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Serif translate Portuguese

5 parallel translation
An inverted serif can alter the meaning of a passage.
Um caracter invertido pode alterar o significado da passagem.
Actually, Sir, you'll notice the serif at the top of the numbers but not the bottom.
- Na verdade... veja o traço no topo dos números, mas não na base.
You know, I don't think this is a serif issue, Al.
Sabes, acho que o problema não é só esse, Al.
If a font is thin and has a serif form, it may feel classical.
Se a fonte for fina e tiver serifa, poderá parecer clássica.
I remember I made these very dark posters that had serif typography, just to do something opposite to what I had done before.
Fiz uns cartazes negros com tipografia com serifa, para ser diferente do que fizera antes.

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