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Stamps translate Portuguese

822 parallel translation
Put that in the next paragraph and use stamps 5 and 10.
Coloque isto no próximo parágrafo e use tamanhos 5 e 10.
Oh, I was just thinking of all the years I've wasted collecting stamps.
Oh, estava a pensar nos anos todos que desperdicei a coleccionar selos.
Now, I couldn't sell it for postage stamps.
Agora não valem nada.
You know, I had a friend once used to collect postage stamps.
Tinha um amigo que coleccionava selos.
I could at least lick the stamps.
Posso pelo menos lamber os selos.
- We'll take these stamps.
- Vamos levar estes postais.
He used to save all his foreign stamps from his office for it and gave them to me for her, my cousin.
Ele guardava todos os selos estrangeiros do escritório e dava-mos para a minha prima.
But me from now on, I'll take my education in college, or in PS-62, or I'll send $ 1.98 in stamps for "Ten Easy Lessons".
Mas eu... Agora só quero ter aulas na Universidade. Ou por ensino à distância, pagas $ 1,98 em selos por 10 lições.
He knew the right person straightaway for forging stamps.
Ele soube logo a pessoa certa para forjar carimbos.
Nothing moves unless he stamps it.
Nada funciona sem ele carimbar.
Some men collect butterflies, some stamps.
Alguns colecionam mariposas, outros selos.
Some folks feel a man can't change his ways, once the stamps on him
Muitos acham que um homem nunca muda.
- Don't forget to buy stamps.
- Não te esqueças a comprar selos. - Espera! Espera!
You can have my Blue Cross and you can take my green stamps also.
Pode ficar com a minha Cruz Azul e também com o meu selo verde.
Are there enough stamps on that letter?
Há selos suficientes na carta?
- Yeah, if you needed stamps.
- Pois, se precisasse de selos.
What do you keep in there, postage stamps?
O que você tem lá, selos postais?
Now, you can take those rocks and butterflies and stamps whatever toys you've been occupying yourself with. Throw them in the ash can.
Agora, podes tirar essas pedras as borboletas e os selos... ou os brinquedos com que tens estado entretido e jogá-los para o lixo.
- He ran out of stamps.
- Até esgotar os selos.
When I send my ex-wife her alimony, you can lick the stamps.
Quando mandar a pensão à ex-mulher, tu lambes os selos.
I'll lick the stamps.
Eu lambo os selos.
Have your cards and stamps in your hands.
Tenham os vossos cartões e selos não mão, e estejam preparados.
He says, "I'm sorry, buddy, but I don't give blue stamps."
Ele diz : "Desculpe, amigo, mas não dou cupões azuis."
- He's buying some stamps.
- foi comprar estampilhas.
The envelope with the stamps on it.
O envelope com os selos.
He was so excited when he got the stamps you gave him this morning.
Ele ficou entusiasmado com os selos que lhe... deste esta manhã.
That's where Jean-Louis trades his stamps.
É onde Jean Louis comercializa os selos dele.
I don't know anything about stamps.
Não sei nada sobre selos.
You gave the boy a great many stamps in return.
Deu muitos selos em troca ao menino.
It was the stamps on the letter Charles had with him on the train.
Eram os selos na carta, que o Charles tinha no comboio.
Mrs. Lampert, listen to me. You're not safe as long as you have these stamps.
Sra. Lampert, escute, não está segura enquanto... tiver esses selos.
Reggie, I want those stamps!
Reggie, quero esses selos!
Bring those stamps over here. He's trying to trick you again.
Ele está a tentar enganá-la de novo.
- If you take him those stamps, he'll kill you, too.
- ele vai-te matar também. - Mrs. Lampert!
Because he'd have to come out to get the stamps, and he knows he'd never make it.
Porque ele teria que sair dali para os agarrar... e ele não faria isso.
It won't get you the stamps, Dyle. You'll have to come out to get them... and I'm not likely to miss at this range.
Terás de sair, e não vou perder a oportunidade.
Tell me to go to the embassy first thing in the morning and turn in those stamps.
Vem comigo à embaixada pela manhã para... devolver os selos.
Come on, give me the stamps.
Vamos... dá-me os selos. Espera.
Come on, give me those stamps.
Dá-me os selos.
Just give me the stamps. Oh, I love you, Adam, Alex, Peter, Brian, whatever your name is.
Oh, eu amo-te, Adam, Alex, Peter, Brian, qualquer nome.
Well, before we start that, may I have the stamps?
Antes de começar-mos, podes dar-me os selos...
You let the Army have its way and they'll end up the size of postage stamps.
Deixe o Exército fazer o que quer... e verá que as reservas ficarão do tamanho de selos de correio.
- Odds. son. We'll get you the best lawyer Green Stamps can buy.
Não se preocupem, a gente arranja-vos o melhor advogado do mundo!
but I haven't got any stamps.
John, estou a falar contigo.
Your green stamps.
Ds seus selos de desconto!
No. Oh, don't tell me it only contains a pint of milk and a four and sixpenny book of stamps.
Não me diga que só contém um litro de leite e uma colecção de selos.
Now dear friends, let's share our food stamps.
E, agora, vamos dividir as senhas de racionamento.
You could have the stamps.
Tu queres os selos.
The stamps!
Os selos!
Was it my hide, or those stamps? What a terrible thing to say.
Que coisa terrível para dizeres.
- Give me the stamps.

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