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The police are on their way translate Portuguese

129 parallel translation
The police are on their way.
A polícia está a caminho.
Xavier is there and the police are on their way.
Xavier esta lá, e a polícia já está em a caminho.
The police are on their way.
A polícia vem a caminho.
- The police are on their way.
A polícia já vem a caminho.
The police are on their way.
A polícia, em breve, vai chegar.
The police are on their way to the barn.
A polícia vai a caminho do celeiro.
The police are on their way. What are you gonna tell them?
A polícia vai para aí, o que lhes vais dizer?
The police are on their way.
A Polícia já vem aí.
The police are on their way to arrest you for the murder of Jack Crane.
A Polícia vem prendê-lo pelo homicídio de Jack Crane.
The police are on their way in.
A Polícia vem a caminho.
The police are on their way to Joi Abbott's house.
A polícia está a caminho da casa da Joi Abbott.
- The police are on their way.
- A polícia vem aí!
The police are on their way to pick you up.
A Polícia vem a caminho para a deter.
Look, the police are on their way.
A Polícia vem a caminho.
The police are on their way.
A polícia já aí vem.
Well, the police are on their way to talk to him.
A polícia vem falar com ele. Espero que resolvam.
The police are on their way.
O polícia já vem a caminho.
Well, the police are on their way.
Bem, a polícia está a caminho.
The police are on their way, Mr. Marcus.
A polícia está a caminho, Mr. Marcus.
Jack, the police are on their way.
Jack, a policia está a chegar.
They said the police are on their way.
Disseram que a policia está vindo.
The police are on their way, honey.
A policia vem ai, querida.
And the police are on their way, too, so you'll soon be out of it.
E a polícia está vindo também. Logo isso vai acabar.
The coroner's almost here... and the police are on their way.
O forense está por chegar... e a polícia está a caminho.
I warned you the police are on their way.
Eu avisei-te que a Polícia vinha a caminho.
The police are on their way.
A Polícia vem a caminho.
- The police are on their way.
- A Polícia vem a caminho.
Well, the police are on their way.
A Polícia já está a caminho.
Put it down, the police are on their way.
Pouse isso, a polícia já vem a caminho. Está bem?
The police are on their way.
A polícia vai a caminho.
The police are on their way!
A polícia está a caminho!
The police are on their way. Go inside.
A Polícia vem a caminho.
The police are on their way, sir. Try and stay calm.
A polícia vai a caminho, Sr., tente manter-se calmo.
The police are on their way.
A polícia está chegando.
Because right now, at this very minute, a pair of slippers are on their way to the police.
Porque neste momento, neste preciso instante, um par de chinelos estão a caminho da Polícia.
The military police are on their way.
A polícia militar estará na emboscada.
Karl, the police are probably on their way already.
Karl, a polícia já deve estar... a caminho.
We have to get out of Haddonfield the State Police are on their way.
Vamos sair de Haddonfield.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I've called the police and they are on their way.
Senhoras e senhores, já chamamos a polícia. Eles estão a caminho.
My... my... the police are on their way.
A policia já vem a caminho Vamos esperar lá fora.
- The police are on their way.
A polícia está a caminho. Deixa-me entrar.
So the police are probably on their way.
A polícia deve estar a caminho.
Yeah, followed by the police, who are on their way here right now.
E... Da polícia, que está a vir para aqui.
The police and ambulances are on their way.
Tens a certeza? Sim, tenho.
The West Virginia State Police are on their way.
A Polícia Estadual de Virgínia Ocidental já está a vir.
The police are already on their way.
A polícia já vem a caminho.
The French police are on their way.
A polícia Francesa vem a caminho.
People are fighting to exit the quarantine area. Police struggle to contain the crowd. Police on horses are kicking their way into the massive crowds, injuring dozens.
a... policia para a multidão, a policia, processa um número designado... da multidão maciça com dúzias de feridos.
The police and your husband are on their way, and it's just safer to stay right here.
A policia e o seu marido estão a chegar, E isso chega para estarmos aqui seguros.
- Nick... now the police are already on their way wherever the hell they got to.
- Nick... A polícia já está a caminho, seja lá onde se enfiaram.
No. "She runs and calls the police." No, they are on their way.
Não. "Ela foge e chama a Polícia." Não, eles estão a caminho.

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