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They said that translate Portuguese

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They said that the only way to get a jury to believe that I'm telling the truth is if I lie.
Dizem que só assim o júri vai acreditar em mim.
No, but they said that they wanted to talk to me again when we got back.
Não, mas disseram que queriam falar comigo novamente quando regressarmos.
- And they said that you can come back. - ( Daniel ) Mm-hmm.
- E eles disseram que tu podes regressar.
I'm sure they said that, too.
Tenho a certeza que também dizem isso.
- They said that they got in trouble. ... and they felt sorry for abbot so they headed for Luoyang last night.
- Eles disseram que se meteram em sarilhos e que sentiam muito pelo abade, então, eles foram para Luoyang ontem à noite.
They said that it was an honor, that they were special.
Diziam que era uma honra, que elas eram especiais.
Oh, no, no. They said that he had a twin sister.
Diziam que tinha uma irmã gémea.
But they said that they would release her once they verified the technology.
Mas disseram que iam libertá-la assim que verificassem a tecnologia.
Okay. The club goes to its gigs on a bus, so when I checked with the Wyoming cops, they said that a witness saw the same bus leaving the biker bar not long before the bodies were found.
O clube vai de autocarro para um concerto, então quando confirmei com a polícia de Wyoming, disseram que uma testemunha viu o mesmo autocarro sair do bar não muito tempo dos corpos serem encontrados.
Well, they said that they picked up a silver-haired man with a British accent from the airport last night.
Disseram que foram buscar um homem grisalho com um sotaque britânico ontem ao aeroporto. - Stiles.
- She comes here every day, but they said that they haven't seen her since Tuesday.
- Ela vem aqui todos os dias, mas disseram que ela não apareceu desde terça-feira.
Strong program, great people, and they said that they would waive the fees for you.
Bem programa, pessoas fixes, e vão isentá-lo das taxas.
They said that I'm never gonna be able to ride a bike again, - so there goes my job. - Sure, sure.
Disseram que nunca mais ia conseguir andar de bicicleta, por isso lá se vai o meu trabalho.
I didn't do what they said that I did.
- Eu não fiz o que dizem.
Immigrations and customs said they'd get back to me on Rosa's visa info, but who knows how long that'll take, so...
A Imigração e a Alfândega ficaram de me informar sobre o visto da Rosa, mas quem sabe o tempo que isso levará.
- They said in six hours, something called the technodrome Is coming through that portal.
Eles disseram que dentro de 6 horas qualquer coisa chamada Tecnodromo passará pelo portal.
You said that his father told you that they were on his yacht.
Espera. O pai dele confirmou que ele estava no iate.
And, Sam, that would correspond to the timeframe that mde said they were originally on the property.
E, Sam. Corresponde ao período de tempo que a MDE disse que eles estavam originalmente na propriedade.
Maybe that's what Amelia was talking about when she said, "They're dying."
A Amelia devia referir-se a isso quando disse : "Estão a morrer."
That's what they said on my planet, too.
Também foi o que eles disseram no meu planeta.
Overton said that they are gonna search the Violet Orchid, which means you should be able to get Carlyle out of Wild Nights, right?
O Overton disse que eles vão revistar o Violet Orchid, o que significa que vais conseguir tirar o Carlyle - Do Noites Selvagens, certo?
It makes sense, they said it's some genetic mutation that I inherited from my dad.
Disseram que é uma mutação genética que herdei do meu pai.
I had been living with somebody, we split up when I was thirty and then there was that five year period of sort of, like you said, dating feverishly, dating desperately, kind of, asking anybody to set you up with anybody that they know and...
e depois houve aquele período de cinco anos de tipo, como disseste, namorar fervorosamente, namorar desesperadamente, do tipo, pedir a alguém para te fazer um arranjinho com alguém conhecido...
You said when they captured you that they dragged you into a room and that there was a body in it.
Disseste que te capturaram e que te arrastaram para uma sala e que havia um corpo nessa sala.
