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Sedated translate Portuguese

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I sedated them heavily.
Apliquei uma dose elevada de sedativos.
She must be kept sedated.
Deve ser mantida a dormir.
If you feel you are not properly sedated call 348-844 immediately.
Se acharem que não estão adequadamente sedados, liguem para o 348-844 de imediato.
She's heavily sedated.
Tomou muitos sedativos.
No, she was heavily sedated.
Não, tinha tomado muitos sedativos.
Would you tell them that I've got him sedated?
Não se importa de lhes dizer que o coloquei sob sedativos?
We've sedated her.
Ela está sedada.
-.. and mildly sedated. - Do we continue with Shockwave?
- Continuamos a "Onda de Choque"?
-... and mildly sedated. - Do we continue with Shockwave?
- Continuamos a "Onda de Choque"?
- Sedated, not tranquilized.
- Estava sedado.
I was sedated. - I don't care if you were petrified.
- Não me interessa se estava petrificado.
Next time you be humiliated, I'll be sedated.
A próxima vez eu serei a sedada.
And it was sedated, not tranquilized!
Estava sedado, não tranqüilo!
Well, I wish you'd get sedated again, so you'd stop yelling at me!
Queria que lhe sedassem para que deixasse de me gritar!
She's sedated. She can't hear you.
- Está medicada, não o ouve.
- It's completely sedated.
- Está completamente sedado. - Quero vê-lo.
She's been heavily sedated.
E foi bem sedada.
He was very heavily sedated.
Ele fortemente sedado.
She's sedated.
Está sedada.
I could have him sedated and carried on.
Posso sedá-lo e carregá-lo.
Well, now, you can't keep him sedated forever, he's got to wake up, then what?
Não o podem manter sedado para sempre. Ele tem de acordar. E depois?
She's in no state to see anyone. Callendar's sedated her and proposes to keep her like that for days.
Callendar administrou-lhe fortes sedativos durante vários dias.
She's not dead, only sedated.
Não está morta, apenas sedada.
Son of a bitch snuck into the hospital while I was sedated after Lecktor.
Ele aproveitou e entrou enquanto eu estava sedado.
They said you hit on two nurses while you were sedated.
Eles disseram que impressionaste duas enfermeiras, mesmo sedado.
- They sedated her.
- Eles drogaram-na.
They sedated me.
Eles drogaram-me.
- Keep us sedated.
- Manter-nos sedados.
They've got him sedated.
Deram-lhe um sedativo.
I was heavily sedated and...
- Estava drogado com sedativos.
We've sedated her.
Nós sedamo-la.
Sedated, if you ask me.
Sedada, se me perguntarem.
Speaking as a doctor... I think your daughter ought to be heavily sedated... and immediately institutionalized.
Por falar em doutor, acho que a sua filha devia ser anestesiada... e internada imediatamente.
You're at home in bed... heavily sedated, resting comfortably... dying from the carcinogens you've personally spewed... in a lifetime of profiteering.
Está em casa, na cama, com muitos calmantes, descansando confortavelmente, morrendo devido aos cancerígenos que vomitou... numa vida inteira de lucros.
But to make the process work, the bodies ran at dangerously high temperatures, needed to be constantly cooled, the brain sedated.
Mas, para funcionar, os corpos hiperaqueciam. Precisavam ser refrigerados ;
My daughter is heavily sedated.
A minha filha toma muitos sedativos.
You're sedated.
Estás sob sedativos.
I don't feel sedated.
Não o sinto.
No, he's sedated.
Não, ele está sob sedativos.
Look, Christina, Samantha's, uh, nanny, is so upset she had to be sedated by the doctor.
A ama da Samantha, a Christina, está tão perturbada que teve de tomar calmantes.
Yeah, he's in post-op, sedated.
Está no pós-operatório, sedado.
Get him sedated!
Volte a sedá-lo!
He's been heavily sedated.
Ele tem estado com sedativos.
Luckily, he was in extreme pain and heavily sedated.
Por sorte, o homem estava com muita dor e totalmente sedado.
The other victims have had to be sedated and hospitalised since their ordeals.
As outras vítimas tiveram de ser sedadas e hospitalizadas depois do calvário.
- You've got her sedated. She'll be fine.
Ela vai ficar bem, está sob sedativos.
We have her sedated.
Demos-lhe um calmante.
And he was fully sedated?
E estava completamente sedado?
He was fully sedated.
Estava completamente sedado.
Then, are you trying to tell me a fully sedated, fully restrained patient somehow slipped out that vent, replaced the grill behind him and is wriggling his way through the ventilation system?
Estão a dizer-me que um doente sedado e manietado fugiu por aquele respirador, recolocou a grelha e gatinhou pelo sistema de ventilação?

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