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They didn't do it translate Portuguese

416 parallel translation
- Didn't you know, they can do anything? - I'm beginning to believe it.
Estou a começar a acreditar.
Let it become a habit for them to come and they won't remember the time when they didn't.
Deixe que se torne um hábito eles virem cá, e se esquecerão do tempo em que não vinham.
I didn't know what they were gonna do. I swear it.
Não sabia o que ia acontecer.
Didn't it occur to you why they want you to do it?
Já pensou por que querem que o faça?
But I didn't do the pickin', they done it for themselves, and a fine lot they picked, too.
Mas eu não as escolhi. Eles o fizeram, e escolheram mal.
It's a laugh, ain't it? After all the things I've done, they're after me for something I didn't do.
Parece mentira, depois de tudo, perseguem-me por um crime que não cometi.
- It didn't happen in a vacuum. American supermen with more money than they've ever had before in their lives.
- Isto é o que acontece quando... los super-homens americanos, com todo o dinheiro do mundo
I didn't really think they'd do it.
Não pensei que o fizessem.
- Yes. And if they didn't do it...
E se eles não o fizerem...
tania Maybe they didn't let you in on all of it, but, whatever you do know, tell me.
Talvez não lhe tenham dito tudo, mas, pelo menos, diga o que sabe.
They didn't do it!
É tudo mentira. - Onde vais?
And you wanted to be sure those drifters were good and dead... so they couldn't tell the Chief they didn't do it.
E queria ter certeza de que esses andarilhos estivessem mortos... para que não pudessem dizer ao Chefe que não foram eles.
If it's so easy, why didn't they do it before?
Se foi tão fácil, porque não o fizeram antes?
Yes, but you see, the idea is, they didn't have to do it.
Pois, mas veja... a ideia é que não tiveram de o fazer.
They arrested your sister last night. I know she didn't do it.
Sua irmã foi presa a noite passada... eu sei que ela não é culpada.
I didn't think they'd do it.
Não pensei que o fariam.
Was it my fault that the roadhouse didn't go? It was going fine - till they opened the bloody motorway.
Não tive culpa do restaurante não ter dado.
Those who didn't mean him no good wouldn't leave him alone. The people that could do him some good, they wouldn't do it... in the manner that it would do him some good.
As pessoas que lhe queriam mal não o deixavam em paz, as pessoas que lhe queriam bem, não faziam nada.
They said if I didn't do it... they'd kill me.
Disseram que se eu não o fizesse... me matavam.
They didn't know it was Pop's birthday.
Eles não sabiam que era o aniversário do pai.
They're unravelling the tangle now, and there's a penalty against the Mean Machine for roughness, and that pass sure didn't look like it was an accident.
Est = ao a separar-se neste momento, e há uma penalizaç = ao contra os "Autómatos do Mal" por agress = ao. Aquele passe n = ao me pareceu nada acidental.
They didn't quite match the massacre at Tokyo airport, but they gave it a nice try.
Ficaram aquém do massacre no aeroporto de Tóquio, mas bem que tentaram.
Well, Cal, I just have to say it. I'd prefer that they didn't ruin the orchard.
Bem, Cal, só tenho a dizer que... prefiro cuidar do pomar.
It began by itself. They didn't want to push people to strike. They slowed things down when they went too far.
Em primeiro lugar, a subestimação da profundidade do movimento de classe... que se seguiu à erupção do movimento estudantil.
We gave them a lot of chances to pay up, but they didn't. The boss says it's gotta go.
Já estamos há muito tempo há espera do dinheiro, como ele não pagou, temos de levar tudo.
This work was difficult, routine, tedious but although they didn't yet know it Hubble and Humason were meticulously accumulating the evidence for the big bang.
Hubble e Humason estavam acumulando meticulosamente, as provas do Big Bang.
Chief, they didn't do it on purpose.
Comissário foi sem querer...
They'll know that if he didn't take the money from out of our safe... that maybe I whacked my partner, jules, took the dough and blamed it on him.
Vão perceber que ele não levou o dinheiro do nosso cofre, que talvez eu tenha matado o meu sócio, Jules, levei a massa e culpei-o a ele.
I'm surprised they didn't ask you to do it.
Admiro-me não te terem pedido.
They didn't kill me before, they won't do it now.
Não me mataram antes, não o vão fazer agora.
They didn't kill me before, they won't do it now.
Não me mataram da outra vez, também não me vão matar agora.
D.E.A., F.B.I., your county, city, your technologies, your computers- - they can't catch one little man... who didn't make it past the fourth grade.
A DEA, o FBI, a Polícia Municipal, computadores, tecnologia, e não conseguem apanhar um homem que não passou do 4º ano.
Morning Telegraph, they didn't like it.
Os do Morning Telegraph não gostaram.
Because they were long gone by the time we got here, and I didn't feel it appropriate to call in 20 squad cars after the fact.
Porque já iam longe quando cá chegámos e não achei adequado chamar 20 carros-patrulha depois do facto consumado.
They said, "Didn't you know... there are girls there... ballerinas who do it..."
Dizem, você não sabia... que tem umas meninas por aí, minha filha, bailarinas, que dão... dão....
They said it was me, but I didn't do it.
Disseram que fui eu, mas não fui.
- Don't tell the guys I didn't do it. - They'll know.
Não digas aos outros que não o fiz, está bem?
They were coming back from spending the night in some... small hotel. They had... gone there to dance, and they.... It was raining, and... the brakes on their truck didn't work.
Eles estavam de regresso, após passarem a noite nalgum pequeno hotel lá do local onde foram dançar, e eles... estava a chover, e... os travões do camião deles não actuaram.
And tells the first culture that the second culture said... something bad about them, when they didn't really mean it.
Por que nosso planeta precisa mudar? Eu gosto do jeito que é.
Voguing came from shade because it was a dance that two people did because they didn't like each other.
O "voguing" vem do insulto, é uma dança de duas pessoas que não gostam uma da outra.
I hate to think they blame it on silly, fucking Oswald. Didn't know shit, anyway.
E atiram as culpas para o parvo do Oswald que não sabia porra nenhuma...
Even if they didn't do it, they most likely witneesed it.
Mesmo que não tenham sido elae, devem ter sido testemunhas.
When they got to where the ship was, they didn't so much as give it a look.
Quando chegaram ao local onde o navio estava, não fizeram mais do que olhar para ele.
So, how can you be sure they didn't do it?
Então como pode ter certeza que não foram eles?
Hey, how's it gonna look to the other people... if they find out I swept your office for radon, didn't do everybody else's?
O que vão pensar se souberem que limpei o seu gabinete e não limpei mais nenhum?
I didn't do it. They started the whole thing.
Magoou os meu lóbulos.
Well, I'm not about to revamp the entire judicial process just because you find yourself in the unique position of defending clients who say they didn't do it.
Bem, não vou reeditar todo o processo judicial só porque o senhor encontra-se na posição única de defender clientes que dizem que não o fizeram.
I didn't think they'd really do it.
Não pensava que o fizessem.
- Right. - Of course, they didn't do it.
Mas claro que não tinham sido.
They didn't do it.
Não foram eles.
But they didn't do it, Chief Inspector.
Mas não foram eles, Inspetor Chefe.

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