest to break.
Penso sempre em fumar lá dentro, mas talvez as regras mais pequenas sejam as mais difíceis de quebrar.
There are no rules.
- Não há regras.
What kind of rules are those?
- Que tipo de regras são essas?
Those are the new rules for the neighborhood.
Estas são as novas regras na vizinhança.
They are breaking about 17 different rules of protocol.
Estão a violar umas 17 regras diferentes de protocolo.
Unfortunately, these are the rules The transplant board sets out.
Infelizmente, são estas as regras da Comissão de Transplantes.
Look, Mike there are rules to this lawyer thing.
Olha, Mike, os advogados têm de seguir certas regras.
She has rights, too. And there are rules.
- Ela tem direitos e há regras.
The criminals are the ones who make the rules, right?
Os criminosos são os que ditam as regras, certo?
Those are good rules.
São boas regras.
And rules are important, too.
E as regras também são importantes.
Uh, yes, because the attack on the village where the Markus are from is considered to be an extreme violation of the rules of combat.
Sim, porque o ataque à aldeia de onde Markus é foi considerado uma violação extrema das regras de combate.
- Who are you, the rules police?
Quem és tu, a polícia das regras?
- And the rules are...?
E quais são as regras?
These people need to know who the hell's in charge here, - what the rules are.
Estas pessoas precisam de saber quem é que raio manda aqui e quais é que são as regras.
- There are no rules.
- Não há regras.
The rules are the same Lrrr must simply choose between myself and Leela.
As regras são as mesmas da versão caseira, o Lrrr deve simplesmente escolher entre mim e a Leela.
It's my car, so my rules are the rules.
No meu carro, as minhas regras, são mesmo regras.
Those are the rules.
São as regras. Vá lá.
It appears the rules are there to be broken.
Parece que as regras existem para ser quebradas.
No touching, mr. Salvatore. Those are the rules.
Nada de contacto, Sr. Salvatore, as regras são essas.
For hair extensions or foster parents. Your rules are- - Ah, sweetie.
Uso a mesma regra para extensões capilares e pais adoptivos.
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