And I looked at Israel as a country that had something together, they had just fought the 1973 war, the Yom Kippur War. And, uh, and I said, "I want a part of that."
E olha que Israel estava lutando na guerra de 1973, e disse : "Eu quero ser parte disso"
You just said that they were alone.
Acabaste de dizer que eles estavam sozinhos.
You just said all you know about these deaths is that they happened.
Acabou de dizer que a única coisa que sabia sobre estas mortes era que tinham ocorrido.
I guess they said there's no rules, so maybe I should have expected somethin'like that.
Acho que eles disseram que não havia regras, então talvez eu devesse ter prespectivado algo como isto.
The helicopter's here, and the pilot said we just gotta get her to the helicopter, and they're gonna fly her to a hospital and get her the help that she needs.
O helicóptero está aqui, e o piloto disse que só temos que a pôr no helicóptero, e eles vão evacua-la para o hospital e dar-lhe a ajuda que ela precisa.
And they all said that, at the murders, this is what they heard.
Todos disseram que nos assassínios, era isto o que eles ouviam.
All right, the lady said they were hunters and that if you didn't go save them, that she would kill them.
A senhora disse que eram caçadores e, se não os salvassem, que os matava.
They said our participation would bring our family strength, health... that we'd forever be celebrated as saviors of the community,
Disseram que a nossa participação iria trazer força à nossa família, saúde. Seriamos para sempre lembradas como as salvadoras da comunidade, mas o que queriam realmente era mais poder.
Groom's brother said that neither side of the family approves of the wedding, but they're both pretending like they do.
O irmão do noivo disse que nenhuma das famílias aprova o casamento, mas eles fingem que sim.
Our teacher said that if we buried our wishes in the ground and thought about them every night, they would become truth.
Nosso professor disse que se enterrássemos os nossos desejos e pensássemos neles todas as noites eles tornavam-se verdades.
And Notley's will said that when he died, they had to deliver this box to the Absaroka County Sheriff.
E o Notley disse que, quando ele morresse, entregassem a caixa ao Xerife do condado de Absaroka.
They said I could join them. It's not that late.
Eles disseram que podia ir ter com eles, não é assim tão tarde...
Said they knew nothing about that other fellow.
Alegaram nada saber sobre o outro senhor.
That's what they said.
Foi o que disseram.
There are 3 victims, but a witness said that they heard more than 7 gunshots.
Há três vítimas, mas uma testemunha disse que eles ouviram mais de sete tiros.
Okay, and you said that they were all part of the same church?
- Certo, e disseste que eles todos faziam parte da mesma igreja?
That's what they said about deep throat and the G-spot.
Foi isso que disseram acerca da garganta funda e do ponto G.
I mean, they said you were poisoned, but... they obviously got that part wrong.
Disseram que foste envenenada, mas é óbvio que se enganaram.
Somebody... somebody in there... they just said that... that-that Negro... is the President of the United States.
Alguém lá dentro... Disseram que aquele negro é o presidente dos Estados Unidos.
It's been said of them that they thought of France as their Promised Land, and Paris as their Jerusalem.
Foi dito sobre eles que eles pensavam em França Como sua Terra Prometida, E Paris como Jerusalém.
No, they just said it was the flu, and that he could've gotten it anywhere.
Não, só disseram que era gripe, e que podia tê-la apanhado em qualquer lado.
'Cause that's what all of her friends said when they saw your picture.
Porque foi isso que as amigas dela disseram ao ver a tua fotografia.
Luke said they brought them back so that they could break the curse.
Segundo o Luke, trouxeram-nos de volta para poderem acabar com a maldição.
They mess with you. Is that why he said we killed him? No.
- Por isso disse que o matámos?
They said that he OD'd, end of story.
Mas a polícia não vai investigar, afirma que morreu de overdose.
The assistant said that they went through her client files.
O assistente disse que viram os processos de alguns clientes.
Said they were part of history, that they belonged to the people.
Disse que eram parte da História, que pertenciam ao povo.

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